imperium2335 Posted March 18, 2009 Share Posted March 18, 2009 Does anyone know why this doesn't work? I get the first 2 results shown and if i press next or last i just get blank pages with the prev first etc buttons. It recognizes there are 9 pages which i can navigate but they are all blank. Thanks in advance. //Paging system. if (isset($_GET['pageno'])) { $pageno = $_GET['pageno']; } else { $pageno = 1; } $query2 = "SELECT count(*) FROM image_bank"; $result2 = mysql_query($query2) or trigger_error("SQL", E_USER_ERROR); $query_data = mysql_fetch_row($result2); $numrows = $query_data[0]; $rows_per_page = 2; $lastpage = ceil($numrows/$rows_per_page); $pageno = (int)$pageno; if ($pageno > $lastpage) { $pageno = $lastpage; } if ($pageno < 1) { $pageno = 1; } $limit = 'LIMIT ' .($pageno - 1) * $rows_per_page .',' .$rows_per_page; $query = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM image_bank WHERE $wordx $typex $flavorx $tiersx $servesx $pricex $limit" ; $result = mysql_query($query) ; //$rowamnt = mysql_num_rows($result) ; //Count how many results there are. if ($numrows > 0) //If there are more than 0 results... { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $dbtitle = $row['title'] ; $dbdescr = $row['description'] ; $dbtags = $row['tags'] ; $dbdec = $row['decorator'] ; $dbtiers = $row['tiers'] ; $dbtype = $row['type'] ; $dbflavor = $row['flavor'] ; $dbserves = $row['serves'] ; $dbprice = $row['price'] ; $imgurl = $row['url']; $thumburl = $row['thumb_url'] ; $rating = $row['rating'] ; echo "$dbtags" . "<br />" ; echo "$dbtitle" . "<br />" ; echo "Decorated by : $dbdec" . "<br />" ; echo "Description : $dbdescr" . "<br />" ; echo "$dbtiers tier cake" . "<br />" ; echo "Type : $dbtype cake" . "<br />" ; echo "Flavor : $dbflavor" . "<br />" ; echo "Serves : $dbserves" . "<br />" ; echo "Costs : $dbprice" . "<br />" ; echo 'Information Page : <a href="' . "$imgurl" . '">' . "$imgurl" . "</a>" . "<br />" ; echo '<img src="' . "$thumburl" . '" height="100" width="50" />' ; echo "$rating" ; } if ($pageno == 1) { echo " FIRST PREV "; } else { echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?pageno=1'>FIRST</a> "; $prevpage = $pageno-1; echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?pageno=$prevpage'>PREV</a> "; } if ($pageno == $lastpage) { echo " NEXT LAST "; } else { $nextpage = $pageno+1; echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?pageno=$nextpage'>NEXT</a> "; echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?pageno=$lastpage'>LAST</a> "; } echo " ( Page $pageno of $lastpage ) "; } Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sasa Posted March 18, 2009 Share Posted March 18, 2009 where are you setup this variables $wordx $typex $flavorx $tiersx $servesx $pricex Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
imperium2335 Posted March 18, 2009 Author Share Posted March 18, 2009 Hi, just above what i just posted: if(isset($word)) { include ('eliminator.php') ; //Include the word cleaner, deletes symbols etc. include ('stemmer.php') ; //Include the Stemmer Algorythm, "tests" = "test" etc. $stemmer = new PorterStemmer ; //Call class in the stemmer.php file. $stemmed_string = $stemmer->stem(strtolower($word)); //force words to lower case. $cleanup = new Cleaner ; //Call word cleaner class in the eliminator.php file. $stemmed_string = $cleanup->parseString($stemmed_string) ; $sanction = split(" ",$stemmed_string) ; //Spaces constiture a new word? foreach ($sanction as $array => $V) { $x_string .= ''.$V.' ' ; } $x_string = substr($x_string,0,(strlen($x_string)-1)) ; $split_stemmed = split(" ",$x_string) ; while(list($key,$V)=each($split_stemmed)) { if($V<>" " AND strlen($V) > 0){ $wordx .= "(tags LIKE '%$V%' OR title LIKE '%$V%' OR Description LIKE '%$V%' OR decorator LIKE '%$V%') OR" ; } } $wordx = substr($wordx,0,(strlen($wordx)-3)) ; } if(isset($type)) { if(isset($word)) { $typex = "&& type LIKE '%$type%'" ; } else $typex = "type LIKE '%$type%'" ; } if(isset($flavor)) { if(isset($word) || isset($type)) { $flavorx = "&& flavor LIKE '%$flavor%'" ; } else $flavorx = "flavor LIKE '%$flavor%'" ; } if(isset($tiers)) { if(isset($word) || isset($type) || isset($flavor)) { $tiersx = "&& tiers LIKE '%$tiers%'" ; } else $tiersx = "tiers LIKE '%$tiers%'" ; } if(isset($serves)) { if(isset($word) || isset($type) || isset($flavor) || isset($tiers)) { $servesx = "&& serves LIKE '%$serves%'" ; } else $servesx = "serves LIKE '%$serves%'" ; } if(isset($price)) { if(isset($word) || isset($type) || isset($flavor) || isset($tiers) || isset($serves)) { $pricex = "&& price LIKE '%$price%'" ; } else $pricex = "price LIKE '%$price%'" ; } Cheers. