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Justifying textwrap/ imagecopy(and or merge)/image upload


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Okay, two questions I know are a little hard to answer, one Imagecopy(and or merge) I just need to know how to write and where to put it.


Okay first things first, I have this code that will only text wrap my text that I put into, I need it to both Justify my text, and resize it, (if need to be) to fit within a specified size.


Currently im just using a basic textwrap code, (forgive I am new with PHP, and I wish that people would actually try and help me, without saying "go read about it" trust me I have read about it, but I am a visual learner, if I cant see it getting done, then its of no use to me,) alright enough with my ranting.

Now, I know this justifying/resize code is a little tricky (for people who know how to do it) and impossible for those who don't, like me.


Can someone help me with that?


Now, the imagecopymerge, I am trying to make a dynamic signature maker, which will allow several things to be added. Like the text mentioned above. But also icons, now I have tried and tried and tried to get the images to show up, based on the users specified icon they want.

Now, I know I have to use a imagecopymerge code, to take the image of the icon, and the image of the background and merge into one.

Again, Im using the basic coding for this, I just don't know where to actually set it up within my syntax.


Now, the image upload, probably the hardest (if my explainations havent already made the others impossible to understand)  I am using this code for this image upload:


<title>Upload an Image</title>
function submitpicture(){
<center><div style="font-family:verdana;font-size:12;background:#FFFFCC" id="message">Upload an image from your computer (< 2 mb)</div></center>
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" onsubmit='submitpicture()' name="uploadImage" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="2000000" />
<input type="file" name="userfile" ACCEPT="image/*" />
<br />

<input type="submit" value="Upload" id="uploadpicture" />




Now, the page or file that is calling that code, is a php file, how would I set up the function to call it?



Okay, now for anyone willing to try and help me. I realize my explanations, or well... crap, but I am rather, "embarassed" to publicly post my entire coding that I need help with (no its nothing explicit). But if you are willing to try and help me, I can PM/Email it to you.


Anyway.. thanks for atleast reading this =/

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