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insert IP when download a file


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I want to log the IP and the filename of every person who downloads something off my server. I want to log when i click the filename link to the file. To do that, i would have to use postvariables correct? Ive been looking into using a form with no submit button, but i have had no luck. This is something i would like to accomplish sooner rather than later, so a speedy response would be greatly appreciated. Here is the page...



header('Location: index.php');

#connects to localhost with a username of root and a password of gooder
  mysql_connect("server", "user", "pass");
@mysql_select_db(db) or die("Unable to connect to database."); 
      if (isset($_GET["id"]))
#sends the information about the file, filename, size, type, and where from of the file that is downloable
            $query="select filename, type, size, content from home where id = '$id'";
            list($filename, $type, $size, $content)=mysql_fetch_array($result);
            header("Content-length: $size");
            header("Content-type: $type");
            header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename");
            echo $content;
      if (isset($_POST['delete']))
	if (isset($_POST['del']))
		$dele = $_POST['del'];
		foreach ($dele as $value )
			$del = "DELETE FROM home WHERE id = $value";
			$de = mysql_query($del);
		$deleted= "Entry Deleted";
		echo "No data selected.";

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">

  <title>[CKK]TJ Home</title>

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/screen.css" media="screen, print" />



  <div id="header">

    <div id="menu">

        <li><a href="index.php" title="Home" class="active">Home</a></li>
	<li><a href="<?php echo "abyss.php" ?>" title="Downloads">Downloads</a></li>
        <li><a href="school.php" title="School">School</a></li>
        <li><a href="upload.php" title="upload" style="width: 8.7em;">Upload</a></li>
        <li><a href="logout.php" title="Logout" style="width: 7em;">Logout</a></li>

      <div id="title">
        <h1>[CKK]<?php echo $_SESSION['user'] ?></h1>



  <div id="content">

    <div id="text">


      <p >
#And if else statement that will be creating a table to display what is available
		$query="select id, uploader, filename, type, size from home ORDER BY id DESC";
		if (mysql_num_rows($result)==0)
			echo "Database is Empty<br />";
			<form method="post">

			<table width= "1" "cellpadding= "0px" border="2" style= "text-align: center; margin: 0 auto;">

#A while is created if there are items in the database to display information about the file that is downloadable
				while (list($id, $uploader, $filename, $type, $size)=mysql_fetch_array($result))
							<?php echo $uploader;?>
							<form name= "downloadme" method ="post" action="abyss.php?id=<?php echo $id;?>">
								<td><?php echo $filename;?></td> 
								<input type="hidden" name="downloadip" />

						<td> <input type="checkbox" name="del[]" value="<?php echo $id ?>"> </td>



					<span style= "text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; display: block; width: 250px;">
					<a href= "more.php" style= "font-size: 12;"> More </a> <br /><br /><br />
				<input type="submit" name="delete" value="Delete" style= "width: 100px;"/>
				echo $deleted;


	     <span style= "text-align: center;">  


    <div id="image"><img src="images/plants.jpg" alt="plants"/></div>

    <div id="sideBar">


      <div id="comments">

          "You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you."
          <span class="author">Eric Hoffer</span>
        <img src="images/comment_bg.gif" alt="comment bottom"/>

      "The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding go out to meet it."
      <span class="author">Thucydides</span>
        <img src="images/comment_bg.gif" alt="comment bottom"/>

          "Anything I've ever done that ultimately was worthwhile... initially scared me to death."
          <span class="author">Betty Bender</span>
        <img src="images/comment_bg.gif" alt="comment bottom"/>



			<form method = "POST">
        <input type="text" name= "user" value="<?php echo $valueuser ?>" onfocus=" value=''"/>
        <input type="password" value="Password" name= "password" onfocus=" value=''"/>
        <input type="submit" value="Login" class="button" name= "submit"/> 


	        <h1><span>Logged in as <?php echo $_SESSION['user']; ?> </span></h1>
echo $welcome;
#echo $loggedin;
echo $fail_login;
echo $fields;
echo $administrator;


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I planned on recording it then, my problem is that i only wanted to log the people who download, I wanted to insert the IP along with the Filename on the abyss.php page, but that would require a form right? i really dont wanna make a checkbox type download page.

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