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Add an image to Table from Results


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Hello all

Can anyone help me with this script I'm working on.

It's from the tutorial for setting up a searchable database.


I was hoping I could just call the appropriate image path and dump it in on the results page only. 

				$r_html				= NULL;
				$r_row_count	= 0;

				# using helper function, run query and retrieve raw results
				$db_results	= $search->get_search_results();

				# if results have not been returned, display error message
				if ( !is_array( $db_results ) || count( $db_results ) == 0 ) {
					$r_html	.= 'No results were found for the search criteria you specified. Please try again.';

				# if results have been found, output them properly
				} else {
					$r_html	.= 'Your search returned the following results: <br><br>';
					$r_html	.= '<table width="100%">';
					$r_html	.= '<tr>';
					$r_html	.= '<th>' . $search->get_header_html( 'Category', 'pc_categories.name' ) . '</th>';
					$r_html	.= '<th>' . $search->get_header_html( 'Title', 'pc_sub_categories.name' ) . '</th>';
					$r_html	.= '<th>' . $search->get_header_html( 'Time Period', 'pc_manufacturers.name' ) . '</th>';
					$r_html	.= '<th>' . $search->get_header_html( 'Name',		'pc_parts.name' ) . '</th>';
					$r_html	.= '<th>Description</th>';
					$r_html	.= '</tr>';

					# for each result found, return a table row
					foreach ( $db_results as $db_result ) {

						# using row count, determine appropriate CSS class
						$l_css_class	= ( ++$r_row_count % 2 == 1 ) ? 'odd' : 'even';

						# output table row of results
						$r_html	.= '<tr class="' . $l_css_class . '">'
//I tried to add in the image path here	
                                                        $r_html	.= '<td>' . "<img src=\"" . $db_result['part_name_image'] . "\">"; '</td>';
						$r_html	.= '<td>' . $db_result['category_name']		. '</td>';
						$r_html	.= '<td>' . $db_result['sub_category_name']	. '</td>';
						$r_html	.= '<td>' . $db_result['pc_manufacturer_name']	. '</td>';
						$r_html	.= '<td>' . $db_result['part_name']		. '</td>';
						$r_html	.= '<td>' . $db_result['part_description']	. '</td>';
						$r_html	.= '</tr>';		
					} # END for each result

					# close table
					$r_html	.= '</table>';

				} # END if results found

				# display results HTML
				echo $r_html;

Is this possible to call up the image here or will I need to include the path to the image in the previous search functions as well?

If this is an easy fix I'll be through the roof!



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I already have the image path in my database and am able to call it up and display no problem on a simple trial.

My problem here is pulling it up into this table.

I'm sure it's my syntax on this line.

 $r_html	.= '<td>' . "<img src=\"" . $db_result['part_name_image'] . "\">"; '</td>';

Not 100% sure how to code this.

On a direct query I am able to pull it up like so with the picture being a link

echo "<a href=\"" . $row["link"] . "\">
<img src=\"" . $row["image"] . "\" border=0 alt=\"" . $row["text"] . "\">
</a>" ; 

Thanks for your suggestions.

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So I found a section in the config file that I had to set up to get access to the path in my database I wanted to select and have it showing up in the correct cell. I managed to get my picture to upload using this synatx

 $r_html.= '<td><img src=\'' . $db_result['part_image']  . '\' border=0 alt=\'' . '\'></td>'; 

This issue is solved.


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