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Help to implement meta keywords class


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I have a class that includes functions that should return a list of meta keywords based on my input. I'm relatively new to php, but have used functions successfully. However I'm unsure how to call this class and what to pass in and how. If anyone is able to assist, that would be great. On my page, I have the description I'd like to pass in to the class functions in a variable called $description. I want to receive a list of keywords back from this class. If anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it.


# <?php
# /******************************************************************
# Projectname:   smart meta Generator
# Version:       0.1
# Author:        saeed arab sheybani
# Last modified:  2008/11/13
# Copyright (C): 2006 Ver Pangonilo, All Rights Reserved
# * GNU General Public License (Version 2, June 1991)
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute
# * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# * General Public License as published by the Free
# * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
# * or (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will
# * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
# * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# * for more details.
# Description:
# Generat meta for ´keywordsª
# this class automaticaly extrac kewords from a html pag
# by remove html tags(excepting comments)
# how do it :
# 1-  remove common words (in this class persian words you can replace english words or...)
# from list and by intelligence
# 2-remove unintelligible words same as ´tehhhfjrlª or ´*****ª
# 3-you can define priority words ; in this case if class find (priority words) in text extract its immediately
# 4- other smart options for example ignore small words when occurred so many '
# 5-  in smae conditions ;The Priority Words come from bigger words
# ******************************************************************/
# class metagen {
#     //declare variables
#     var $body;//main text-page
#     var $common= array();//must common words
#     var $bodyArr= array();//array from words in main txtx page
#     var $encoding;
#     //minimum word length for inclusion into the single word
#     //metakeys
#     var $wordLengthMin;
#     var $metakeyLengthMax;
#     var $firstCheck= array();
#     var $addFirst=array();
#     function metagen($params, $encoding)
#     {
#         //get parameters
#         $this->body =  $params['content'];
#         $this->remove_htm();
#         $this->encoding = $encoding;
#         mb_internal_encoding($encoding);
#         $this->replace_chars();
#         $this->first_check = array();
#         $this->analyze_words();
#         // single word
#         $this->wordLengthMin  = $params['min_word_length'];
#         if($params['metakeyLengthMax']<1)$params['metakeyLengthMax']=10;
#         if($params['metakeyLengthMax']>50)$params['metakeyLengthMax']=50;
#         $this->metakeyLengthMax  = $params['metakeyLengthMax'] ;
#         //common words , you can complate its
#         $this->common=array('able' , 'about'  , 'across' , 'after' , 'all' , 'almost' , 'also' , 'among' , 'and' , 'any' , 'are' , 'because' , 'been' , 'but' , 'can' , 'cannot' , 'could' , 'dear' , 'did' , 'does' , 'either' , 'else' , 'ever' , 'every' , 'for' , 'from' , 'get' , 'got' , 'had' , 'has' , 'have' , 'her' , 'hers' , 'him' , 'his' , 'how' , 'however' , 'into' , 'its' , 'just' , 'least' , 'let' , 'like' , 'likely' , 'may' , 'might' , 'most' , 'must' , 'neither' , 'nor' , 'not' , 'off' , 'often' , 'only' , 'other' , 'our' , 'own' , 'rather' , 'said' , 'say' , 'says' , 'she' , 'should' , 'since' , 'some' , 'than' , 'that' , 'the' , 'their' , 'them' , 'then' , 'there' , 'these' , 'they' , 'this' , 'tis' , 'too' , 'twas' , 'wants' , 'was' , 'were' , 'what' , 'when' , 'where' , 'which' , 'while' , 'who' , 'whom' , 'why' , 'will' , 'with' , 'would' , 'yet' , 'you' , 'your');
