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Mod_rewrite not working


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Hello , I cant seem to get this to work properly , can anyone suggest what I have done wrong



Options FollowSymLinks

RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule ^download-([^/-]+)-([^/-]+)-([^/-]+)-([^/-]+)-([^/-]+)\.html$ download.php?=$1&id=$2&table=$3&filename=$4&page=$5& [L,NC]



This is the original url




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Ok , I have tested and mod_rewrite is 100% working on the server I just cant get the mod_rewrite to work for me


This is my structure :





Can anyone give me any pointers as to why any mod_rewrite I try for the above does nothing ?

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I'm kinda new and I don't know if this will change much but I've heard the first line should be:


Options +FollowSymlinks


Second, are you sure mod_rewrite is configured on your server? Try adding some dummy code in your .htaccess file like:




If your .htaccess file is working then when you go to the site you will get a 500 Internal Server error.

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I am not familiar with mod_rewrite, but I am with (PCRE) regex.. So I have to look at this link to make sure I understand the subtle differences between the two (namely the dash -). I am looking at your pattern:




Your pattern looks for .html at the end, yet the string you are plugging in is .php. Surely that must be one cause.


The other thing I am noticing is that the amount of captures exceeds what can be captured in your string, as there is nothing optional.. it all requires (one or more times). I would check to make sure that you don't have excessive amounts of captured flying around, and make sure the file extension the pattern is looking for matches what you are checking against.

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I'm kinda new and I don't know if this will change much but I've heard the first line should be:


Options +FollowSymlinks


Second, are you sure mod_rewrite is configured on your server? Try adding some dummy code in your .htaccess file like:




If your .htaccess file is working then when you go to the site you will get a 500 Internal Server error.


Yes mod_rewrite is 100% working on the server , I did a .htaccess test wit hgoogle it redirected , and with two html files one called bob one called alice from a test I saw on a web and that worked

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I am not familiar with mod_rewrite, but I am with (PCRE) regex.. So I have to look at this link to make sure I understand the subtle differences between the two (namely the dash -). I am looking at your pattern:




Your pattern looks for .html at the end, yet the string you are plugging in is .php. Surely that must be one cause.


The other thing I am noticing is that the amount of captures exceeds what can be captured in your string, as there is nothing optional.. it all requires (one or more times). I would check to make sure that you don't have excessive amounts of captured flying around, and make sure the file extension the pattern is looking for matches what you are checking against.


I will try that but I thought the first part is what it converts it to and the second half with download.php is what it is originally ?

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Changed it to this :


Options FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^download-([^/-]+)-([^/-]+)-([^/-]+)-([^/-]+)-([^/-]+)\.php?$ download.php?=$1&id=$2&table=$3&filename=$4&page=$5& [L,NC]


Dynamic url is this :



And still nothing changes at all  ???

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No, that won't work, because you have 5 sets of capture ([^/-]+). For this pattern to succeed, you need to fullful those 5 captures.. but if you look at what they are asking for (anything that is not a / or - one or more times), this means that given your sample url:




if you look at the first capture, it will match '.php?id=733&table=3gp&filename=Shameless+007th+Heaven&page=' (I am assuming from the previous link I included that the - inbetween all those pattern elements are checking to see if those files/directories exist (again, I'm more familiar with PCRE regex than mod_rewrite regex). In anycase, as you can see, just the one capture eats up most of your string (there are still 4 others that need to be met, yet there is no way those other 4 will be met).


Could you post as a single string what you want to see done to your dynamic URL string?


So in other words, if you start with:



What would the final string look like in accordance to what you want to see? (never mind the regex for the moment... just type out the final URL string to this example that you are looking for).

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No, that won't work, because you have 5 sets of capture ([^/-]+). For this pattern to succeed, you need to fullful those 5 captures.. but if you look at what they are asking for (anything that is not a / or - one or more times), this means that given your sample url:




if you look at the first capture, it will match '.php?id=733&table=3gp&filename=Shameless+007th+Heaven&page=' (I am assuming from the previous link I included that the - inbetween all those pattern elements are checking to see if those files/directories exist (again, I'm more familiar with PCRE regex than mod_rewrite regex). In anycase, as you can see, just the one capture eats up most of your string (there are still 4 others that need to be met, yet there is no way those other 4 will be met).


Could you post as a single string what you want to see done to your dynamic URL string?


So in other words, if you start with:



What would the final string look like in accordance to what you want to see? (never mind the regex for the moment... just type out the final URL string to this example that you are looking for).


Thanks for the reply , I just want the url to look something neater like :



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Just to be sure, is your .htaccess file in the proper folder (in this case, I'm guessing root of website)? It has to be in the proper location to be detected.


Yes its all correct , I did a test with two pages with a tutorial on the net and it worked fine , so mod_rewrite is working ok

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