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[SOLVED] Trouble with .CSV Import Script


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hey guys, im having some difficulty getting my .CSV import script to work. i have a .CSV file that has info about the amount of millionaire in each of the 50 states. its 3 columns:



Amount of Millionaires in State

Total Wealth Of Millionaires





i want it so when the user first comes to the page, there is a submit button that he presses to import the csv data into 2 different tables in the database


here's my database:



here's my code:




<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Insert Data From Text File</title>
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<div id="wrapper">
<div id="banner">
    	<h1><center><a href="../php6/index.php">Inserting Data From A Text File</a></center></h1>
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  <div id="mainContent">
  	<h2>Hit the Submit button below to import the data from the Excel CSV file.</h2>

// This PHP script will import data from an Excel .CSV (Comma Delimited File) into a MySQL database //
// Coded by: Steve Stoveld//
// INF 216: Programming for the Web II //
// Due: 3/29/09 //
// PHP Assignment 5 //

// Connect to the server //
$dbcnx = @mysql_connect('localhost', 'dbase18', '*******') or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' .mysql_error());

// Connect to the database //
mysql_select_db('dbase18', $dbcnx);
if (!@mysql_select_db('dbase18'))
	exit ('<p>Error in query.'. mysql_error(). '<p>');

// Load the wealth .CSV file //
if (isset($_GET['loadwealth']))
	$text = file("wealth.csv"); // This is the .CSV file //
	$headers=array_shift($text); // This will get rid of the column headers //
	foreach ($text as $line)
			$line=trim($line); // This gets rid of the line endings //
			$pieces = explode(",", $line); // Breaks into sub-arrays along the commas //
			$pieces = str_replace('"', '', $pieces); // Gets rid of double quotes, if there are any //
			$pieces = str_replace("'", "\'", $pieces); // This will manage the single quotes, if there are any //
			echo $states;

			// Query the states_table table to get the states id //
			$get_states=@mysql_query("SELECT id FROM states_table WHERE states='$states'");
			if (!$get_states)
					exit ('<p>There was an error in the query. '. mysql_error().'</p>');
				$get_states_row = mysql_fetch_array($get_states);
				$states_id = $get_states_row['id'];

			// Insert the state into the table //
			$sql="INSERT INTO states_table SET states='$states'";
			if (!@mysql_query($sql))
					echo "<p>There was an error adding the state: ".mysql_error()."</p>";
			$states_id = mysql_insert_id();

			// Query the wealth_table table to get the wealth id //
			$get_wealth=@mysql_query("SELECT wealth_id FROM wealth_table WHERE millionaires='$millionaires' && dollars='$dollars'");
			if (!$get_wealth)
					exit ('<p>There was an error in the query. '. mysql_error().'</p>');
				$get_wealth_row = mysql_fetch_array($get_wealth);
				$wealth_id = $get_wealth_row['wealth_id'];

			// Insert the wealth info into the table //
			$sql2="INSERT INTO wealth_table SET millionaires='$millionaires', dollars='$dollars'";
			if (!@mysql_query($sql2))
					echo "<p>There was an error adding the wealth info: ".mysql_error()."</p>";


		// Select the data from the MySQL database //
		$queryresult = @mysql_query('SELECT id, states, wealth_id, states_id, millionaires, dollars FROM wealth_table LEFT JOIN states_table ON wealth_table.states_id = states_table.id');

		if (!$queryresult)
				exit ('<p>There was an error in the MySQL Query:'. mysql_error().'</p>');

// Make an HTML table to hold the data from the .CSV //


   <form name="loadwealth" action="<?php echo($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); ?>" method="post">
   while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($queryresult))
		echo ('<tr><td>' . $row['states'] . '</td><td>' . $row['millionaires'] . '</td><td>' . $row['dollars'] . '</td></tr>');
   <input type="submit" value="Load" name="loadwealth" />

  </div><!-- mainContent -->
    <div id="footer">
    	<p>Coded and designed by: <a href="mailto:sstoveld@gmail.com">Steve Stoveld</a></p>
    </div><!-- footer -->
</div><!-- wrapper -->



currently, when the button is pressed, it doesnt do anything :P


any help is appreciated. thanks :)


p.s. i actually tried to keep the code nice and neat this time :)


edit: its getting late here, so i wont be able to check back until tomorrow morning. thanks

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If I had to write my own parse routine this is what I'd do...


1. The first line of a CSV is sometimes the table headers - have the option to ignore/use this line

2. CSV stands for Comma Separated List but because some data can contain a comma you can't just use explode() on it and expect everything to be fine

3. Because of (2) data is often surrounded with "limiters" and these are mostly either the single quote ' or double quote "


So this means a sample file can look like this:

"1", "Fred", "1.5", "21", "Some sample text"
"2", "Pete", "2.2", "35", "Some text, with a comma"


There's an easy way we can apply explode() on this and that's to first use str_replace to replace ", " to "," (no space)


Then we can use trim() to remove the start and end quotes following it by explode to split at ","

foreach ($csvfile as $line) {
  $line=-str_replace('", "','","',$line); //remove space after comma
  $line=trim($line,' "'); //remove spaces and quotes
  $arrCSV=explode('","',$line); //now $arrCSV[0]=1, $arrCSV[1]=Fred, $arrCSV[2]=1.5, $arrCSV[3]=21 etc.


