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[SOLVED] unlink help


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hello all.


absolute novice to unlink so the code will probably appear a load of rubbish. anyway..


ive listed the files from a directory and want to have it so each file is displayed with a radio button, clickable, and a submit button at the end of the form. all this so that whatever file is chosen then you can delete the file from the directory. which is where unlink comes into it.


BUT.. it either doesnt work or i get an error, like i said, absolute novice using this function so i cant really find my problem. codes:


files.php (directory listing)

		<form action="remove.php" method="post" name="files">
			//define the path as relative
			$path = "uploads/";
			//using the opendir function
			$dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open $path");
			//running the while loop
			while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {
				if($file!="." && $file!="..")
				echo "<input name='$file' type='radio' value='' /><a href='uploads/$file' target='_blank'>$file</a><br />";
			//closing the directory
		<p><input name="submit" type="submit" value="Delete File" /></p>


remove.php ('you have deleted a file' type page)

		$file = $_POST['files'];
		if (file_exists('$file')){
		echo "Did it work?";
		else {
		echo "Oops";

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the original one was before i added the if statement and it said:


Warning: unlink() [function.unlink]: No error in C:\xampp\htdocs\FYP - Final Year Project\website\remove.php on line 25


but then adding the if statement, it just runs the else message.

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You can not catch $_POST['files'] it does not exisit because you are using a form that generates dynamic names. Instead of naming the files that way you need to make that the value of files. Like this.

	<form action="remove.php" method="post" name="files">
			//define the path as relative
			$path = "uploads/";
			//using the opendir function
			$dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open $path");
			//running the while loop
			while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {
				if($file!="." && $file!="..")
				echo "<input name='files' type='radio' value='$file' /><a href='uploads/$file' target='_blank'>$file</a><br />";
			//closing the directory
		<p><input name="submit" type="submit" value="Delete File" /></p>

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renamed the form to 'list'.. still not working :(



      <form action="remove.php" method="post" name="list">
            //define the path as relative
            $path = "uploads/";
            //using the opendir function
            $dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open $path");
            //running the while loop
            while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {
               if($file!="." && $file!="..")
               echo "<input name='files' type='radio' value='$file' /><a href='uploads/$file' target='_blank'>$file</a><br />";
            //closing the directory
         <p><input name="submit" type="submit" value="Delete File" /></p>



		$file = $_POST['list'];
		if (file_exists("$file")){
		echo "Did it work?";
		else {
		echo "Oops";

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got it working!


worked out that in order for the unlink to remove a file, it needs to know the correct path. so adding a variable which declares the containing folder i added a line like so:


		$file = $_POST['files'];
		$path = "uploads/";
		if (file_exists($path . $file)){
		unlink($path . $file);
		echo "Did it work?";
		else {
		echo "Oops";


thanks for everyone's help! ;D ;D ;D

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