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TextSearch.class "Replacement Text is not defined"


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Hi, this great script makes changes to all text files in any directory.  I need to replace "\r\n        " with "" but the script returns 'Replacement Text is not defined'.  Can some one please help me remove this empty string restriction??  I'm fairly new to PHP but I know a great script when I find it.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Aren't Fridays great.  Did I actually put too many greats in this post.  Thanks, Luke.


usage script:





$path = "c:\secu"; //setting search path

$logFile = "c:\secu\searchResult.txt"; //setting log file


$obj = new TextSearch();

$obj->setExtensions(array('txt')); //setting extensions to search files within

$obj->addExtension('php');//adding an extension to search within

$obj->setSearchKey("\r\n        ");

$obj->setReplacementKey("");//setting replacement text if you want to replace matches with that

$obj->startSearching($path);//starting search

$obj->showLog();//showing log

$obj->writeLogToFile($logFile); //writting result to log file








* Class : TextSearch


* @author  :  MA Razzaque Rupom <rupom_315@yahoo.com>, <rupom.bd@gmail.com>

*            Moderator, phpResource Group(http://groups.yahoo.com/group/phpresource/)

*            URL: http://rupom.wordpress.com


* @version :  1.0

* Date    :  06/25/2006

* Purpose  :  Searching and replacing text within files of specified path



class TextSearch


var $extensions        = array();

var $searchKey          = '';

var $replacementKey    = '';

var $caseSensitive      = 0; //by default case sensitivity is OFF

var $findAllExts        = 1; //by default all extensions

var $isReplacingEnabled = 0;

var $logString          = '';

var $errorText          = '';

var $totalFound        = 0; //total matches



  *  Sets extensions to look

  *  @param Array extensions

  *  @return none


  function setExtensions($extensions = array())


      $this->extensions = $extensions;




        $this->findAllExts = 0; //not all extensions


  }//End of Method



  * Adds a search extension

  * @param  file extension

  * @return none


  function addExtension($extension)



      array_push($this->extensions, $extension);     

      $this->findAllExts = 0; //not all extensions


  }//End of function




  * Sets search key and case sensitivity

  * @param search key, case sensitivity

  * @return none


  function setSearchKey($searchKey, $caseSensitive = 0)


      $this->searchKey = $searchKey;




        $this->caseSensitive = 1; //yeah, case sensitive


  }//End of function



  *  Sets key to replace searchKey with

  *  @param : replacement key

  *  @return none


  function setReplacementKey($replacementKey)



      $this->replacementKey    = $replacementKey;

      $this->isReplacingEnabled = 1; 


  }//End of function



  * Wrapper function around function findDirFiles()

  * @param $path to search

  * @return none


  function startSearching($path)



  }//EO Method



  * Recursively traverses files of a specified path

  * @param  path to execute

  * @return  none


  function findDirFiles($path)


      $dir = opendir ($path);


      while ($file = readdir ($dir))


        if (($file == ".") or ($file == ".."))





    if (filetype ("$path/$file") == "dir")


            $this->findDirFiles("$path/$file"); //recursive traversing here


elseif($this->matchedExtension($file)) //checks extension if we need to search this file




              $this->searchFileData("$path/$file"); //search file data         



      } //End of while




  }//EO Method



  * Finds extension of a file

  * @param filename

  * @return file extension


  function findExtension($file)


  return array_pop(explode(".",$file));

  }//End of function



  * Checks if a file extension is one the extensions we are going to search

  * @param filename

  * @return true in success, false otherwise


  function matchedExtension($file)


      if($this->findAllExts) //checks if all extensions are to be searched


        return true;


      elseif(sizeof(array_keys($this->extensions, $this->findExtension($file)))==1)


        return true;



      return false;


  }//EO Method



  * Searches data, replaces (if enabled) with given key, prepares log

  * @param $file

  * @return none


  function searchFileData($file)


      $searchKey  = preg_quote($this->searchKey, '/');




        $pattern    = "/$searchKey/U";




      $pattern    = "/$searchKey/Ui";



      $subject      = file_get_contents($file);


      $found = 0;


      $found = preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);          


      $this->totalFound +=$found;




      $foundStr = "Found in $found places";

        $this->appendToLog($file, $foundStr);




      if($this->isReplacingEnabled && $this->replacementKey && $found)


        $outputStr = preg_replace($pattern, $this->replacementKey, $subject);                            

        $foundStr = "Found in $found places";

        $this->writeToFile($file, $outputStr);

        $this->appendToLog($file, $foundStr, $this->replacementKey);



      elseif($this->isReplacingEnabled && $this->replacementKey == '')


        $this->errorText .= "Replacement Text is not defined\n";

        $this->appendToLog($file, "Replacement Text is not defined", $this->replacementKey);




        $this->appendToLog($file, "No matching Found", $this->replacementKey);



  }//EO Method



  * Writes new data (after the replacement) to file

  * @param $file, $data

  * @return none


  function writeToFile($file, $data)




        $fp = fopen($file, "w");

        fwrite($fp, $data);





        $this->errorText .= "Can not replace text. File $file is not writable. \nPlease make it writable\n";



  }//EO Method



  * Appends log data to previous log data

  * @param filename, match string, replacement key if any

  * @return none


  function appendToLog($file, $matchStr, $replacementKey = null)


    if($this->logString == '')


      $this->logString = " --- Searching for '".$this->searchKey."' --- \n";



      if($replacementKey == null)


        $this->logString .= "Searching File $file : " . $matchStr."\n";     




        $this->logString .= "Searching File $file : " . $matchStr.". Replaced by '$replacementKey'\n";     



  }//EO Method



  * Shows Log

  * @param none

  * @return none


  function showLog()


      $this->dBug("------ Total ".$this->totalFound." Matches Found -----");








  }//EO Method



  * Writes log to file

  * @param log filename

  * @return none


  function writeLogToFile($file)


      $fp = fopen($file, "wb") OR die("Can not open file <b>$file</b>");           

      fwrite($fp, $this->logString);

      fwrite($fp, "\n------ Total ".$this->totalFound." Matches Found -----\n");



        fwrite($fp, "\n------Error-----\n");   

        fwrite($fp, $this->errorText);




  }//EO Method



  * Dumps data

  * @param data to be dumped

  * @return none


  function dBug($dump)


      echo "<pre>";


      echo "</pre>";

  }//EO Method


} //End of class




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This is an example of the data I'm trying to massage:


AKR_520    SECU106 FEB26 06:42:52 8900 INFO

        User: SOSCPOLL1 on UNKNOWN VOLUME_ID #6D84. Valid use of comma

        nd BSYLTCCCI.

AKR_520    SECU106 FEB26 06:41:40 5700 INFO

        User: SOSCPOLL1 on UNKNOWN VOLUME_ID #6D84. Valid use of comma

        nd BSYTTP.

AKR_520    SECU106 FEB26 06:41:36 4500 INFO

        User: SOSCPOLL1 on UNKNOWN VOLUME_ID #6D84. Valid use of comma

        nd BSYTTP.

AKR_520    SECU106 FEB26 06:41:32 4000 INFO

        User: SOSCPOLL1 on UNKNOWN VOLUME_ID #6D84. Valid use of comma

        nd BSYTTP.

AKR_520    SECU106 FEB26 06:41:28 3300 INFO

        User: SOSCPOLL1 on UNKNOWN VOLUME_ID #6D84. Valid use of comma


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