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pass credentials between locations


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Hopefully smbd have a solution for this as Ive struggled for a few days to find one without any success what so ever. Id be most appreciative for any input provided!


Here's the scope:


I have 2 location(single virtual host):




Im using mod_ldap to secure access to both. My goal is to have users who are already authenticated against location01 not to be asked to authenticate against location02. Furthermore Id like users who are authenticated against location01 only be allowed to view location02 only if they are members of a specific group in AD.


Here's the conf:

        <Location /location01>

        Order deny,allow

        Deny from All

        AuthName "ldap"

        AuthType Basic

        AuthBasicProvider ldap

        AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off

        AuthLDAPUrl "ldap://somedomain.net:3268/dc=somedc,dc=net?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=user)"      AuthLDAPBindDN "cn=someaccnt,ou=someou,ou=someou,dc=somedc,dc=somenet"

        AuthLDAPBindPassword "qwer1234"

        Require valid-user

        Satisfy any



        <Location /location02>

        Order deny,allow

        Deny from All

        AuthName "ldap"

        AuthType Basic

        AuthBasicProvider ldap

        AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off

        AuthLDAPUrl "ldap://somedomain.net:3268/dc=somedc,dc=net?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=user)"      AuthLDAPBindDN "cn=someaccnt,ou=someou,ou=someou,dc=somedc,dc=somenet"

        AuthLDAPBindPassword "qwer1234"

        require ldap-group "cn=somegroup, ou=someGroups, ou=someou,dc=somedc,dc=somenet"

        Require valid-user

        Satisfy any



It works fine as you can imagine, however, when switching between location01(www.abc.com/locatio01) and location02(www.abc.com/locatio02) i get prompted for credentials.


Server version: Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu)


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