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[SOLVED] Help with logic please


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I have an html form in php page that is populated from mysql db.. 2 tables





| si_cats_id  | si_cats_description    |


| 1              | Complaint              |

| 2              | Compliment            |

| 3              | Poor Appearance    |

| 4              | Great Appearance    |





| service_issue_log_id| service_issue_id | service_issue_log_desc |date


| 1                          | 2                    | Very nice place          | 2009-02-05

| 2                          | 1                    | Heater too hot            | 2009-02-05

| 3                          |4                    | Was dressed great      | 2009-02-05



I have success fully populated textarea boxes with service_issue_log.service_issue_log_desc but I need drop downs next to them with a list of all possible choices for service_issue_categories. si_cats_description but with the correct category as "selected" in the options drop down for that particular description. I can get the drop downs populated but I cant get the correct Categoery as the initial "selected" value in the drop down. Seems like this should be easy considering that I have everything else working just fine but I have spent 2 days on it and I know it just the way I have the logic of my PHP statements.


Can any of you take a look and tell me if you can spot the issue right off. I would greatly appreciate it.


<?PHP 	$selDate = ($_GET['selDate'] != '')? $_GET['selDate']:$_POST['selDate'];
	// get the service issues based on date
	$query_svcIssues = "SELECT *  from service_issue_categories , service_issue_log WHERE service_issue_log.si_date='".$selDate."' AND
	$result_svcIssues = mysql_query($query_svcIssues);

	if(mysql_num_rows($result_svcIssues) > 0) { // there are issue in db		

		while($row_svcIssues = mysql_fetch_array($result_svcIssues)){	
            <div class="field"><span class="label">Service Comments:<br /> </span><br>
            <span class="box"><input type="text" size="30" name="svcIssue_<?=$row_svcIssues['service_issue_log_id']; ?>"  value="<?=$row['heading'];?>" />
           // form the service issue drop down boxes	
		// get the service issue cateories
		$query_svcIssueCats = "SELECT *  from service_issue_categories";
		$result_svcIssueCats = mysql_query($query_svcIssueCats);
		$row_svcIssueCats = mysql_fetch_array($result_svcIssueCats);

		while ($row_svcIssueCats = mysql_fetch_array($result_svcIssueCats)) { // while there are still categories
			//if the id of the category matches the id in our event list place as the selected in option list
			if ($row_svcIssueCats['si_cats_id'] = $row_svcIssue['service_issue_id'] ){
				$isSelected = "selected";				
			} // close if

			$options.="<OPTION VALUE=\"".$tblsvcissueid."\" ".$isSelected.">".$tblsvcdescription;
			$isSelected = "";
		} // close while
		<SELECT NAME='si_category'> <OPTION VALUE=0>Choose <?=$options?> </SELECT>
            <span class="box"><textarea name="svcIssue_<?=$row_svcIssues['service_issue_log_id']; ?>" cols="50" rows="6"><?=$row_svcIssues['service_issue_log_description']; ?></textarea></span>
		} // end while........


Thanks in advance




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i can't answer now.. but you logic must sharpen more

btw.. u type


$options.="<OPTION VALUE=\"".$tblsvcissueid."\" ".$isSelected.">".$tblsvcdescription;


u should type

$options.="<OPTION VALUE=\"".$tblsvcissueid."\" ".$isSelected.">".$tblsvcdescription."</option>";


try read your source (view source on browser).. u might notice something there

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Thanks Ill make that change and see if it make a difference... thank you for the speedy reply...





--  made the change but still no selected value on the drop downs for each service issue description.


Thank you though



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Removed it... and still no selected option on the drop downs. Thanks though..


Heres the new code with both of your changes:


<?PHP    $selDate = ($_GET['selDate'] != '')? $_GET['selDate']:$_POST['selDate'];
      // get the service issues based on date
      $query_svcIssues = "SELECT *  from service_issue_categories , service_issue_log WHERE service_issue_log.si_date='".$selDate."' AND
      $result_svcIssues = mysql_query($query_svcIssues);
      if(mysql_num_rows($result_svcIssues) > 0) { // there are issue in db      
         while($row_svcIssues = mysql_fetch_array($result_svcIssues)){   
            <div class="field"><span class="label">Service Comments:<br /> </span><br>
            <span class="box"><input type="text" size="30" name="svcIssue_<?=$row_svcIssues['service_issue_log_id']; ?>"  value="<?=$row['heading'];?>" />
           // form the service issue drop down boxes   
         // get the service issue cateories
         $query_svcIssueCats = "SELECT *  from service_issue_categories";
         $result_svcIssueCats = mysql_query($query_svcIssueCats);
         while ($row_svcIssueCats = mysql_fetch_array($result_svcIssueCats)) { // while there are still categories
            //if the id of the category matches the id in our event list place as the selected in option list
            if ($row_svcIssueCats['si_cats_id'] = $row_svcIssue['service_issue_id'] ){
               $isSelected = "selected";            
            } // close if
            $options.="<OPTION VALUE=\"".$tblsvcissueid."\" ".$isSelected.">".$tblsvcdescription."</option>";
            $isSelected = "";
         } // close while
         <SELECT NAME='si_category'> <OPTION VALUE=0>Choose <?=$options?> </SELECT>
            <span class="box"><textarea name="svcIssue_<?=$row_svcIssues['service_issue_log_id']; ?>" cols="50" rows="6"><?=$row_svcIssues['service_issue_log_description']; ?></textarea></span>
         } // end while........

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I found it! 

	if ($row_svcIssueCats['si_cats_id'] = $row_svcIssues['service_issue_id '] ){
				$isSelected = "selected";


should have been


	if ($row_svcIssueCats['si_cats_id'] == $row_svcIssues['service_issue_id'] ){
				$isSelected = "selected";


Add another = and remove extra space in

$row_svcIssues['service_issue_id ']


Thanks to those who jumped on this....

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when it comes to things like "<?=$options?>" in the section "<SELECT NAME='si_category'> <OPTION VALUE=0>Choose <?=$options?> </SELECT>" shouldn't it read "<?php echo $options; ?>"


I'm not sure how much of a difference it would make, but I'd use echos instead of turning php on and off


<?PHP	$selDate = ($_GET['selDate'] != '')? $_GET['selDate']:$_POST['selDate'];

// get the service issues based on date
$query_svcIssues = "SELECT * FROM service_issue_categories, service_issue_log WHERE service_issue_log.si_date='$selDate' AND service_issue_log.service_issue_id=service_issue_categories.si_cats_id";
$result_svcIssues = mysql_query($query_svcIssues);

if(mysql_num_rows($result_svcIssues) > 0) { // there are issue in db
while($row_svcIssues = mysql_fetch_array($result_svcIssues, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
	echo '<div class="field"><span class="label">Service Comments:<br /> </span><br>';
	echo '<span class="box"><input type="text" size="30" name="svcIssue_'.$row_svcIssues['service_issue_log_id'].'"  value="'.$row['heading'].'" />';

	// form the service issue drop down boxes

	// get the service issue cateories
	$query_svcIssueCats = "SELECT *  FROM service_issue_categories";
	$result_svcIssueCats = mysql_query($query_svcIssueCats);

	while ($row_svcIssueCats = mysql_fetch_array($result_svcIssueCats, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { // while there are still categories

		//if the id of the category matches the id in our event list place as the selected in option list
		if ($row_svcIssueCats['si_cats_id'] == $row_svcIssue['service_issue_id'] ){
			$isSelected = "selected";
		} // close if

	$options.="<OPTION VALUE=\"".$tblsvcissueid."\" ".$isSelected.">".$tblsvcdescription."</option>";
	$isSelected = "";
} // close while

echo '<SELECT NAME="si_category"> <OPTION VALUE="0">Choose '.$options.' </SELECT>';
echo '<span class="box"><textarea name="svcIssue_'.$row_svcIssues['service_issue_log_id'].'" cols="50" rows="6">'.$row_svcIssues['service_issue_log_description'].'</textarea></span></div>';      
} // end if ?>

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I myself would not keep repeating the same query, over and over again. If you know the first query return results, then load service_issue_categories table into an array and create your select using that array. That would be so much better then querying for the same result set over and over again...

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HI thanks for both of your replies:


Errant_shadow, I believe <?=$options?> is an echo. if you dont have the PHP in there, I believe its considered an echo. I think I read that somewhere.


printf, they are actually two different querys, one has a WHERE in it so that Im pulling specific info based on the other table, the other  is SELECT *, just so I can get all the categories for the options list in the form. Im not sure how I could select * catgeories,  then pull only those records I need out of that array based on the Id. If you have a suggestion, Id love to hear it


Thanks for your replies

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