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$ in mysql field


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I have tried that, the php is comparing what the user selected from a drop down box e.g. Under £500 or $750


Then in the database i have afew test records, some have Under £500 or $750 as a varchar. But if i try to search for records with Under £500 or $750 i get a white page (doesnt work, dont know how to get php error handling to work on my localhost im using apache).



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its not that im sure, off top of my head i remember what my code is:


$pricex = "price LIKE '%$price%'";


then the query that returns $pricex


I am affraid I don't really understand what you mean...


the % stand for the * you would use in Google


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in that case, the query would only return the cells that contain exactly the value of $price.


for instance

if you have

$price = "cheap";


if you don't put any % in the query

$q = "price LIKE '$price'";


it would return only



if you put a % in front of it in your query

$q = "price LIKE '%$price'";


it would return the cells containing


very cheap


if you put a % behind it

$q = "price LIKE '$price%'";


it would return


cheap a hell


and if you use both

$q = "price LIKE '%$price%'";


you'd get


very cheap

very cheap indeed

cheap as hell

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Php is not going to do a variable substitution for a string which has had a variable concatenated into it whcih just happens to contain a $. It is did then potentially it would create an infinate loop.


If you had a variable assignment that was $burt = "hello there ".$fred; while $fred contained '$bill' and you had a variable called $bill containing 100 then you could manage to get $burt to contain "hello there 100" with:-


$burt = "hello there ".$fred;

$burt = eval($burt);


All the best



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Hey guys thanks for your help. I will try your ideas when i get home.


dgoosens you answered a question i didn't think of yet :D


I was going to ask how to check fields that had many keywords in them and return the result if the user entered just one of them. I guess using your explanations I can do that quite easily, thanks!

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Here is my code:



if (!file_exists("dbconnect.php"))


die("Database settings not found, administrator intervention required.") ;




require("dbconnect.php") ; //Must connect to the database.



$word = $_REQUEST['word'] ; //Variables from the form.

$type = $_REQUEST['type'] ;

$flavor = $_REQUEST['flavor'] ;

$tiers = $_REQUEST['tiers'] ;

$serves = $_REQUEST['serves'] ;

$price = $_REQUEST['price'] ;


$def = "Dont Specify" ;


if(!isset($word) || $word == "Enter Search Term" || $word == "")


unset($word) ;


if($type == $def)


unset($type) ;


if($flavor == $def)


unset($flavor) ;


if($tiers == $def)


unset($tiers) ;


if($serves == $def)


unset($serves) ;


if($price == $def)


unset($price) ;



if(!isset($word) && !isset($type) && !isset($flavor) && !isset($tiers) && !isset($serves) && !isset($price))


echo "You did not specify any search parameters" ;

die ;





$wordx =  "tags LIKE '%$word%'" ;







$typex = "&& type LIKE '%$type%'" ;



$typex = "type LIKE '%$type%'" ;





if(isset($word) || isset($type))


$flavorx = "&& flavor LIKE '%$flavor%'" ;



$flavorx = "flavor LIKE '%$flavor%'" ;





if(isset($word) || isset($type) || isset($flavor))


$tiersx = "&& tiers LIKE '%$tiers%'" ;



$tiersx = "tiers LIKE '%$tiers%'" ;





if(isset($word) || isset($type) || isset($flavor) || isset($tiers))


$servesx = "&& serves LIKE '%$serves%'" ;



$servesx = "serves LIKE '%$serves%'" ;





if(isset($word) || isset($type) || isset($flavor) || isset($tiers) || isset($serves))


$pricex = "&& price LIKE '%$price%'" ;



$pricex = "price LIKE '%$price%'" ;



$query = "SELECT * FROM image_bank WHERE $wordx $typex $flavorx $tiersx $servesx $pricex" ;


$result = mysql_query($query) ;


while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))


$dbtags = $row['tags'] ;

$dbtiers = $row['tiers'] ;

$dbtype = $row['type'] ;

$dbflavor = $row['flavor'] ;

$dbserves = $row['serves'] ;

$dbprice = $row['price'] ;

$imgurl = $row['url'];

$thumburl = $row['thumb_url'] ;


echo "$dbtags" . "<br />" ;

echo "$dbtiers" . "<br />" ;

echo "$dbtype" . "<br />" ;

echo "$dbflavor" . "<br />" ;

echo "$dbserves" . "<br />" ;

echo "$dbprice" . "<br />" ;

echo '<a href="' . "$imgurl" . '">' . "$imgurl" . "</a>" . "<br />" ;

echo '<img src="' . "$thumburl" . '" height="100" width="50" />' ;





include("dbdisconnect.php") ;



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