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I need help with this php script....

I got it all up and running and it seems to be pretty solid...


All the functions and features seem to work just fine,

EXCEPT.....it wont let any user LOGOUT.  Instead it displays the "You are already logged in" page at any logout attempt...


Not being a programming guy,  just a tinkerer....I need a hand figuring the problem here.....


Here's a sample:





the menu sends all login/logout traffic to this page...





// Project: Help Desk support system

// Description: User log in page


// Copyright 2005 http://simplehelpdesk.com  Do not resell or redistribute.. This is free copyrighted software.

$page_title = "Log in";


require_once "includes/auth.php";

require_once "includes/db.php";

require_once "includes/funcs.php";

require_once "includes/tpl.php";


// User authentication

if($hduser['logged_in'] && empty($HTTP_GET_VARS))


// If user logged in, show message & redirect to index

die(dialog("You are already logged in.",

$page_title, "Index", "index.php", true, true));




// User logs out ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


if($_GET['action'] == "logout")



// Check if user logged in, if not show error




die(dialog("You are not logged in.", $page_title, "Index", "index.php", true, true));




setcookie("hd_userdata", "", time()-36000);

die(dialog("You are now logged out.", $page_title, "Log In", "login.php", true, true));




# Lost password: Show form ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


elseif($_GET['action'] == "lostpassword" && empty($_POST) && empty($_GET['key']))


$page_title = "Lost password";


$tpl_lost = new tpl("tpl/lost_password.tpl");


// Delete, "wrong info" row

fragment_delete("info_error", $tpl_lost->template);


echo build_page(content_box($tpl_lost->template, $page_title), $page_title);



# Lost password: Check validity and mail instructions ---------------------------------------------------------------


elseif($_GET['action'] == "lostpassword" && isset($_POST['btn_submit']))


$page_title = "Lost password";


$user_name = $_POST['user_name'];

$user_email = $_POST['user_email'];


$r_user = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $TABLE_USERS WHERE user_name='$user_name' AND user_email='$user_email' LIMIT 1") or

error("Cannot check user info validity.");


// If user does not exist, show error

if(mysql_num_rows($r_user) < 1)


$tpl_lost = new tpl("tpl/lost_password.tpl");


die(build_page(content_box($tpl_lost->template, $page_title)));



$db_user = mysql_fetch_object($r_user);



// Build and send mail to user


$key = md5($db_user->first_name . $db_user->last_name . $db_user->user_name . $db_user->user_password);

$url_changepass = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?action=lostpassword&id=$db_user->user_id&key=$key";


$tpl_mail = new tpl("tpl/mail_lostpassword.tpl");


$tpl_mail_tags = array( "user_name" => $db_user->user_name,

"url_changepass" => $url_changepass );



user_mail($db_user->user_id, $tpl_mail->parsed, "Password changing instructions");


dialog("Your instructions have been mailed. Please check your mail account in a while.", $page_title, "Log In", "login.php");



// Lost password: Check new password and update db


//elseif(isset($_POST['btn_changepass']) && !empty($_GET['key']) && !empty($_GET['id']))





// Lost password: Show new password form ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


elseif($_GET['action'] == "lostpassword" && !empty($_GET['id']) && !empty($_GET['key']))


$page_title = "Change password";


$user_id = intval($_GET['id']);

$key = $_GET['key'];


// Get user info

$r_user = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $TABLE_USERS WHERE user_id=$user_id") or

error("Cannot get user info.");

$db_user = mysql_fetch_object($r_user);


// Build user key and check for validity

$user_key = md5($db_user->first_name . $db_user->last_name . $db_user->user_name . $db_user->user_password);

if($user_key != $key)

dialog("Wrong user key.", $page_title, "Log In", "login.php");


// If user typed new pass



$user_pass = $_POST['user_pass'];

$user_pass2 = $_POST['user_pass2'];


// Check password length

if(strlen($user_pass) < 3 || strlen($user_pass) > 25)


$error = "Your password length must be between 3 and 25 characters.";




// Check if password and retyped password match

if($user_pass != $user_pass2)

$error = "Passwords do not match.";





$tpl_changepass = new tpl("tpl/lost_password_new.tpl");


$tpl_changepass_tags = array("pass_error" => $error);




die(build_page(content_box($tpl_changepass->parsed, $page_title), $page_title));



$new_pass = md5($user_pass);


// Update db

mysql_query("UPDATE $TABLE_USERS SET user_password='$new_pass' WHERE user_id=$user_id") or

error("Cannot change user password.");


dialog("Your password has been changed successfully.", $page_title, "Log In", "login.php");


// Show form

$tpl_changepass = new tpl("tpl/lost_password_new.tpl");


fragment_delete("pass_error", $tpl_changepass->template);


die(build_page(content_box($tpl_changepass->template, $page_title), $page_title));



// User submitted the login form, set the cookie and proceed to index -----------------------------------------------




$user_name = $_POST['user_name'];

$user_password = md5($_POST['user_password']);



// Check if username and password are correct

$r_user = mysql_query("SELECT user_id, user_password FROM $TABLE_USERS WHERE user_name='$user_name' AND user_password='$user_password'") or

error("Cannot verify user info.");


// if user info is correct, set cookie



$cookie_expire = ($_POST['chk_autologin']) ? (time() + 60*60*24*30) : (0);


$db_user = mysql_fetch_object($r_user);


$user['user_id'] = $db_user->user_id;

$user['auth'] = $db_user->user_password;


setcookie("hd_userdata", serialize($user), $cookie_expire);


// Redirect user to index

header("Location: index.php");




// Show wrong password or username page

$tpl_login = new tpl("tpl/login.tpl");


echo build_page(content_box($tpl_login->template, $page_title));





// Check if user logged in. If not show log in form else redirect to index-------------------------------------------


// Copyright 2005 http://simplehelpdesk.com  Do not resell or redistribute.. This is free copyrighted software.





header("Location: index.php");





$tpl_login = new tpl("tpl/login.tpl");


// Delete the login error message

fragment_delete("login_error", $tpl_login->template);


echo build_page(content_box($tpl_login->template, $page_title), $page_title);



// Copyright 2005 http://simplehelpdesk.com  Do not resell or redistribute.. This is free copyrighted software.





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First things, put your code in either code or php tags.


Second, I wouldn't check their status like this


if($hduser['logged_in'] && empty($HTTP_GET_VARS))


For one, HTTP_GET_VARS is depreciated.  Second, I think it's just a poor validation.


Check your if($_GET['action'] == "logout") up higher in your logic.

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