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bBlog/smarty readmore plug-in help.


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i've started using bBlog as of last night and haven't been able to get this working. i'm pretty new at all this, so a bit of help is appreciated.


i'm trying to get the 'read more' plug-in working. i've uploaded modifier.readmore.php to what i assume is the correct directory ( /bblog/bblog_plugins/.modifier.readmore.php), but seem to be missing something.


source is here http://www.koders.com/php/fidB4F9F3E8E35DCE381EBCCFD843867EB033928C89.aspx?s=%22Tim+Lucas%22#L8


docs here http://www.bblog.com/apidoc/bBlog/_bblog_bBlog_plugins_modifier_readmore_php.html


and instructions provided are here:


Help: smarty_modifier : Read More

Plugin type: smarty_modifier

Description: Chops a post short with a readmore link

Author(s): Tim Lucas <t>





Use the readmore modifier on the {$post.body} tag, to cut off text at the HTML comment <readmore> .

There are 4 parameters, post id (number), default text (string), word count (true/false) and word count text (string).


postid is the id of the post (used to create the link) - required.


default text is the default text used for the readmore link (default is "Read more") - optional.


word count is a toggle to print the word count of the cutout text - optional.


word count text allows you to localise the word count (default is "words") - optional.


You can cut sections of text by using <readmore> in conjuction with </readmore>.


Example template usage:



{$post.body|readmore:$post.postid:"Read more..."}

{$post.body|readmore:$post.postid:"Read more...":false}

{$post.body|readmore:$post.postid:"keep on reading":true:"whispers"}


Example post usage:


Cutting the post off and using the default readmore text:


My amazing story


of my amazing story... it's amaaazing


Cutting a section of text out and replacing with own text link:


My amazing story


This is my hidden story


And back to the post again.


i feel like i'm missing something really obvious; the instructions are there, but i can't figure out where to put what, how to get this working.. ect. Any help would be great.


Thanks so much.


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