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form help please !


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Im trying to make a form page post to it self when it is submitted, but i im having a few problems, when the page first loads it displays an error message as if the form has tried to be submitted which isnt what i want, how do i tell it not to run the php until the submit button has been pressed?


im using the following code for the form and php


	<div id="page_content_topic">
<table class="myprofile_change">
<tr><td class="myprofile_changesh">
<tr><td class="reg_status"> 

   $recipe_title = ($_POST['recipe_title']);
   $recipe_ingre = ($_POST['recipe_ingre']);
   $recipe_method = ($_POST['recipe_method']);
   $recipe_cat = ($_POST['recipe_cat']);

   $sql = "INSERT INTO User_recipesT ( Recipe_username, Recipe_subject, Recipe_content, Recipe_ingre, Recipe_cat ) VALUES( '$recipe_username', '$recipe_title', '$recipe_method', '$recipe_ingre', '$recipe_cat' )";
   $result=mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error().": $sql");
echo "Your recipe has been successfully to our database";

// if not found
else {
echo "Ops there has been a problem please go back and try again!";

<form method="post" action="upload_recipe_submit.php?username=<? echo"".$_SESSION["myusername"]."" ?>">
<table class="myprofile_change">
<tr><td class="myprofile_changesh">
<img alt="Cooking cannabis : add a recipe" src="../Header_images/addrecipe.jpg" width="156" height="46" /></td></tr>
<tr><td class="myprofile_subtext2">You are about to add a recipe to the 
	weloveweed mansions achieve. Make sure that your recipe is as sensible 
	as possible without being to dull. Even if its a recipe you have just 
	made up and think that tastes good, add it anyway because other members 
	might like it as well. Once your recipe has been submitted it may take 
	24hrs to show up as it has to be approved by one of our team.</td></tr>
<br />
<table class="myprofile_change">
<tr><td class="myprofile_subtext">Recipe Title :</td><td class="style3">
	<input name="recipe_title" type="text" /></td><td class="myprofile_max">Max 200 characters</td></tr>
<tr><td class="myprofile_subtext">Recipe cat :</td><td class="style3">
	<select name="recipe_cat" id="Fav"style="width: 126px">
	<option>Snack recipes</option>
	<option>Starter recipes</option>
	<option>Main course recipes</option>
	<option>Desert recipes</option>
	<option>Miscellaneous recipes</option>
	</select></td><td class="myprofile_max">Please select one</td></tr>

<tr><td class="myprofile_subtext">Recipe ingredients :</td>
	<td class="style3">
	<textarea name="recipe_ingre" style="width: 355px; height: 76px"></textarea></td><td class="myprofile_max">Max 
	400 characters<br />
	Use <br /> to separate each ingredient.</td></tr>
<tr><td class="myprofile_subtext">Recipe method :</td><td class="style3">
	<textarea name="recipe_method" style="width: 355px; height: 190px" cols="20"></textarea></td><td class="myprofile_max">
	Max 800 characters</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td></td><td><input name="Reset1" type="reset" value="reset" /><input name="Submit1" type="submit" value="add that shit !" /></td></tr>
<br />


Thankyou in advance

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