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Smarty Confusion!*!*^


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Firstly, I hope this is the right thread for this post:


I have recently started playing around with smart php template system, and have decided to try designing an application with it, I have read through the smarty site and various ebooks about smarty but one thing is confusing me


Say I have my main page, then to the left of that I have a side bar.


1, Would I create this in my .css?

2, Could I then add PHP blocks to this (ie, a latest news block, a login block etc)

3, How would I create these blocks in smarty?


I reliase this is a bit of a beginers question, but I just cant seem to find the answers I need! If anyone could point me in the right direction or explain that would be great.


My other question is, does the term smarty block refer to what I see as a block? ie a block of code that has a specific function, like a login box?


Many thanks from a very confused person!

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#this is the tpl file


assign data from php to this smarty variables


$smarty->assign('header',"some data or fetch a another template here ");




<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">



        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">




<div id= "header"> {$header}</div>

<div id= "left">{$left}</div>

<div id= "right">{$right}</div>

<div id= "content">{$content}</div>

<div id= "footer">$footer</div>



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First create a html file dont think about the smarty and once you got the frame , replace the content like in the revious example with smarty template variables {$content} then form php file you can send any data to this {$content}, that can be another login page , or registration page or some content.



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Thanks for your reply :)


Looking at your example am I right in saying that I create the <div> blocks in my css, and the code below is an example of assigning a php block to them? Ie <div id= "left">{$left}</div>, if I then create a php latest news block and call it $left it will display here? Or am I totally missing the point?!

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this is php file







// create object

$smarty = new Smarty;


$smarty->assign('left', 'value goes here');


#{$left } is represented as 'left' with out $ sysmbol






The tpl file name is test.tpl

in tpl file you will have this


<div id= "left">{$left}</div>


folder structure refer smarty manual



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Thanks gunabalans,



think I have almost sot it now :) This is much appreciated.


However my (left.tpl), although now displays, is still displaying at the top of the page. If I show you what I have this may be easier:























$host = ""; //database location

$user = ""; //database username

$pass = ""; //database password

$db_name = ""; //database name




//database connection

$link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass);



if (!$link) {


  echo "connection error"; //Display the text inside the quotes.






  $smarty = new Smarty;




  $smarty->plugins_dir[] = 'customplugins';



  $smarty = new Smarty;
















Inside the left.tpl I have this:


<div id= "left">{$left}</div>


The header.tpl has is linked to a .css style sheet, if this is not needed or conflicting I can delete this, as it is produced only by the .css template I was using in dreamweaver.


Am I right in assuming I need to add something like:


$smarty = new Smarty;




to the config.php and then something like:


<div id= "center">{$center}</div>


to the main.tpl?


would I need to add the div id's to my .css or are these fuctions auto recognised by smarty etc?



Again thanks so much for your help, I am very new to all this and this is my 1st foray outside of HTML!





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