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[SOLVED] traversing XML w/ Javascript


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I have the following xml document:

<song_name>Big Wolly Mammoth</song_name>
<song_name>All Time Low</song_name>
<song_name>Nobody\'s Loss</song_name>
<song_name>Party at Your Mama\'s Hou</song_name>
<song_name>Don\'t Be Denied</song_name>
<song_name>End of the Show</song_name>


Which I want to breakup based on set/encore. I'm really having a problem accessing the individual txt elements within the XML, which is leading me to believe that I may not be loading it correctly. My current code is laughable and contains lots of errors, but I keep trying ideas from different tutorials. Here's my code:

function handleServerResponse(group, artist, expandTo){
  alert("expandTo = " + expandTo);
  //figure out what the hell this means
  if(expandTo == 'years'){
    group = artist;
  //get the abbreviation for the artist
  var new_group = abb(artist);
  alert("handleServerResponse has been called");
  //get the response from the xmlHttp object
  var xmlResponse = xmlHttp.responseXML;
  //check to see if the response is any good
  if(!xmlResponse || !xmlResponse.documentElement){
    throw("Invalid XML Structure:\n" + xmlHttp.responseText);
  //create the root node
  var rootNodeName = xmlResponse.documentElement.nodeName;
  alert("xmlResponse.documentElement.nodeName = " + rootNodeName);
  //check it
  if(rootNodeName == "parsererror"){
    throw("Invalid XML Strucutre");
  xmlRoot = xmlResponse.documentElement;
   if(expandTo == 'songs'){
      //find out where we're putting this (could this go at the end?)
      var myDiv = document.getElementById(group);


alert("___" + txt + "___");

      //get the elements tagged <set> from <response>
      var setArray = xmlRoot.getElementsByTagName("set");
       alert("setArray.length should be: " + setArray.length);
       for(var z = 0; z < setArray.length; z++){
       var f = setArray[z]; 
       y = f.childNodes[0];
       txt = y.nodeValue;
       alert("!!!" + txt + "!!!");
       for(var i = 0; i < setArray.length; i++){
         var newOl = document.createElement('ol');
         newOl.setAttribute('id', group + 's' + i);
         //for(var f = setArray[i],firstChild; f != null; f = f.nextSibling){
           var f = setArray[i],firstChild;
           var newLi = document.createElement('li');
           //assign it values
           newLi.setAttribute('id', f.nodeValue);
           alert("hey look at me!");
           alert('setArray.f.data + = ' + f);
           var newText = document.createElement('h2');
           //alert('setArray.f.firstChild = ' + f.firstChild.data);
      /*cycle through the array
      //for(var i = 1; i < setArray.length + 1; i++){
       //debug <- problem here
       //alert("setArray[0].length = " + setArray[0].length);
      //create a new <ol> with id=abbdates?
     //var newOl = document.createElement('ol');
      //newOl.setAttribute('id', group + 's' + i);
      //create a for loop to cycle through the elements of the elements of setArray
      for(var n = 1; n < setArray[i].length; n++){
       //create an <li> element
       var newLi = document.createElement('li');
       //assign it values
        newLi.setAttribute('id', setArray[i].firstChild.data);
        alert("This should be the id: " + setArray[i].nextSibling.data);
        //this should be changed
        newLi.setAttribute('class', 'artist');
        //create the text
        var newText = document.createElement('h2');
        }//end for(var n)
        }//end for(var i)
      }//end(expandTo == 'songs')



Does anyone see where I first get off-track? All help is greatly appreciated.

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function handleServerResponse(group, artist, expandTo){

  alert("expandTo = " + expandTo);

  if(expandTo == 'years'){
    group = artist;

  var new_group = abb(artist);

  alert("handleServerResponse has been called");

  var xmlResponse = xmlHttp.responseXML;

  if(!xmlResponse || !xmlResponse.documentElement){
    throw("Invalid XML Structure:\n" + xmlHttp.responseText);

  var rootNodeName = xmlResponse.documentElement.nodeName;

  alert("xmlResponse.documentElement.nodeName = " + rootNodeName);

  if(rootNodeName == "parsererror"){
    throw("Invalid XML Strucutre");

  xmlRoot = xmlResponse.documentElement;

   if(expandTo == 'songs'){
      var myDiv = document.getElementById(group);


alert("___" + txt + "___");

      var setArray = xmlRoot.getElementsByTagName("set");
       alert("setArray.length should be: " + setArray.length);
       for(var z = 0; z < setArray.length; z++){
       var f = setArray[z];
       y = f.childNodes[0];
       txt = y.nodeValue;
       alert("!!!" + txt + "!!!");
       for(var i = 0; i < setArray.length; i++){
         var newOl = document.createElement('ol');
         newOl.setAttribute('id', group + 's' + i);
        or(var f = setArray[i],firstChild; f != null; f = f.nextSibling){
           var f = setArray[i],firstChild;
           var newLi = document.createElement('li');
           newLi.setAttribute('id', f.nodeValue);
           alert("hey look at me!");
           alert('setArray.f.data + = ' + f);
           var newText = document.createElement('h2');
alert('setArray.f.firstChild = ' + f.firstChild.data);
   for(var i = 1; i < setArray.length + 1; i++){
     alert("setArray[0].length = " + setArray[0].length);
with id=abbdates?
     var newOl = document.createElement('ol');
     newOl.setAttribute('id', group + 's' + i);
      for(var n = 1; n < setArray[i].length; n++){

       var newLi = document.createElement('li');
        newLi.setAttribute('id', setArray[i].firstChild.data);
        alert("This should be the id: " + setArray[i].nextSibling.data);

        newLi.setAttribute('class', 'artist');
        //create the text
        var newText = document.createElement('h2');
        } for(var n)
        } for(var i)
  (expandTo == 'songs')

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I'm getting some weird errors with and don't really understand the line:


with id=abbdates?


What I'm trying to do is create a nested Ordered List with the main <ol> being the entire xml document and the nested <ol>s being the sets/encore. the List Items would be the songs with the unique_song_id being the <li>'s id attribute and the song_name being the <li> text, if that helps anything...

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for(var i = 1; i < setArray.length + 1; i++){
     alert("setArray[0].length = " + setArray[0].length);
with id=abbdates?
     var newOl = document.createElement('ol');
     newOl.setAttribute('id', group + 's' + i);
      for(var n = 1; n < setArray[i].length; n++){

       var newLi = document.createElement('li');
        newLi.setAttribute('id', setArray[i].firstChild.data);
        alert("This should be the id: " + setArray[i].nextSibling.data);

        newLi.setAttribute('class', 'artist');
        //create the text
        var newText = document.createElement('h2');
        } for(var n)
        } for(var i)


also, I assume those for(var ...) are meant to be comments. I commented them out but am still having problems. I'm using http://www.javascriptlint.com/online_lint.php as a debugger. Any other suggestions?

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