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I got this up to:


min 8

max 20

must be numbers and letter


I need at least one Uppercase letter and can't figure it out...



function validate_password($password, $min_char = 8, $max_char = 20)
$password = trim($password); 

$eregi = eregi_replace('([a-zA-Z0-9_]{'.$min_char.','.$max_char.'})', '', $password);

return true;
return false;



Thank you for your help!

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function validate_password($password, $min_char = 8, $max_char = 20)
  //$password = trim($password); Don't trim the password...if there is a space at the beginning/end, it should fail
  $regex = sprintf('/^\w{%d,%d}$/',$min_char,$max_char);
    return false; //There is an invalid character or it's the wrong length
    return false;
  return true;
print validate_password('bad') ? 'Good' : 'Bad';
print '<br />';
print validate_password('GoodPass') ? 'Good' : 'Bad';
print '<br />';
print validate_password('ThisIsTooLongOfAPassword') ? 'Good' : 'Bad';
print '<br />';
print validate_password('Invalid Char') ? 'Good' : 'Bad';


so this will handle the "at least one Uppercase letter"...but do you want at least one number too?

My version would be along the lines of:


$numberCheck = false;
$alphaCheck = false;
$password = 'iuhje8Us'; // play around with this value

if(preg_match('#^[a-z0-9]{8,20}$#i', $password)){
    $strlength = strlen($password);
    for ($a = 0 ; $a < $strlength ; $a++) {
            $alphaCheck = true;
        } else if (ctype_digit($password[$a])){
            $numberCheck = true;

if($numberCheck and $alphaCheck){
    echo 'Valid password!'; // all's good!
} else {
    echo 'Invalid password!'; // Uh-oh... invalid password


The idea is that the password must first satisfy the basic regex pattern of #^[a-z0-9]{8,20}$#i. If it does, simply go through each element of $password and check if each entry is either an uppercase character (via ctype_upper) or a number (via ctype_digit). Their respective flags ($numberCheck and $alphaCheck) are flagged as each condition is met.


Finally, check to see if both flags are true.. if so, it's valid.. otherwise, it's invalid.


EDIT - Addition note to OP... it is not advised to use ereg, as POSIX (ereg) will no longer be included within the core of PHP as of version 6. Future proof your code now by learning PCRE (preg). You can read up on PCRE here as well as reading the resources page.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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