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[SOLVED] Add watermark to image script works on localhost but not on web server.


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I found a nifty script for adding a watermark to an image. It works great on my localhost. But I just get a broken image icon when running on my webserver.


I've checked the phpinfo and GD is enabled. I can't think why it won't work. Does anybody have any ideas?


# include our watermerking class
include 'api.watermark.php';
$watermark			= new watermark();

# create image objects using our user-specified images
# NOTE: we're just going to assume we're dealing with a JPG and a PNG here - for example purposes
$main_img_obj				= imagecreatefromjpeg(	$_GET['main']			);
$watermark_img_obj	= imagecreatefrompng(	$_GET['watermark']	);

# create our watermarked image - set 66% alpha transparency for our watermark
$return_img_obj			= $watermark->create_watermark( $main_img_obj, $watermark_img_obj, 66 );

# display our watermarked image - first telling the browser that it's a JPEG, 
# and that it should be displayed inline
header( 'Content-Type: image/jpeg' );
header( 'Content-Disposition: inline; filename=' . $_GET['src'] );
imagejpeg( $return_img_obj, '', 50 );


class watermark{

# given two images, return a blended watermarked image
function create_watermark( $main_img_obj, $watermark_img_obj, $alpha_level = 100 ) {
	$alpha_level	/= 100;	# convert 0-100 (%) alpha to decimal

	# calculate our images dimensions
	$main_img_obj_w	= imagesx( $main_img_obj );
	$main_img_obj_h	= imagesy( $main_img_obj );
	$watermark_img_obj_w	= imagesx( $watermark_img_obj );
	$watermark_img_obj_h	= imagesy( $watermark_img_obj );

	# determine center position coordinates
	$main_img_obj_min_x	= floor( ( $main_img_obj_w / 2 ) - ( $watermark_img_obj_w / 2 ) );
	$main_img_obj_max_x	= ceil( ( $main_img_obj_w / 2 ) + ( $watermark_img_obj_w / 2 ) );
	$main_img_obj_min_y	= floor( ( $main_img_obj_h / 2 ) - ( $watermark_img_obj_h / 2 ) );
	$main_img_obj_max_y	= ceil( ( $main_img_obj_h / 2 ) + ( $watermark_img_obj_h / 2 ) ); 

	# create new image to hold merged changes
	$return_img	= imagecreatetruecolor( $main_img_obj_w, $main_img_obj_h );

	# walk through main image
	for( $y = 0; $y < $main_img_obj_h; $y++ ) {
		for( $x = 0; $x < $main_img_obj_w; $x++ ) {
			$return_color	= NULL;

			# determine the correct pixel location within our watermark
			$watermark_x	= $x - $main_img_obj_min_x;
			$watermark_y	= $y - $main_img_obj_min_y;

			# fetch color information for both of our images
			$main_rgb = imagecolorsforindex( $main_img_obj, imagecolorat( $main_img_obj, $x, $y ) );

			# if our watermark has a non-transparent value at this pixel intersection
			# and we're still within the bounds of the watermark image
			if (	$watermark_x >= 0 && $watermark_x < $watermark_img_obj_w &&
						$watermark_y >= 0 && $watermark_y < $watermark_img_obj_h ) {
				$watermark_rbg = imagecolorsforindex( $watermark_img_obj, imagecolorat( $watermark_img_obj, $watermark_x, $watermark_y ) );

				# using image alpha, and user specified alpha, calculate average
				$watermark_alpha	= round( ( ( 127 - $watermark_rbg['alpha'] ) / 127 ), 2 );
				$watermark_alpha	= $watermark_alpha * $alpha_level;

				# calculate the color 'average' between the two - taking into account the specified alpha level
				$avg_red		= $this->_get_ave_color( $main_rgb['red'],		$watermark_rbg['red'],		$watermark_alpha );
				$avg_green	= $this->_get_ave_color( $main_rgb['green'],	$watermark_rbg['green'],	$watermark_alpha );
				$avg_blue		= $this->_get_ave_color( $main_rgb['blue'],	$watermark_rbg['blue'],		$watermark_alpha );

				# calculate a color index value using the average RGB values we've determined
				$return_color	= $this->_get_image_color( $return_img, $avg_red, $avg_green, $avg_blue );

			# if we're not dealing with an average color here, then let's just copy over the main color
			} else {
				$return_color	= imagecolorat( $main_img_obj, $x, $y );

			} # END if watermark

			# draw the appropriate color onto the return image
			imagesetpixel( $return_img, $x, $y, $return_color );

		} # END for each X pixel
	} # END for each Y pixel

	# return the resulting, watermarked image for display
	return $return_img;

} # END create_watermark()

# average two colors given an alpha
function _get_ave_color( $color_a, $color_b, $alpha_level ) {
	return round( ( ( $color_a * ( 1 - $alpha_level ) ) + ( $color_b	* $alpha_level ) ) );
} # END _get_ave_color()

# return closest pallette-color match for RGB values
function _get_image_color($im, $r, $g, $b) {
	$c=imagecolorexact($im, $r, $g, $b);
	if ($c!=-1) return $c;
	$c=imagecolorallocate($im, $r, $g, $b);
	if ($c!=-1) return $c;
	return imagecolorclosest($im, $r, $g, $b);
} # EBD _get_image_color()

} # END watermark API


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Add the following two lines immediately after the opening <?php tag in the first piece of code -


ini_set ("display_errors", "1");


Comment out the two header lines -


//   header( 'Content-Type: image/jpeg' );
//   header( 'Content-Disposition: inline; filename=' . $_GET['src'] );


and see if there are any php generated errors. You might need to do a "view source" in your browser to see any errors.

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I changed the code as you instructed. There were no errors. But instead of getting a broken image icon. I got a screen full of gibberish.


ÿØÿàJFIFÿþ;CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 50 ÿÛC (1#%(:3=<9387@H\N@DWE78PmQW_bghg>Mqypdx\egcÿÛC//cB8BccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccÿÀÂ"ÿÄ ÿĵ}!1AQa"q2‘¡#B±ÁRÑð$3br‚


etc etc.


Any ideas>?

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