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Hello there,


I am making a little script and i need your help because im not very good at regex and these sorts of things.


I have the following code:

function process_bbcode($text)
$string = $text;
$bb_replace = array ('/(\[[bb]\])(.+)(\[\/[bb]\])/','/(\[[ii]\])(.+)(\[\/[ii]\])/','/(\[[uu]\])(.+)(\[\/[uu]\])/','/(\[url=)(.+)(\])(.+)(\[\/url\])/');
$bb_replacements = array ('<b>\\2</b>','<i>\\2</i>','<u>\\2</u>','<a href="\\2">Link</a>');
//$bb_replacements = array ('<b>\\2</b>','<a href="\\2">\\4</a>');
$string = preg_replace($bb_replace, $bb_replacements, $string);
return $string;

echo process_bbcode("This is [u][i][b]cool[/b][/i][/u] - [url=http://www.google.com].[/url] [img=4567436]");


This script works perfect for underlining, bold, italics and links. The problem is that i want to be able to pass the code that the user enters between IMG tags to another function.


So when a user types:



I want my script to extract "4567436" and send it off to another function:



Is there anyway that i can do this?

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The problem is that i want to be able to pass the code that the user enters between IMG tags to another function.


One example to your solution could be:


function imageText($text){
    echo 'I am ' . $text . ', the text between the bbc [img]http://tags.' . "<br />\n";

function process_bbcode($text)
$string = $text;
$bb_replace = array ('#\[b\](.+?)\[/b\]#i','#\[i\](.+?)\[/i\]#i','#\[u\](.+?)\[/u\]#i','#\[url=http://([^]]+)\].+?\[/url\]#si');
$bb_replacements = array ('<b>$1</b>','<i>$1</i>','<u>$1</u>','<a href="$1">Link</a>');
$string = preg_replace($bb_replace, $bb_replacements, $string);

if( preg_match('#\[img\]([^]]+)\[/img\]#i', $string, $match) ){

return $string;

echo process_bbcode("This is [u][i][b]cool[/b][/i][/u] - [url=http://www.google.com]google[/url] [img=4567436]");



I am 4567436, the text between the bbc [img] tags.
This is cool - Link [img=4567436]


Note.. in your initial regex, you had captures that weren't necessary, so I made some changes there.... I also added the i and s modifiers.. i is case insensitive,  and s if for the dot match all to include newlines (if the situation calls for it).

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Thanks a lot but, if there are two image tags then it only parses one of them.


function imageText($text){
    echo 'PIC:'.$text;

function process_bbcode($text)
$string = $text;
//$bb_replace = array ('#\[b\](.+?)\[/b\]#i','#\[i\](.+?)\[/i\]#i','#\[u\](.+?)\[/u\]#i','#\[url=http://([^]]+)\].+?\[/url\]#si');
$bb_replace = array ('#\[b\](.+?)\[/b\]#i','#\[i\](.+?)\[/i\]#i','#\[u\](.+?)\[/u\]#i','#\[url=([^]]+)\].+?\[/url\]#si');
$bb_replacements = array ('<b>$1</b>','<i>$1</i>','<u>$1</u>','<a href="$1">Link</a>');
$string = preg_replace($bb_replace, $bb_replacements, $string);

if( preg_match('#\[img\]([^]]+)\[/img\]#i', $string, $match) ){

return $string;

echo process_bbcode("This is [u][i][b]cool[/b][/i][/u] - [url=http://www.google.com]google[/url] [img=4567436] [img=4567436897]");



PIC:4567436This is cool - Link [img=4567436] [img=4567436897]

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Thanks a lot but, if there are two image tags then it only parses one of them.


change the if statement to:

if( preg_match_all('#\[img\]([^]]+)\[/img\]#i', $string, $match) ){


and change the function imageText to:

function imageText($text){
    foreach($text as $val){
        echo 'PIC:'.$val;

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I would suggest having a look at other posts dealing with bbcode and regex (remember, forum search is your friend). If you are also interested in learning regex, you can have a look at our resources page, as well as this regex tutorial.


EDIT - Oops.. that first link doesn't seem to work.. basically, type in 'regex bbcode' in the forum search field at the top (without the single quotes.. just a space between both words). This will give you additional info on parsing bbcode.

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