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PHPList Redirect subscribelib2.php


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Hello. I just started to learn PHP, this is a bit over my head yet...


I have the PHPList app installed for my mailing list and I would like to send my new subscribers to a custom thank you page.

there seems to be a lot my people doing this, but I haven't found anyone who is kind enough to help me accomplish this; all I've been getting is lot of incomplete answers. And now I am here. :)


anyhow, here's what i've got thus far... here is a snippet from the subscribelib2.php file which is where the redirect takes place after a visitor subscibes to one of my lists:



# personalise the thank you page
  if ($subscribepagedata["thankyoupage"]) {
$thankyoupage = $subscribepagedata["thankyoupage"];
  } else {
  $thankyoupage = '<h3>'.$strThanks.'</h3>'. $strEmailConfirmation;

   if (eregi("\[email\]",$thankyoupage,$regs))
    $thankyoupage = eregi_replace("\[email\]",$email,$thankyoupage);
  $user_att = getUserAttributeValues($email);
  while (list($att_name,$att_value) = each ($user_att)) {
    if (eregi("\[".$att_name."\]",$thankyoupage,$regs))
      $thankyoupage = eregi_replace("\[".$att_name."\]",$att_value,$thankyoupage);

  if (is_array($GLOBALS["plugins"])) {
    foreach ($GLOBALS["plugins"] as $name => $plugin) {
      $thankyoupage = $plugin->parseThankyou($id,$userid,$thankyoupage);

  $blacklisted = isBlackListed($email);
  if ($blacklisted) {
    $thankyoupage .= '<p>'.$GLOBALS["strYouAreBlacklisted"].'</p>';
    return 1;
  if ($sendrequest && $listsok) { #is_array($_POST["list"])) {
    if (sendMail($email, getConfig("subscribesubject:$id"), $subscribemessage,system_messageheaders($email),$envelope,1)) {
      sendAdminCopy("Lists subscription","\n".$email . " has subscribed\n\n$history_entry");
      print $thankyoupage;
     } else {
      print '<h3>'.$strEmailFailed.'</h3>';
      if ($blacklisted) {
        print '<p>'.$GLOBALS["strYouAreBlacklisted"].'</p>';
  } else {
    print $thankyoupage;
    if ($_SESSION["adminloggedin"]) {
      print "<p>User has been added and confirmed</p>";

  print "<P>".$PoweredBy.'</p>';
  print $subscribepagedata["footer"];



I have this snippet of code that I think will do the trick, but I'm not sure where to put it nor do I know how to call it from the form after the user has subscribed:


function redirect($url) { 
    if (!headers_sent()) { 
        //If headers not sent yet... then do php redirect 
        header('Location: '.$url); exit; 
    } else { 
        //If headers are sent... do javascript redirect... if javascript disabled, do html redirect. 
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; 
        echo 'window.location.href="'.$url.'";'; 
        echo '</script>'; 
        echo '<noscript>'; 
        echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url='.$url.'" />'; 
        echo '</noscript>'; exit; 


If anyone would be willing to help me it would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks a bunch.







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Hello. I just started to learn PHP, this is a bit over my head yet...


I have the PHPList app installed for my mailing list and I would like to send my new subscribers to a custom thank you page.

there seems to be a lot my people doing this, but I haven't found anyone who is kind enough to help me accomplish this; all I've been getting is lot of incomplete answers. And now I am here. :)


anyhow, here's what i've got thus far... here is a snippet from the subscribelib2.php file which is where the redirect takes place after a visitor subscibes to one of my lists:



# personalise the thank you page
  if ($subscribepagedata["thankyoupage"]) {
$thankyoupage = $subscribepagedata["thankyoupage"];
  } else {
  $thankyoupage = '<h3>'.$strThanks.'</h3>'. $strEmailConfirmation;

   if (eregi("\[email\]",$thankyoupage,$regs))
    $thankyoupage = eregi_replace("\[email\]",$email,$thankyoupage);
  $user_att = getUserAttributeValues($email);
  while (list($att_name,$att_value) = each ($user_att)) {
    if (eregi("\[".$att_name."\]",$thankyoupage,$regs))
      $thankyoupage = eregi_replace("\[".$att_name."\]",$att_value,$thankyoupage);

  if (is_array($GLOBALS["plugins"])) {
    foreach ($GLOBALS["plugins"] as $name => $plugin) {
      $thankyoupage = $plugin->parseThankyou($id,$userid,$thankyoupage);

