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Really simple for non-thicko's like me!!


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Being really really thick now...


I have an SQL statement


$query2 = "SELECT * from Answers where QID = '".$FormID[$count]."'";

$result2 = getResults($query2);

while ($line2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2)) {



echo("<span class='style2'>".$Answer." | </span>");

echo("<span class='style1'>".$Count." | </span><br>");




The above code is returning out some information from a database.


The table is called 'Answers', and looks like this:


Answers table structure e.g.


ID |  QID |  Answer              |  Count |  Enabled

1  |  3    |  Male                  |  7      |  1

2  |  3    |  Female                |  4      |  1


The above code is outputting something like this:


Male | 7 |

Female | 4 |


This is fine. However, I now want to display a pie chart with these results.

I'm using a php-pie chart i've used before and it needs the pie chart to look like this:


<img src="pie2.php?data=1*2*3*4*5" width="260" height="163" />


pie2.php is where it's getting all the piechart colours / depth / label information from.


Notice there's no * after the final value?


That's what I can't do!!


How do I get my 'Count' from out of the database, display each one apart from the last one with an * at the end of it, and then shove it all within an image tag??


Have tried several foreach loops, whileloops and I can't figure it out...


Basically, in-short (only the wrong code - obviously!)


$part1 = "<img src="pie2.php?data=";

$part2 =


loop through database. pull-out all values. separate each one with a *. remove the final * from the end.


$part3 = "" width="260" height="163" />";




Please help!!!

I'm going mad now and feel like a right fool!!


Thanks in advance,



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Hi Micro,

i'm afraid I don't get it...


where should this sit?


$query2 = "SELECT * from Answers where QID = '".$FormID[$count]."'";

$result2 = getResults($query2);

while ($line2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2)) {



echo("<span class='style2'>".$Answer." | </span>");

echo("<span class='style1'>".$Count." | </span><br>");




I'm afraid it's still adding the * to the end of the numbers, but I want it to NOT add a * to the end of the last figure..


So, It would return


7*4  not  7*4*


Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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