It isn't difficult to allow the user to choose between single/double/quotes/whatever etc.


Hope this is of help.

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If I had to write my own parse routine this is what I'd do...


1. The first line of a CSV is sometimes the table headers - have the option to ignore/use this line

2. CSV stands for Comma Separated List but because some data can contain a comma you can't just use explode() on it and expect everything to be fine

3. Because of (2) data is often surrounded with "limiters" and these are mostly either the single quote ' or double quote "


So this means a sample file can look like this:

"1", "Fred", "1.5", "21", "Some sample text"
"2", "Pete", "2.2", "35", "Some text, with a comma"


There's an easy way we can apply explode() on this and that's to first use str_replace to replace ", " to "," (no space)


Then we can use trim() to remove the start and end quotes following it by explode to split at ","

foreach ($csvfile as $line) {
  $line=-str_replace('", "','","',$line); //remove space after comma
  $line=trim($line,' "'); //remove spaces and quotes
  $arrCSV=explode('","',$line); //now $arrCSV[0]=1, $arrCSV[1]=Fred, $arrCSV[2]=1.5, $arrCSV[3]=21 etc.


It isn't difficult to allow the user to choose between single/double/quotes/whatever etc.


Hope this is of help.


i've already got that in there :P i think im all set with that. im just having a problem having it load the file and import it into the database when the submit button is hit on the page

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OK, you're using $_GET to check for your submit button where you should be using $_POST instead.


ahh i knew it was something stupid :P


as for the comma's where i need it, i was planning on number_format() later


i still have 2 problems though. well, one problem and one other thing i overlooked.


when the load button is hit, the states appear outside the table, but the other 2 columns are inside the table like they should be.


and the other thing that i overlooked, the database keep getting populated every time the load button is hit. how can i make it so that when the load button is hit, it deletes all of the entries in the tables so the database doesnt get massive?

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To clear a table you can use:

TRUNCATE TABLE <tablename>


Can you give an example of the states not appearing where they should be? I don't quite follow...


sure, here's a screenshot:



how exactly would i use TRUNCATE TABLE?


EDIT: would it be possible to add another button (Clear or Reset) so that when the user hits that button it will clear both tables?

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While looking for the state thing, I noticed you're setting up your form then creating your table but you're closing the form before you close the table - should be the other way round.


As for the state thing...

            echo $states;

That's line 52 (how ironic the error is on the number of states??? lol)


I don't think the states info is either being added to the table or being pulled correctly.

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While looking for the state thing, I noticed you're setting up your form then creating your table but you're closing the form before you close the table - should be the other way round.


As for the state thing...

            echo $states;

That's line 52 (how ironic the error is on the number of states??? lol)


I don't think the states info is either being added to the table or being pulled correctly.


hmm ok i changed it so the form is closed after tha table is closed.


i added a reset button so that when it is hit, it's supposed to a query to truncate both tables, but i have to hit it twice for it to run both of the queries. here's the code:


if (isset($_POST['clear']))
		mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `states_table`");
		mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `wealth_table`");
   <input type="submit" value="Load" name="loadwealth" />
   <input type="submit" value="Reset" name="clear" />


how can i make it so it whack em both when you hit that button?


also, im still not sure whats wrong with the states. is this section correct?


while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($queryresult))
		echo ('<tr><td>' . $row['states'] . '</td><td>' . $row['millionaires'] . '</td><td>' . $row['dollars'] . '</td></tr>');


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You need to check your code that's inserting the states into the table - use echo to show the values so you can see what you're putting in there as I suspect the problem is there.


I have to pop out, will be back in about an hour.


i got it working, the problem was in my query


i had this:


$sql2="INSERT INTO wealth_table SET millionaires='$millionaires', dollars='$dollars'";


it needed to be this:


$sql2="INSERT INTO wealth_table SET states_id='$states_id', millionaires='$millionaires', dollars='$dollars'";


now the only issue i'm having is that when the Reset button is hit, it clears the tables, it still displays the data in the tables on the web page unless he hits the reset button a second time, or revisits the page. how can i make it so it automatically shows the data has been cleared when the button is hit?


here's the code:


   <form name="loadwealth" action="<?php echo($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); ?>" method="post">
   while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($queryresult))
		echo ('<tr><td>' . $row['states'] . '</td><td>' . $row['millionaires'] . '</td><td>' . $row['dollars'] . '</td></tr>');

if (isset($_POST['clear']))
		mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `states_table`");
		mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `wealth_table`");
   <input type="submit" value="Load" name="loadwealth" />
   <input type="submit" value="Reset" name="clear" />

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The reason you have to click the clear button twice is because you're displaying the table contents BEFORE you check if the button has been clicked - this means when you clear the data it shows you the data then clears the table and waits for input.


Move the if() to check for "clear" BEFORE the while() loop and it should work.


EDIT: logic/me error typo

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The reason you have to click the clear button twice is because you're displaying the table contents BEFORE you check if the button has been clicked - this means when you clear the data it shows you the data then clears the table and waits for input.


Move the if() to check for "clear" BEFORE the while() loop and it should work.


EDIT: logic/me error typo


thanks man, works great! all good now

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