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W3C Validation?


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You can definatly One up people by having valid HTML /CSS,  plus it shows other people you have taken the time to develop a website properly. 


I would always recommend having valid HTML, I work for a company with 300+ clients, every site is valid.  Our competitors in our city have some big client lists, but not quite 300...but they don't have valid websites. 


Having Valid HTML/CSS shows professionalism , thats for sure.

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Google says it's important.  You don't seem to get penalized for bad code (within reason), but it is possible that all the "little things" like valid code and "original content" put together make a difference.


My view on it has been that if you follow the google guidelines to the letter you are giving yourself a better chance of the things that really matter (inbound links with relevant text) making more of a difference to you.  I think you have to look at it as a complete package.  Most things on their own may not make a lot of difference but together they can.


I am currently competing with companies that have thousands of employees and massive resources.  We only have two employees.  If we can make the top 3 for our chosen keywords, knocking some big competitors then in my opinion it proves that the google guidelines (all of them) are important.  We don't have the same number of inbound links as some of our big competitors, we couldn't have without spamming.  We have concentrated on the quality of links and of our site and it works.

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I believe that if the code is 100% valid that will help the ranking of your site.


  • Remember google is a computer trying to distinguish between, quality site and spam sites. This is one automated way they can see how much effort has gone into a site.
  • Cleaning up your code is like cleaning your house before someone comes to view it, of course it will make it look better. It makes it better and easier to show off what your about.


A few tips Remeber when search engines crawl they only read about 100k or less of your page. So move things like styling (CSS) and Javascript off the page, to reduce page size.

Speed check your page at a service such as http://www.websiteoptimization.com/services/analyze/

Also remember that searchengine are looking for quality sites, they monitor how long a user is on a site and how they use it, by such tools as google toolbars and yahoo tool bar. So in the long run things like this become less important.



If you have any question please feel free to ask me








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