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question about onclick


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i would like to know if its possible to have a form that will allow someone to update a text field with an onlcik (of offclick)

so for instance,

if i was to update my mood, it would show my current mood (which is set in the database) then, when i click on it, it will change to a text field so i can type my new mood in there, then when i click outside the box, it will save my mood as what i just typed. or maybe just have a "post" button next to the text, but it doesnt load a new page so it just updates the database without the page bein reloaded.




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This can be done with ajax.. and javascript.. and php


use javascript to display the text box on the "OnClick" event, and then enter the data.


ajax can be used to send this new data to ur database for updation. [u will need a php file to handle the data from ajax and update table at the other end].


now u can use javascript to specify, if the form [ie the text field, ]needs to be submitted when u click outside the text box, or with an update button.


Learn more abt ajax, and javascript  :)  . u will get more ideas then



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You can use a lot of techniques for this; Javascript,an HTML Form pointing to a PHP script, and AJAX.


For the characteristics you mentioned(having your mood in a database) Javascript is discarded(only client side programming), then you have two options left: HTML form or AJAX.


My opinion will be to use AJAX, because this prevents having to refresh your browser, on the other hand it is more complex to set. You can try HTML first and then move on.



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