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sasa Posted March 18, 2009 Share Posted March 18, 2009 you must pass $word $type $flavor $tiers $serves $price to next page (via url or session) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
imperium2335 Posted March 18, 2009 Author Share Posted March 18, 2009 didn't work Just getting same results on page 2 and when im on page 2 it says page one of 1, whereas on the first page it says page 1 of 9 (which is correct). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
imperium2335 Posted March 18, 2009 Author Share Posted March 18, 2009 I found a clue, i told it to echo the number of rows: if ($numrows > 0) //If there are more than 0 results... { echo "<p>$numrows results found</p>" ; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { ON the first page if i search for somthing in my base i get 18 as the number of rows returned, this is correct, but when i go to page to it only shows 2. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
imperium2335 Posted March 18, 2009 Author Share Posted March 18, 2009 Any ideas? I've also tried the following but no luck (highlighted in red): <?PHP session_start() ; echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>Cake Photos Decorators Suppliers</title> <meta name="keywords" content="" /> <meta name="description" content="" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <link href="../cakes-css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <div id="page">' ; include "../includes/headnav.html" ; echo '<div id="head"></div> <div id="search">' ; include "../includes/header-search.html" ; echo '</div> <div id="sidebar">' ; include "../includes/sidenav.html" ; echo'</div> <div id="main">' ; if (!file_exists("dbconnect.php")) { die("Database settings not found, administrator intervention required.") ; } else { require("dbconnect.php") ; //Must connect to the database. } $word = $_POST['word']; $type = $_POST['type'] ; $flavor = $_POST['flavor'] ; $tiers = $_POST['tiers'] ; $serves = $_POST['serves'] ; $price = $_POST['price'] ; //THIS IS THE VARIABLE THAT HAS THE POUND AND $ SYMBOLS IN. //Strip symbols and malicious attempts. $word = strip_tags($word) ; //HTML default outputs the symbols even though they are coded in the drop down boxes, the below converts them back into their codes so they match with the codes in the database. $symbol[0] = '£' ; $symbol[1] = '$' ; $replace[0] = '£' ; $replace[1] = '$' ; $price = str_replace($replace,$symbol,$price) ; $def = "Dont Specify" ; //Default value for drop down boxes if(!isset($word) || $word == "Enter Search Term" || $word == "") //If the word field has nothing in or has default text then... { unset($word) ; //Force clear. } if($type == $def) { unset($type) ; } if($flavor == $def) { unset($flavor) ; } if($tiers == $def) { unset($tiers) ; } if($serves == $def) { unset($serves) ; } if($price == $def) { unset($price) ; } if(!isset($word) && !isset($type) && !isset($flavor) && !isset($tiers) && !isset($serves) && !isset($price)) //If nothing has been set... { echo '<h1>Cake Photos - Nothing Searched For</h1> <p>You did not specify anything to search for.</p> <p>Either enter a word into the word field, or make a selection from at least one drop down box.</p>' ; //Message. echo '</div><div id="rightzone">' ; //include 'random.php' ; echo '</div> <div id="footer">' ; include "../includes/footer.html" ; echo '</div> </div> </body> </html>' ; die ; include("dbdisconnect.php") ;//End script and disconnect from database. } if(isset($word)) { include ('eliminator.php') ; //Include the word cleaner, deletes symbols etc. include ('stemmer.php') ; //Include the Stemmer Algorythm, "tests" = "test" etc. $stemmer = new PorterStemmer ; //Call class in the stemmer.php file. $stemmed_string = $stemmer->stem(strtolower($word)); //force words to lower case. $cleanup = new Cleaner ; //Call word cleaner class in the eliminator.php file. $stemmed_string = $cleanup->parseString($stemmed_string) ; $sanction = split(" ",$stemmed_string) ; //Spaces constiture a new word? foreach ($sanction as $array => $V) { $x_string .