#     }
#     function array_except( )  {
#         $extra = $this->firstCheck;
#         // Take two one-dimensional array, step through the $this->common looking for
#         // each element of the $this->firstCheck. If any of the elements in the $this->firstCheck
#         // are available  in the $this->common, remove them.
#         if (!is_array($this->common))
#         return false;
#         $exception = (is_array($extra)) ? $extra : array($extra);
#         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($exception); $i++) {
#             if (array_search($exception[$i], $this->common)!==0){
#                 unset ($this->common[array_search($exception[$i], $this->common)]) ;
#             }
#         }
#     }
#     function generate(){
#         $h =99;//a big number
#         $this->array_except();
#         if(is_array($this->firstCheck)){
#             foreach ($this->firstCheck as $val) {
#                 if(!in_array($val, $this->addFirst) and  !in_array($val, $this->common))
#                 $this->addFirst[$val] = $h++;
#                 //              $this->common[] = $val;
#             }
#         }elseif(!empty($this->firstCheck)){
#             $this->addFirst[$this->firstCheck] = $h++;
#             //          $this->common[] = $this->firstCheck;
#         }
#     }
#     //then replace common html tags.
#     function replace_chars()
#     {
#         //convert all characters to lower case
#         $content = mb_strtolower($this->body);
#         //$content = mb_strtolower($content, "UTF-8");
#         $content = strip_tags($content);
#         $punctuations = array(',', ')', '(', '.', "'", '"',
#         '<', '>', ';', '!', '?', '/', '-',
#         '_', '[', ']', ':', '+', '=', '#',
#         '$', '"', '©', '>', '<',
#         chr(10), chr(13), chr(9));
#         $content = str_replace($punctuations, " ", $content);
#         // replace multiple gaps
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/ {2,}/si', " ", $content);
#     }
#     function reapet_character_check($str){
#         $manstr = $str;
#         $substr0 =substr($str, 0, 1);
#         $substr1 =substr($str, 1, 1);
#         $substr2 =substr($str, 2, 1);
#         while ($str = substr($str , 1)) {
#             $substr0 =substr($str, 0, 1);
#             $substr1 =substr($str, 1, 1);
#             $substr2 =substr($str, 2, 1);
#             if (isset($substr0,$substr1,$substr2) and ($substr0==$substr1 and $substr2==$substr1)) {
#                 return '';
#             }
#         }
#         return $manstr;
#     }
#     //single words META KEYWORDS
#     function analyze_words()
#     {
#         //list of commonly used words
#         // this can be edited to suit your needs
#         //remove some commomn caracters
#         $trans = array("http" => "","'" => "",":" => "","&#1548;" => "","*" => "",":" => "","ñ" => " ", '"' => "",'.'=>' ','&#1548;'=>' ',','=>' ',' &#1608; '=>' ',' &#1575;&#1586; '=>" ",'&#1610;'=>'&#1740;','&#1607;&#1575;&#1740;'=>'','&#1607;&#1575;&#1610;'=>'','&#1610;'=>'&#1740;');
#         $this->body = strtr($this->body, $trans);
#         $trans = array("  " => " ", '*' => "");
#         $this->body = strtr($this->body, $trans);
#         $this->bodyArr = split(" ", $this->body);
#         //create an array out of the site body
#     }
#     function keymetagen()
#     {
#         $this->generate();
#         $imploded = '';
#         $i = 0;
#         $wordOccuredMin = 10;//count ccured in main text page
#         $wordOccuredMin_sorted_arr =array();
#         while ($i<$this->metakeyLengthMax ) {
#             $wordOccuredMin--;
#             if(!$wordOccuredMin)break;
#             switch ($wordOccuredMin) {
#                 case 9:
#                 case 8:
#                 case 7:$baseWordLengthMin = 5 ;break;
#                 case 6:
#                 case 5:
#                 case 4:$baseWordLengthMin = 4 ; break;
#                 case 3:
#                 case 2: $baseWordLengthMin = 3 ;
#                 break;
#                 default:$baseWordLengthMin = 2 ;
#                 break;
#             }
#             if($baseWordLengthMin<$this->wordLengthMin)$baseWordLengthMin = $this->wordLengthMin;
#             $k = array();
#             //iterate inside the array
#             foreach( $this->bodyArr as $key=>$val ) {
#                 //delete single or two letter words and
#                 //Add it to the list if the word is not
#                 //contained in the common words list.
#                 $check_val = $this->reapet_character_check($val);
#                 if(!empty($check_val)){
#                     if(mb_strlen(trim($val)) >= $baseWordLengthMin  && !in_array(trim($val), $this->common)  && !is_numeric(trim($val)) && $i < $this->metakeyLengthMax) {
