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[SOLVED] Applying form confirmation message - my way is a screw up!


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Okay, still taking baby steps with PHP, this forum has been an enormous help and resource and I wanna thank everyone!  ;D


Now, I have created a form, the problem is I cannot get the confirmation message to appear after the user has submitted the form.


This is the problem:


When I put the PHP code and the validation message in a separate PHP page it works perfectly, the problem with this method is I do-not know how to add the validation when the form script is in a separate page.


But when I add the script and the XHTML code on the same page, I can add the validation but the confirmation message appears when the form loads in the browser with the form - before the user has even submitted it.


How can I add confirmation message to this form after the user has submitted it?


Complete code without confirmation page.


Any help or ideas will be appreciated.


$post = array("firstName" => "","lastName" => "","Email" => "","phoneNumber" => "","comments" => "");
$errors = $post;
if (isset($_POST["send"]))
  foreach ($post as $k => $v)
  $post[$k] = stripslashes($_POST[$k]);

  if (empty($post["firstName"]))
    $errors["firstName"] = "**Required!";

  if (empty($post["last"]))
    $errors["lastName"] = "**Required!";

  if (empty($post["email"]))
    $errors["Email"] = "**Required!";
    if (!preg_match('/[^@]+@[^.]+(\.[^.]+)+/', $post["Email"]))
      $errors["Email"] = "Invalid Email!";

  if (empty($post["phoneNumber"]))
    $errors["phoneNumber"] = "**Required!";
    if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$/', $post["phoneNumber"]))
      $errors["phoneNumber"] = "**Invalid!";
  if (empty($post["comments"]))
  $errors["comments"] = "**Required!";

  $error = false;
  foreach($errors as $k => $v)
    if ($errors[$k] != "")
  $error = true;

  if (!$error)
    $address = "test@test.com";
    $subject = "New Form Details Entered!";

    $message = "You have recieved new information via your website form. The details entered are as follows:<br><br>";
    $message .= "<b>First Name:</b> ".$post['first']."<br>";
    $message .= "<b>Last Name:</b> ".$post['last']."<br>";
    $message .= "<b>Email:</b> ".$post['email']."<br>";
    $message .= "<b>Phone Number:</b> ".$post['phone']."<br>";
    $message .= "<b>DOB:</b> ".$post['month']." ".$post['day']." ".$post['year']."<br><br>";
    $message .= "<b>Like Colors:</b> ".$post['love']."<br>";
    $message .= "<b>Favorite Colors:</b> ".$post['favorite']."<br><br>";
    $message .= "<b>Favorite Genre:</b> ".$post['genre']."<br><br>";
    $message .= "<b>Comments/Message:</b> ".$post['comments']."<br>";

    $headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
    $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
  $headers .= 'From: '.$post['firstName']." ".$post['lastName'].'<test@test.com>' . "\r\n";
    mail($address, $subject, $message, $headers);



This the confirmation I tried to add but it's not working and appears in the browser when the page loads.


$confirmation = "Thanks <span class=\"sendersName\">$firstName</span> for your message, we will contact within 24 hours.";
<div class="confirmation_message">
<?php echo $confirmation; ?>



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put the confirmation message in a if block


if (isset($_POST["send"]))
$confirmation = "Thanks <span class=\"sendersName\">$firstName</span> for your message, we will contact within 24 hours.";
<div class="confirmation_message">
<?php echo $confirmation; ?>
<?php } ?>

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put the confirmation message in a if block


if (isset($_POST["send"]))
$confirmation = "Thanks <span class=\"sendersName\">$firstName</span> for your message, we will contact within 24 hours.";
<div class="confirmation_message">
<?php echo $confirmation; ?>
<?php } ?>


Hey thanks for the help, however, the confirmation message is wrapped in a div tag and so where do I insert this?

Because since the div tags are XHTML, they show up in the form anyway.


Just confused.


It works when I have the script and the form in separate pages but then I do not know how to apply the validation with the form and the script being in separate pages.



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