kenwvs Posted July 13, 2006 Share Posted July 13, 2006 I have the validation script to the point of not generating errors, but when I try it out, it only validates on field (there are 16). For some reason it is validating the 3rd field which is called item_category. This field is a drop down box, and the two fields before it are text boxes. I have included the code up to and including the 3rd field. (to save room) [code]<?php/* validation.php */require_once ('functions.php');$valid = TRUE;if (isset ($_POST['Submit'])) { foreach($_POST as $key=>$value) { $$key = $value; } $valid = $user = LettersAndDigits($id); $title = Variable($item_title); $valid = $valid && $title; $category = ItemCategory($item_category); $valid = $valid && $category; $type = Variable($item_type); $valid = $valid && $type; $quantity = isDigits($quantity_available); $valid = $valid && $quantity; $price = Dollars($starting_bid); $valid = $valid && $price; $increment = BidIncrement($bid_increment); $valid = $valid && $increment; $reserve = ReservePrice($reserve_price); $valid = $valid && $reserve; $length = isDigits($duration); $valid = $valid && $length; $time = isDigits($end_time); $valid =$valid && $time; $relist = isLetters($auto_relist); $valid = $valid && $relist; $ct = Variable($city); $valid = $valid && $ct; $prov = Variable($state); $valid = $valid && $prov; $cntry = Variable($country); $valid = $valid && $cntry; $desc = Variable($item_description); $valid = $valid && $desc; $pay = EmailorEmpty($paypal_id); $valid = $valid && $pay; $hit = Variable($hit_counter); $valid = $valid && $hit; if ($valid) { echo "Form filled successfully!"; exit; }} else { $user = $title = $category = $type = $quantity = $price = $increment = $reserve = $length =$time = $relist = $ct = $prov = $cntry = $desc = $pay = $hit = TRUE; $id = $item_title = $item_category = $item_type = $quantity_available = $starting_bid = $bid_increment = $reserve_price = $duration = $end_time = $auto_relist = $city = $state = $country = $item_description = $paypal_id = $hit_counter = '';}?><body bgcolor="#F5F3F5"><p align="center"><b><font face="Arial" size="3" color="#0000FF">Quick Lister</font></b></p><p align="center"><b><font face="Arial" color="#FF0000">For Sale 4 U - Canada'sOnline Auction</font></b></p><p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="2"><b>Please note: </b>You maynot use characters such as $, #, ", &, *,/, etc. It is best to use normaltext and numerical characters only. <?phpif (!$valid) {?><style type="text/css">td.error {color:C03; font-weight:bold; }</style>Please correct the items in red and resubmit.<br /><br /><?php}?><form method="POST" action="uploadformcomplete.php"><HR><tr> <td> <font size="2"<?php if(!$user) echo 'class="error"'; ?>> User ID: </td></font> <td> <font size="2"> <font face="Arial"><input type="text" name="id" size="12" value="<?= $id ?>" </td></font> <td> <font size="2">You must use the <B>same User ID</B> for all items you are uploading during this session.</font> <font size="2">(It does not have to be your regular username.) </td><BR><P> </font></tr><tr> <td><font face="Arial"><font size="2"<?php if(!$title) echo 'class="error"'; ?>> Item Title: </td></font> <td><font size="2"> <input type="text" name="item_title" size="60" value="<?= $item_title ?>" </td></font> <td> <font size="2"<?php if(!$category) echo 'class="error"'; ?>> Item Category: </td></font> <td> <select size="1" name="item_category" value="<?= $item_category ?>"> <option value="000">Please Select Category</option> <option value="150">Antiques</option> <option value="18">Automobiles - Cars</option> <option value="75">Home and Garden - Lawnmowers</option> <option value="76">Home and Garden - Rototillers</option>[/code]Thanks for the helpKen Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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