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Hi, i am trying to insert a record into a table, but if the record exists i want it to update the record instead of creating a new one, so i tried to use the on duplicate key update



my php code:

$query3 = "INSERT INTO book(id, userid, datetime) VALUES ('$id', '$uid', NOW() )
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE  counts= counts + 1";
$result3 = mysql_query($query3);


but instead of updating it just inserts a new record.


when i want it to update i just want the count field to update. could it be that because i havent initially inserted anything into the counts field it wont update?

i have not initialized count as a variable.

the default value for counts is 0 which is in the mysql.


my id is an auto incremenet value.


i tried reading the manual about the duplicate key but  i got a bit confused



any help is appreciated,




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i think you need to be using update instead of insert


$action = $_GET["action"];
$id = $_GET["id"];

if ($action=="add")
$query3 = "INSERT INTO book(id, userid, datetime) VALUES ('$id', '$uid', NOW() )
$result3 = mysql_query($query3);
if ($action=="update")
sql = "update book set count = count +1 where id=$id"; 
$result= mysql_query($sql);


you need to be using something along these lines



and you need to be able to diffeentiate as to if it is a new insertion or not.

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i think you need to be using update instead of insert


$action = $_GET["action"];
$id = $_GET["id"];

if ($action=="add")
$query3 = "INSERT INTO book(id, userid, datetime) VALUES ('$id', '$uid', NOW() )
$result3 = mysql_query($query3);
if ($action=="update")
sql = "update book set count = count +1 where id=$id"; 
$result= mysql_query($sql);


you need to be using something along these lines



and you need to be able to diffeentiate as to if it is a new insertion or not.


ok ive changed it so that it uses a function to check if an id exists,


so if the returned result is > than 0 then a record exists so update

otherwise insert

but now that doesnt work, is the function ok?

function check_debate_ID_exists($id)
#select the book id and see if it already exists in the table
$query2 = "SELECT id FROM book WHERE id like \"$id\" ";
$result2 = mysql_query($query2);

if (mysql_num_rows($result2) > 0)#if greater than 0, then $id exists
	#update row that is = to $id
	$query3 = "UPDATE book SET counts = counts+ 1 WHERE id = $id AND userid = $uid";
	$result3 = mysql_query($query3);
else #no id exists
	#insert a record by creting a vote
	$query4 = "INSERT INTO book(id, userid, datetime) VALUES ('$id', '$uid', NOW() )";
	$result4 = mysql_query($query4);



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You're both right although if you try inserting data and the unique identifier already exists then you'll get this error.


so then how would i fix this.

i need the id to auto_increment when it inserts a new record

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You'd be better off using single quotes inside a query...

$query2 = "SELECT id FROM book WHERE id like '$id' ";


Also change this line:

$query4 = "INSERT INTO book(userid, datetime) VALUES ('$uid', NOW() )";

I'm presuming "id" is the unique identifier - if this is set to AUTO_INCREMENT there's no need to specify it in INSERT as MySQL will fill it in for you automatically.

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The ID field is numeric (being autonumber) so you don't want to do a like nor have inverted commas around the value.


function check_debate_ID_exists($id)
#select the book id and see if it already exists in the table
$query2 = "SELECT id FROM book WHERE id = $id ";
$result2 = mysql_query($query2);

if (mysql_num_rows($result2) > 0)#if greater than 0, then $id exists
	#update row that is = to $id
	$query3 = "UPDATE book SET counts = counts+ 1 WHERE id = $id AND userid = $uid";
	$result3 = mysql_query($query3);
else #no id exists
	#insert a record by creting a vote
	$query4 = "INSERT INTO book(userid, datetime) VALUES ('$uid', NOW() )";
	$result4 = mysql_query($query4);


All the best



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The ID field is numeric (being autonumber) so you don't want to do a like nor have inverted commas around the value.

It doesn't matter whether they're there or not - for readability I always add them.


The proper way to write the query is this:

$query2 = "SELECT `id` FROM `book` WHERE `id`='$id'";

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Also noticed that the userid field doesn't have surruonding inverted commas in the update statement, yet might well be a character field.


It doesn't matter whether they're there or not - for readability I always add them.


Depends on the flavour of SQL you are using. As such I would say it is not a good habit to get into.


All the best



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