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New to linux..need a distro to run vmware


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Hi Guys


I have looked everywhere for an answer and have not found one. I am looking to run VMware on a Linux distro for the host. Then running xp/vista in vm world. Is there a good solid distro that is friendly to vmware or has a lot of support from the linux world??


I will be running it on a 4ghz e8xxx cpu with 8gb's of 1150mhz ddr2 mem. Got 600gb of 10000rpm raptor drives in raid if needed. Also have a docking station via esata with 4tb of space.


Any suggestions?


Thanks guys

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Thanks for the reply. I am not sure what vm product i am going to use...thinking ESXi looks to be what im kinda looking for. Is there anyone running vmware on a linux host that can share any tips on comb's (linux distro\vmware product) or install process.

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the better question is what are you looking to do? aka, is this a high priority production environment? how many VMs do you plan on running at once? how heavily will you use each VM at any given time? what kind of reporting/statistics do you require?

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Well for right now it will be just a test enviroment for a production plant of aprox 150pc's that is 24x7. We are looking for stuff like a vm comp to testing patches from our global it group, as well as DR planning. We have close to 15 servers runnning file servers,oracle 10g,sql,print server. So if all the testing goes well the higher ups approve of VM..maybe roll it out across 3 or 4 really good servers and drop our physical server count way down

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Yeah, you are definitely gonna want the ESX branch then. I haven't worked with ESXi yet, and can't find a feature comparison between the two.


I would just email the sales department. Tell them you are thinking about getting ESX and want to try out ESXi first. That way you can get the answer to the OS question, and find out the differences between ESX and ESXi

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