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displaying profile images ???


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ok in the last site i had this sussed how ever for some reason this one is being gay....

im using the following code



// Retrieve data from database 
$sql="SELECT * FROM User_infoT WHERE Username='$username'";

// Start looping rows in mysql database.
<tr><td class="profile_spacer"></td><td class="profilepicture"><? echo "<img src='Profile_pics/". $rows['Profile_picture'] . "' style='width:100px; height:100px;' />";?></td></tr>


obviously i have closed the loop further own but can anyone see any reason why this wouldnt work? it loads the blanc sqaure but no picture loads?

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<tr><td class="proinfo">Web designing, getting high & dressing up as a hot dog.</td></tr>
<tr><td class="proinfo_h">Makes me happy</td></tr>
<tr><td class="proinfo">Smoking bongs & generally when im high</td></tr>

<tr><td class="proinfo_h">Makes me sad</td></tr>
<tr><td class="proinfo">People being cocks on this site</td></tr>
<tr><td class="proinfo_h">Bad Habits</td></tr>
<tr><td class="proinfo">Sitting up smoking all night & sleeping all day</td></tr>

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<tr><td class="proinfo">Half Baked, pineapple express</td></tr>
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		<td class="profileinfo">Location :</td>
		<td class="profileinfo_h">Manchester, UK</td>
		<td class="profileinfo">Favourite smoking method :</td>
		<td class="profileinfo_h">Buckets, Lungs & Bongs</td>

		<td class="profileinfo" style="width: 200px" valign="top">Favourite Quote :</td>
		<td class="profileinfo_quote">" I like a blunt or a big fat cone, but this double barrelled bong is getting me stoned !"</td>

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<tr><td class="about">Peace! Hope your enjoying the site as much as I have enjoyed making it for you. I have successfully built all of us stoners a giant online mansion to chill in.
<br />
<br />
"Which means that I am the only resident around here who is allowed to kick ass."

<br />
<br />
Ok a little about me. I've smoked the sweet sweet Mary Jane for about 8 years now, there's nothing better than smoking joint after joint until it is coming out of your ears. I love to smoke myself into a state of numbness, I can be a cock, sometimes I have an attitude but most of the time im a sound guy. Im originally from Northern Ireland, and I moved to Manchester 4 years ago to go to university and obviously because the weed in Manchester is a lot better and I've been numbing myself ever since.
<br />
<br />
This is when i realised that there is no cool sites online where stoners can chat shit & chill so along came the idea to build. weloveweed.</td></tr>
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<table class="profileaboutme">
<tr><td class="about">I first fell in love with Mary Jane back in the year 2000 when I was 15 & feeling rebellious against the world. To my surprise weed seemed to straighten me out, make me chill out and not have a fucking care in the world.
<br />
<br />
Now im just a part time smoker only on evenings and weekends, but back in the day I was definitely positively a full time smoker especially when I started university. The second I landed in Manchester smoking weed has been the only exercise my lungs have seen in 5 years.</td></tr>

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					<td class="blogdate" style="width: 503px">Post made:</td>
					<td class="blogdate">2009-02-14</td>

					<td class="blogsubject">High timeeeeeeeeeeeeee</td>
					<td class="about" colspan="2"><br /><br />Great news, I've nearly got our new home finished, the end is in sight. I hope everyone is excited to see what i have done to the place. I know you will be as there all your suggestions put into a mansion. There are still a few kinks that i need to iron out so please bare with me and don't complain as i will be able to find all the errors myself.
<br />
<br />
Im so excited so I've made a nice big fat blunt to celebrate whop <3  Enjoy !!</td>


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