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Hi guys,

I'm really new to this and would love a little bit of help if possible.

Me and a few others have a website where i've made this form, in Dreamweaver, so that others can join. The problem is i've looked for a script to make the form work and upto now i just cannot get it to work. Once i've clicked on the send now button i run the script (Which is at the bottom) No email comes to me. Have a done something wrong?


Our signup page is www.fubarlegion.org/signup so you can check out our signup page.

The Script:-



/* Subject and email varibles */

$emailSubject = 'Fubar Application';

$webMaster = '[email protected]';

/* Gathering data Variables */

$usernameField = $_POST['username'];

$nameField = $_POST['name'];

$emailField = $_POST['email'];

$findingusField = $_POST['findingus'];

$rssfieldField = $_POST['rssfield'];

$commentsField = $_POST['comments'];

$body = <<<EOD


Username: $username <br>

Name: $name <br>

Email: $email <br>

How Did You Finding Us: $findingus <br>

Rss Yes Or No: $rssfield <br>

Comments: $comments <br>


$headers = "From: $emailFeild\r\n";

$headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n";

$success = mail($webmaster, $emailSubject, $body, $headers);

/* Results Rendered as html */

$theResults = <<<EOD



<title>F.U.B.A.R Sign up Page</title>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<style type="text/css">


body {

background-color: #f1f1f1;

font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size: 12px;

font-style: normal;

line-height: normal;

font-weight: normal;

color: #666666;

text-decoration: none;






  <div align="left">Thank you for your interest! Your email will be answered very soon!</div>





echo "$theResults";


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$emailField << post email to the user i guess is wrong

and not right on your email code change it.


is this what you ment dont no you tell me.

$success = mail($emailField , $emailSubject, $body, $headers);


this should be added as a FROM: header field i am guessing.

  $webMaster = '[email protected]';



Having read your post, i noticed that my webmaster shuld have been webMaster with a capital M.

The email no delivers but no content! I understand what i'm writing but not on how it works..lol..

Any ideas on the content?

Dave :)

Whilst reading the script again i noticed a School Boy ErroR.

In the    $body = <<<EOD


All the $ are wrong. :(

Instead of $username it should be $usernameField  ;D


My god I need those stupid pills again.

Thanks guys for the help. I would have been knocking myself out over this..

Cheers Again.

Dave :)

kindly tell us did this way off formatting your code with heredoc

work with the email function.


$body = <<<EOD


Username: $username <br>

Name: $name <br>

Email: $email <br>

How Did You Finding Us: $findingus <br>

Rss Yes Or No: $rssfield <br>

Comments: $comments <br>






Like i said i completely wrote the $ wrong. they all needed the full string names.


$username should have been $usernameField etc...


heredoc? is that a form of php stuff?


I got the original script from  tutvid.com but even he did it wrong, and with your help guys i've sorted it.


Dave :)

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