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[SOLVED] Need Array Help


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So I have a script that is scanning a directory to grab the file names for use in a gallery. However, for some reason I can't get it to sort the files alphabetically.  I have tried to comment the code to give you a good idea of what I am doing, and where I am thinking I am missing stuff. So, any suggestions would rock, but most importantly I can't figure out why not ordering the contents of the directory according to file names in alphabetical order.


function returnimages($dirname="images/gallery/images/refacing/") {
   $files = array();
   if($handle = opendir($dirname)) {
       while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))){
		   if(eregi($pattern, $file)){
			echo $file.":"; // Ok so I don't want an echo here, I was attempting to pass all the file contents to the variable $files that is returned with each filename separated by a ":" so that I can explode them. 

   return($files); // this will return something like this (refacing-08.jpg:refacing-18.jpg:refacing-01.jpg:refacing-14.jpg:refacing-13.jpg:refacing-04.jpg)
  // Notice how the array is out of order. The file names are named blah01, blah02, etc... yet it randomly orders them. 

// Now I call the function to output the files... this is where I am all jacked up, but nevertheless will give you an idea of what I am trying to do.
// Start Gallery

$filearr = returnimages();  // I was trying to place the contents of the $files array into $filearr but all it does it echo the files 

$filename = explode(":", $filearr); // Then I was trying to explode the array of filenames as $filename

sort($filename); // Put the array into alphabetical order??

foreach($filename as $i => $value){ // For everyfile found, I wanted to output the following

echo '<li><h3></h3><span>images/gallery/images/refacing/'.$i.'</span><p></p><a href=""><img src="images/gallery/images/refacing/thumbs/'.$i.'">

echo '</ul><div id="txtContainer" class="float-left">';  
//  End Start Gallery



Now the above really doesn't work, so I will show you the original code I have that works, yet doesn't put the file names in order...



$pageURL = 'window-gallery';


$glbl = new specialIncludes();
$ctrl = new mainControls();

echo $glbl->globalHeader($title, $metaDesc, $metaKeys);

function returnimages($dirname="images/gallery/images/windows/") {
   echo '<ul id="slideshow">';
   $files = array();
   if($handle = opendir($dirname)) {
       while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))){
               if(eregi($pattern, $file)){
			echo '
			<li><h3></h3><span>images/gallery/images/windows/'.$file.'</span><p></p><a href=""><img src="images/gallery/images/windows/thumbs/'.$file.'"></a></li>

   echo '</ul><div id="txtContainer" class="float-left">';

// Start Gallery
//  End Start Gallery



I have been reading all morning and simply can't figure it out, so any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks again!

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first of all...your function isn't returning anything. you create an array, but don't add anything to it:

function returnimages($dirname="images/gallery/images/refacing/") {
   $files = array();
   if($handle = opendir($dirname)) {
       while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))){
            if(eregi($pattern, $file)){
               $files[] = $file;
   return($files); // this will return an array of files

$filearr = returnimages(); //$filearr is now an array of files
sort($filearr); // Put the array into alphabetical order
foreach($filearr as $file){ // For every file found, I wanted to output the following
  echo '<li><h3></h3><span>images/gallery/images/refacing/'.$file.'</span><p></p><a href=""><img src="images/gallery/images/refacing/thumbs/'.$file.'">
   echo '</ul><div id="txtContainer" class="float-left">';  
//  End Start Gallery

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