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My goal is to be able to enter text into a form, click submit, and then that text will be sent to every phone number I have entered into a database.  The actual coding for this part doesn't sound too complicated.


The problem is to do with something called an "SMS Gateway."  I have no idea of what that is.  I don't know what it does.  I don't know how or where to install it.  But apparently, I need one?


I came across a free one from Kannel.org.  It was only after I read the installation instructions did I notice that this probably isn't what I want.


2.4 How do I unpack and compile the gateway?

These instructions work with Linux systems, but should be generic enough for other Unix-like systems:

gunzip < gateway-VERSION.tar.gz | tar xvf -

cd gateway-VERSION




(Replace `VERSION' with the version number of the gateway you downloaded.)


Kannel's program is made in C++, and I need something PHP specific.  Is anyone able to help me out here?  Do I need a SMS Gateway, and if so, do you have any recommendations?

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There are loads of companies selling SMS services on a pay basis.


All the best




Not needed... Most providers allow you to simply email a phone an SMS, go here for a list



It depends in which country you live... Here in the netherlands i use such a SMS gateway... it works by signing up to their site, by which you obtain an username and password.


When you wanna send a sms, you just post a XML to their service with the username + password and contents of the sms, and they will deliver it to the phone.


should be easy to find, just type sms-gateway <country> in google and it should send you to the proper spot



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