= ''.$V.' ' ; } $x_string = substr($x_string,0,(strlen($x_string)-1)) ; $split_stemmed = split(" ",$x_string) ; while(list($key,$V)=each($split_stemmed)) { if($V<>" " AND strlen($V) > 0){ $wordx .= "(tags LIKE '%$V%' OR title LIKE '%$V%' OR Description LIKE '%$V%' OR decorator LIKE '%$V%') OR" ; } } $wordx = substr($wordx,0,(strlen($wordx)-3)) ; echo "<h2>You Searched for $word</h2>" ; } if(isset($type)) { if(isset($word)) { $typex = "&& type LIKE '%$type%'" ; } else $typex = "type LIKE '%$type%'" ; } if(isset($flavor)) { if(isset($word) || isset($type)) { $flavorx = "&& flavor LIKE '%$flavor%'" ; } else $flavorx = "flavor LIKE '%$flavor%'" ; } if(isset($tiers)) { if(isset($word) || isset($type) || isset($flavor)) { $tiersx = "&& tiers LIKE '%$tiers%'" ; } else $tiersx = "tiers LIKE '%$tiers%'" ; } if(isset($serves)) { if(isset($word) || isset($type) || isset($flavor) || isset($tiers)) { $servesx = "&& serves LIKE '%$serves%'" ; } else $servesx = "serves LIKE '%$serves%'" ; } if(isset($price)) { if(isset($word) || isset($type) || isset($flavor) || isset($tiers) || isset($serves)) { $pricex = "&& price LIKE '%$price%'" ; } else $pricex = "price LIKE '%$price%'" ; } //Paging system. $page = (!isset($_GET['page']))? 1 : $_GET['page'] ; $prev = ($page - 1) ; $next = ($page + 1) ; $max_results = 5 ; $from = (($page * $max_results) - $max_results) ; $resamnt = mysql_query("SELECT image_id FROM image_bank") ; $total_results = mysql_num_rows($resamnt) ; $total_pages = ceil($total_results / $max_results) ; $pagination = '' ; if($page > 1) { $pagination .= '<a href="search.php?page='.$prev.'">Previous</a>' ; } for ($i = 1; $i <= $total_pages; $i++) { if(($page) == $i) { $pagination .= $i ; } else { $pagination .= '<a href="search.php?page='.$i.'">'.$i."</a>"; } } if($page < $total_pages) { $pagination .= '<a href="search.php?page='.$next.'">Next</a>' ; } echo "$pagination" ; $query = "SELECT * FROM image_bank WHERE $wordx $typex $flavorx $tiersx $servesx $pricex LIMIT $from, $max_results " ; $result = mysql_query($query) ; //$rowamnt = mysql_num_rows($result) ; //Count how many results there are. if ($total_results > 0) //If there are more than 0 results... { if($total_results == 1) { $s = "" ; } else { $s = "s" ; } echo "<p>Which yielded <strong>$total_results</strong> result" . "$s</p>" ; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $dbtitle = $row['title'] ; $dbdescr = $row['description'] ; $dbtags = $row['tags'] ; $dbdec = $row['decorator'] ; $dbtiers = $row['tiers'] ; $dbtype = $row['type'] ; $dbflavor = $row['flavor'] ; $dbserves = $row['serves'] ; $dbprice = $row['price'] ; $imgurl = $row['url']; $thumburl = $row['thumb_url'] ; $rating = $row['rating'] ; echo "$dbtags" . "<br />" ; echo "$dbtitle" . "<br />" ; echo "Decorated by : $dbdec" . "<br />" ; echo "Description : $dbdescr" . "<br />" ; echo "$dbtiers tier cake" . "<br />" ; echo "Type : $dbtype cake" . "<br />" ; echo "Flavor : $dbflavor" . "<br />" ; echo "Serves : $dbserves" . "<br />" ; echo "Costs : $dbprice" . "<br />" ; echo 'Information Page : <a href="' . "$imgurl" . '">' . "$imgurl" . "</a>" . "<br />" ; echo '<img src="' . "$thumburl" . '" height="100" width="50" />' ; echo "$rating" ; } } else { echo '<h1>Cake Photos - Nothing Found</h1> <p>No cakes were found that match what you searched for.</p> <p>Make sure your have entered a keyword OR have selected an item from atleast one drop down menu.</p>' ; } echo '</div><div id="rightzone">' ; //include 'random.php' ; echo '</div> <div id="footer">' ; include "../includes/footer.html" ; echo '</div> </div> </body> </html>' ; include("dbdisconnect.php") ; ?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
imperium2335 Posted March 19, 2009 Author Share Posted March 19, 2009 I've tried about 5 tutorials now and still cant get it to work please can anyone help me? :-\ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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