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Javascript speed differences


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Ok, so I am over at macrumors.som and noticed this article.


The claim on this page sites:

CNet benchmarked Safari 4's Javascript and found it to be 42x faster than IE 7, 6x faster than IE 8 and the fastest compared to any browser


The article states that it's using sunspider for their tests (from what I gather, this includes stuff like 3d, raytracing and the like.. I tried running the tests on that page, it was taking a while, so I aborted). My understanding is that there are different benchmarking tools out there for Javascript that target different javascript aspects (rendering, DOM navitagion / manipulation, etc...)


When I began playing with the sample javascript demo, I personally found that on my chitty laptop, Chrome ( chewed up Firefox 3(3.0.6) as well as Safari 4 Beta (win) (we won't even bother going into the details of how IE 7 performed.. because it didn't... at all.. just hung there).


Therefore, at least from these demos (from a frame rate standpoint), from what I am experiencing, Chrome's javascript engine seems to be much faster than Safari 4's (haven't tested this on Minefield / Opera 10 Alpha yet). Granted, none of this is scientific per say.. but rather 'demonstrative' and Chrome demonstrated quite handedly.

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