#                         $k[] = trim($val);
#                     }}
#             }
#             //count the words
#             $k = array_count_values($k);
#             //sort the words from
#             //highest count to the
#             //lowest.
#             $occur_filtered = $this->occure_filter($k, $wordOccuredMin);
#             if(!empty($this->addFirst)){
#                 foreach ($this->addFirst as $key_add =>$value_add) {
#                     $pos = strrpos( $this->body, $key_add);
#                     if($pos===false)
#                     $this->common[] = $key_add;
#                     else{
#                         $occur_filtered[$key_add] = $value_add;
#                         $this->common[] = $key_add;
#                     }
#                 }
#                 $this->addFirst =null;
#             }
#             arsort($occur_filtered);
#             $count_arr = count($occur_filtered);
#             $add= $this->metakeyLengthMax - $i;
#             $i += $count_arr;
#             foreach ($occur_filtered as $key_filtered =>$val_filtered) {
#                 if(!in_array(trim($key_filtered), $this->common))
#                 $this->common[] = $key_filtered;
#             }
#             if($i>=$this->metakeyLengthMax){
#                 while($wordOccuredMin_sorted = array_shift($wordOccuredMin_sorted_arr)){
#                     foreach ($occur_filtered as $occur_filtered_key => $occur_filtered_val) {
#                         if(mb_strlen(trim($occur_filtered_key)) >= $wordOccuredMin_sorted  ) {
#                             $occur_last[$occur_filtered_key] = trim($occur_filtered_val);
#                         }
#                     }
#                 }
#                 //              $occur_last = $occur_filtered;
#                 $occur_filtered = array_slice($occur_last, 0, $add);
#                 unset($occur_last);
#             }
#             if(count($occur_filtered)){
#                 $wordOccuredMin_sorted_arr[] =  $wordOccuredMin;
#                 $imploded .= $this->implode(", ", $occur_filtered);
#                 unset($occur_filtered);
#             }
#             //release unused variables
#             unset($k);
#             if($count_arr>$this->metakeyLengthMax){
#                 $i = $this->metakeyLengthMax;
#             }
#         }
#         //initialize array
#         return $imploded;
#     }
#     function remove_htm(){
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<div\b[^>]*>((?:.|\s)*?)<\/div>/i','${1}',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<script\b[^>]*>((?:.|\s)*?)<\/script>/i','',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<iframe\b[^>]*>((?:.|\s)*?)<\/iframe>/i','',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<style\b[^>]*>((?:.|\s)*?)<\/style>/i','',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<form\b[^>]*>((?:.|\s)*?)<\/form>/i','',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<img\b[^>]*>/i','',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<b\b[^>]*>((?:.|\s)*?)<\/b>/i','${1}',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<strong\b[^>]*>((?:.|\s)*?)<\/strong>/i','${1}',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<h1\b[^>]*>((?:.|\s)*?)<\/h1>/i','${1}',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<h2\b[^>]*>((?:.|\s)*?)<\/h2>/i','${1}',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<h3\b[^>]*>((?:.|\s)*?)<\/h3>/i','${1}',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<h4\b[^>]*>((?:.|\s)*?)<\/h4>/i','${1}',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<font\b[^>]*>((?:.|\s)*?)<\/font>/i','${1}',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<span\b[^>]*>((?:.|\s)*?)<\/span>/i','${1}',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<table\b[^>]*>((?:.|\s)*?)<\/table>/i','${1}',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<legend\b[^>]*>((?:.|\s)*?)<\/legend>/i','${1}',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<tbody\b[^>]*>((?:.|\s)*?)<\/tbody>/i','${1}',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<tr\b[^>]*>((?:.|\s)*?)<\/tr>/i','${1}',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<td\b[^>]*>((?:.|\s)*?)<\/td>/i','${1}',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<th\b[^>]*>((?:.|\s)*?)<\/th>/i','${1}',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<center\b[^>]*>((?:.|\s)*?)<\/center>/i','${1}',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<frameset\b[^>]*>((?:.|\s)*?)<\/frameset>/i','${1}',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<br\b[^>]*>/i',' ',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<center\b[^>]*>/i','',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/<hr\b[^>]*>/i','',$this->body );#exclude script or script tags
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/[\r\n\t\s]+/s', ' ', $this->body);#new lines, multiple spaces/tabs/newlines
#         $this->body = preg_replace('#/\*.*?\*/#', '', $this->body);#comments
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/[\s]*([\{\},;:])[\s]*/', '\1', $this->body);#spaces before and after marks
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/^\s+/', '', $this->body);#spaces on the begining
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/([A-Z*!@*#%&_]?[0-9]+[A-Z]?)\b/i', '', $this->body);#latin and numeric
#         $this->body = preg_replace('/(http:\/\/www\.)+(([0-9a-z]{1}[0-9a-z-]*)\.+)*([0-9a-z]{1}[0-9a-z-]{0,56})+([a-z]{2,6}|[a-z]{2}.[a-z]{2,6})+(\/)?(([0-9a-z-~`!@#$%&^_+=_\.\?])+(\/)?)*/i', '', $this->body);#spaces on the
#     }
#     function occure_filter($array_count_values, $min_occur)
#     {
#         $occur_filtered = array();
#         foreach ($array_count_values as $word => $occured) {
#             if ($occured >= $min_occur) {
#                 $occur_filtered[$word] = $occured;
#             }
#         }
#         return $occur_filtered;
#     }
#     function implode($gule, $array)
#     {
#         $c = "";
#         foreach($array as $key=>$val) {
#             @$c .= $key.$gule;
#         }
#         return $c;
#     }
# }
# ?>

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