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Need a php code fix for personalization not behaving as needed...


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Hi guys,


When I visit




since I have subscribed to my own ecourse a few times to test it,


(the subscription page is here http://increaseyouronlinetraffic.com)


the salespage 'greeting' welcomes me as Dear SuperDaddy.


I'm thinking I must have entered that phrase in when testing a


few months back... (at least I hope so!)


Anyway, the problem I'm experiencing is when I subscribe from a different


name and email address and am redirected


immediately to the special first time subscriber offer page,


instead of greeting me with the {!firstname} I entered into the name field,


as soon as I click the button to subscribe and am redirected


immediately to the first time subscriber only special offer,


I'm greeted with....


Dear _new,



So even though there was nothing in the code to output _new


but on the contrary, just a random 'name' to go into the 'name'


field of the aweber autoresponder webform


so that the salespage would 'get name'


and display the greeting of whatever that firstname was when entered,


instead of the name like Joe,


it is just saying _new.


But if it is an existing subscriber, I am believing


it is behaving as needed and calling them by the name they are


within the database list.


The problem is however, that the offer is created


especially for 'first time subscribers'


so it will only be 'solved' for me when a first time subscriber


enters in their first name and


are welcomed


with a


Hi John, (or whatever their first name is)


instead of


Hi _new


and thus, there will be correct implementation and execution


of the personalization tags and code.


What do I need to do in order to have the process flow as intended?



Thanks in advance for those who know,



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Yes Matt,


This belongs to me and thank you for asking and responding so quickly.


Please give me a few seconds to paste the code:


Congratulations,  <?php $name=$_GET['name']; if ($name=="") echo "Business Builder,"; else echo "Hey " .$name.","; ?>


                  <script language="JavaScript"><!-- var name = location.search.replace("?"," ");




The above is the get name code as well as the write name as it pulls the

tag from whatever the new subscriber enters in to the 'name' field


on the webform, opt in box upon subscribing and then redirected


to the new offer url where the greeting should display that name they entered.


Here is the redirection url the autoresponder webform code


redirects the new subscriber to upon entering their name, email


and clicking to submit their info before being redirected to this


url which displays the welcome offer:


http://increaseyouronlinetraffic.com/oto/?{!firstname}  <-----it's all part of the url



As you can see, the index.html file is uploaded into the /oto/ folder


on the root and the ?{!firstname} at the end of the url


is what is supposed to display whatever was entered as the


{!firstname} in the site they just came from according to the


code in between the stars above.


If I've left out anything else, please just let me know and I'll do my best

to locate anything else which may give you a better look although I believe

that's the only code involved.


Thanks again btherl (Matt?),


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Hi Doug,


Actually my name is Brian, but I am a fan of Matt :)


What is this code for:




Can I also see the form?


And do you call the url like this:




If it is called like that, you should find "Matt" in the $_GET['name'] variable



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Hi Brian,




That code is for displaying the variable 'name' the new subscriber


entered into the webform when they subscribed.


Here is the webform code:


<script type="text/javascript" src="http://forms.aweber.com/form/16/1705744716.js"></script>


Actually, here is the way you call the url:




So like you're saying,


whatever name is entered into the name field


which is the {!firstname} personalization tag


should be appearing on the salespage.


The problem is,


it's not yet.



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I don't understand what this does:




I'm also confused about the flow of form submission.


1.  User fills in form and submits

2.  Form is accepted by which script?

3.  After that script processes the form, what happens next?

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