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Sorry for asking this, when I run it, the output is "5".

But how is that possible? It seems like horrible code...then again I am still learning OO myself..

Could someone please explain to me how this code even works?




     $global_obj = null;
       class my_class
              var $value;
                 function my_class()
                 global $global_obj;
                 $global_obj = &$this;


$a = new my_class;
$a->my_value = 5;

$global_obj->my_value = 10;
echo $a->my_value;




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The class you are using does nothing else then give the value you give


here you are starting the class $a = new my_class;

Here your giving him a value to play with $a->my_value = 5; (return teh same value

This row does nothing $global_obj->my_value = 10;

this row echos the value you gave to the class echo $a->my_value;



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The class you are using does nothing else then give the value you give


here you are starting the class $a = new my_class;

Here your giving him a value to play with $a->my_value = 5; (return teh same value

This row does nothing $global_obj->my_value = 10;

this row echos the value you gave to the class echo $a->my_value;




Thanks 2 questions..


1) Should PHP output some kind of warning or error for this?

$global_obj->my_value = 10;


I mean, the "$global_obj->" doesn't even exist, yet alone allow you to set it a value to 10.



2) $a->my_value = 5


The class "my_class" has no property called "my_value", so I thought it should output an error?

I thought properties had to be declared in classes before you can use them, let alone try to

set a value?


Is PHP implicitly creating the "my_value" for you in the "my_class" class?




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1) it does but this is not a critical error so the script continues

to see the error put this on top of your page



2) Yes but you are giving him a value $a->my_value = 5; so what ever you do, it's always gona assume $a->my_value is equal to 5

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1) it does but this is not a critical error so the script continues

to see the error put this on top of your page



2) Yes but you are giving him a value $a->my_value = 5; so what ever you do, it's always gona assume $a->my_value is equal to 5


Ok thanks, I tried adding: error_reporting(E_ALL);

And I ran it but it didn't output any error....I am using PHP 5.2.8 if that helps? Anyways, doesn't really matter I was just curious...


Ok so now I understand, even if a property doesn't exist in a class, if I make it up on the fly:


$a->whatever = 10

$a->something = "hello"


Then PHP will make it part of the "$a" object right?



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Yeah try outputing the result to check it out


echo '<pre>';


echo '</pre>';


Yes you're right, I just ran it and it added values on the fly to the object.


You know, the past 2 weeks, I've read about 3-4 books on OOP and none of them taught me about this little




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