  $blacklisted = isBlackListed($email);
  if ($blacklisted) {
    $thankyoupage .= '<p>'.$GLOBALS["strYouAreBlacklisted"].'</p>';
    return 1;
  if ($sendrequest && $listsok) { #is_array($_POST["list"])) {
    if (sendMail($email, getConfig("subscribesubject:$id"), $subscribemessage,system_messageheaders($email),$envelope,1)) {
      sendAdminCopy("Lists subscription","\n".$email . " has subscribed\n\n$history_entry");
      print $thankyoupage;
     } else {
      print '<h3>'.$strEmailFailed.'</h3>';
      if ($blacklisted) {
        print '<p>'.$GLOBALS["strYouAreBlacklisted"].'</p>';
  } else {
    print $thankyoupage;
    if ($_SESSION["adminloggedin"]) {
      print "<p>User has been added and confirmed</p>";

  print "<P>".$PoweredBy.'</p>';
  print $subscribepagedata["footer"];



I have this snippet of code that I think will do the trick, but I'm not sure where to put it nor do I know how to call it from the form after the user has subscribed:


function redirect($url) { 
    if (!headers_sent()) { 
        //If headers not sent yet... then do php redirect 
        header('Location: '.$url); exit; 
    } else { 
        //If headers are sent... do javascript redirect... if javascript disabled, do html redirect. 
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; 
        echo 'window.location.href="'.$url.'";'; 
        echo '</script>'; 
        echo '<noscript>'; 
        echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url='.$url.'" />'; 
        echo '</noscript>'; exit; 


If anyone would be willing to help me it would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks a bunch.



if (sendMail($email, getConfig("subscribesubject:$id"), $subscribemessage,system_messageheaders($email),$envelope,1)) {

      sendAdminCopy("Lists subscription","\n".$email . " has subscribed\n\n$history_entry");


      print $thankyoupage;



Call that redirect($url) function in this if and erase  print $thankyoupage;

Like this:

Hello. I just started to learn PHP, this is a bit over my head yet...


I have the PHPList app installed for my mailing list and I would like to send my new subscribers to a custom thank you page.

there seems to be a lot my people doing this, but I haven't found anyone who is kind enough to help me accomplish this; all I've been getting is lot of incomplete answers. And now I am here. :)


anyhow, here's what i've got thus far... here is a snippet from the subscribelib2.php file which is where the redirect takes place after a visitor subscibes to one of my lists:



# personalise the thank you page
  if ($subscribepagedata["thankyoupage"]) {
$thankyoupage = $subscribepagedata["thankyoupage"];
  } else {
  $thankyoupage = '<h3>'.$strThanks.'</h3>'. $strEmailConfirmation;

   if (eregi("\[email\]",$thankyoupage,$regs))
    $thankyoupage = eregi_replace("\[email\]",$email,$thankyoupage);
  $user_att = getUserAttributeValues($email);
  while (list($att_name,$att_value) = each ($user_att)) {
    if (eregi("\[".$att_name."\]",$thankyoupage,$regs))
      $thankyoupage = eregi_replace("\[".$att_name."\]",$att_value,$thankyoupage);

  if (is_array($GLOBALS["plugins"])) {
    foreach ($GLOBALS["plugins"] as $name => $plugin) {
      $thankyoupage = $plugin->parseThankyou($id,$userid,$thankyoupage);

  $blacklisted = isBlackListed($email);
  if ($blacklisted) {
    $thankyoupage .= '<p>'.$GLOBALS["strYouAreBlacklisted"].'</p>';
    return 1;
  if ($sendrequest && $listsok) { #is_array($_POST["list"])) {
    if (sendMail($email, getConfig("subscribesubject:$id"), $subscribemessage,system_messageheaders($email),$envelope,1)) {
      sendAdminCopy("Lists subscription","\n".$email . " has subscribed\n\n$history_entry");
      print $thankyoupage;
     } else {
      print '<h3>'.$strEmailFailed.'</h3>';
      if ($blacklisted) {
        print '<p>'.$GLOBALS["strYouAreBlacklisted"].'</p>';
  } else {
    print $thankyoupage;
    if ($_SESSION["adminloggedin"]) {
      print "<p>User has been added and confirmed</p>";

  print "<P>".$PoweredBy.'</p>';
  print $subscribepagedata["footer"];



I have this snippet of code that I think will do the trick, but I'm not sure where to put it nor do I know how to call it from the form after the user has subscribed:


function redirect($url) { 
    if (!headers_sent()) { 
        //If headers not sent yet... then do php redirect 
        header('Location: '.$url); exit; 
    } else { 
        //If headers are sent... do javascript redirect... if javascript disabled, do html redirect. 
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; 
        echo 'window.location.href="'.$url.'";'; 
        echo '</script>'; 
        echo '<noscript>'; 
        echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url='.$url.'" />'; 
        echo '</noscript>'; exit; 


If anyone would be willing to help me it would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks a bunch.



if (sendMail($email, getConfig("subscribesubject:$id"), $subscribemessage,system_messageheaders($email),$envelope,1)) {

      sendAdminCopy("Lists subscription","\n".$email . " has subscribed\n\n$history_entry");





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