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Need Help Ending A Loop


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Ok as you can see in the image below I have a loop problem somewhere in my code..


However I myself just cannot figure out where my error is..


I hope someone else can help me solve this issue




print "
<table width=80% background=imgs/bg.jpg border=1 bordercolor=black>\n";
print "<caption>Empire List</caption>";
$dball = mysql_db_query($dbname,"select empire,num from $playerdb where alliance='$users[alliance]';");
do {
$allnum += 1;
$listally = mysql_fetch_row($dball);
$num = $listally[1];
$ally = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_db_query($dbname,"select networth,rank from $playerdb where num='$num';"));
$infantry = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_db_query($dbname,"select infantry from $playerdb where num='$num';"));
$race2 = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_db_query($dbname,"select race2 from $playerdb where num='$num';"));
$tanks = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_db_query($dbname,"select tanks from $playerdb where num='$num';"));
$helis = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_db_query($dbname,"select helis from $playerdb where num='$num';"));
$ships = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_db_query($dbname,"select ships from $playerdb where num='$num';"));
$turns = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_db_query($dbname,"select turns from $playerdb where num='$num';"));
$land = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_db_query($dbname,"select land from $playerdb where num='$num';"));
$runes = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_db_query($dbname,"select runes from $playerdb where num='$num';"));
$wizards = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_db_query($dbname,"select wizards from $playerdb where num='$num';"));
$ally[0] = commas($ally[0]);
$yah = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_db_query($dbname,"select yah from $playerdb where num='$num';"));
$msn = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_db_query($dbname,"select msn from $playerdb where num='$num';"));
$icq = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_db_query($dbname,"select icq from $playerdb where num='$num';"));
$aim = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_db_query($dbname,"select aim from $playerdb where num='$num';"));

if ($users[num] == $alliance[founder]) {
print "
<TR><TD>$listally[0] (#$listally[1])</td>
<TD>Networth: \$$ally[0]</td>
<TD>Land: $land[0]</td>
<TD>Rank: $ally[1]</TD></tr>
<tr><TD>Infantry: $infantry[0]</td>
<TD>Catapults: $tanks[0]</td>
<TD>Dragons: $helis[0]</td>
<TD>Ships: $ships[0]</td></tr>
<tr><td>Yahoo: $yah[0]</td><td>MSN: $msn[0]</td><td>ICQ: $icq[0]</td><td>AIM: $aim[0]</td></tr>
<tr><TD>Race: $race2[0]</td>
<TD>Turns: $turns[0]</td>
<TD>Priests: $wizards[0]</td>";
if ($listally[2] == "1") { print "<TD bgcolor=black><font color=lime>Sharing: YES</font></TD></TR>";
print "</tr><tr><td colspan=5><center><hr></center></td></tr>"; }
else {print "<TD bgcolor=black><font color=red>Sharing: NO</font></TD></TR>"; 
print "<tr><td colspan=5><center><hr></center></td></tr>"; }

} elseif ($listally[1] != "") {
print "
<TR><TD>$listally[0] (#$listally[1])</td>
<TD>Networth: \$$ally[0]</td>
<TD>Land: $land[0]</td>
<TD>Rank: $ally[1]</TD>";
if ($listally[2] == "1") { print "<TD bgcolor=black><font color=lime>Sharing: YES</font></TD></TR></tr>";
print "<tr><td>Yahoo: $yah[0]</td><td>MSN: $msn[0]</td><td>ICQ: $icq[0]</td><td>AIM: $aim[0]</td></tr>";
print "<tr><td colspan=5><center><hr></center></td></tr>"; }
else {print "<TD bgcolor=black><font color=red>Sharing: NO</font></TD></TR>";
print "<tr><td>Yahoo: $yah[0]</td><td>MSN: $msn[0]</td><td>ICQ: $icq[0]</td><td>AIM: $aim[0]</td></tr>";
print "<tr><td colspan=5><center><hr></center></td></tr>"; }
} while ($listally[1] != "");
print "</table><br>\n";

	if ($users[num] == $alliance[founder]) {
		print "<input class=button type=submit name=RemoveMe value=\"Leave Clan\">\n";
		print "<br><input type=text name=number3 size=4 class=input>&nbsp<input class=button type=submit name=RemoveUser value=\"Remove Empire\">\n";
		print "<br><input type=text name=founder size=4 class=input>&nbsp<input class=button type=submit name=ChangeFounder value=\"Change Clan Leader\">\n";
                  print "<br><input type=text name=cofounder size=4 class=input>&nbsp<input class=button type=submit name=ChangeCoFounder value=\"Change Co Leader\">\n";
                  print "<br><input type=text name=warminister size=4 class=input>&nbsp<input class=button type=submit name=changewarminister value=\"Change War Minister\">\n";
                  print "<br><input type=text name=foriegnaffairs size=4 class=input>&nbsp<input class=button type=submit name=changeforiegnaffairs value=\"Change Foriegn Affairs\">\n";
		print "<br><input type=password name=password1 size=8 class=input><input type=password name=password2 size=8 class=input>&nbsp<input class=button type=submit name=ChangePass value=\"Change Password\">\n";
		print "<br>Alliance Name: <input type=text name=alliance1 value=\"$alliance[alliance]\" size=15 class=input>&nbsp<input class=button type=submit name=ChangeName value=\"Change Name\">\n";
		print "<br>Flag URL: <input type=text name=flag value=\"$alliance[flag]\" size=25 class=input>&nbsp<input class=button type=submit name=ChangeFlag value=\"Change Flag\">\n";
		print "<br>Site URL: <input type=text name=url value=\"$alliance[url]\" size=25 class=input>&nbsp<input class=button type=submit name=ChangeURL value=\"Change URL\">\n";
if($alliance[msg] != "") {
$alliance[msg] = preg_replace("/<br>/","\n",$alliance[msg]);

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