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Using Database Values with fopen

Mtowns Finest

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Hello -


I'm new to PHP, only been learning it for about a month, but I think I am starting to get the hang of it. I am working on a project that involves the Google Maps API which uses markers that are populated by values from a MySQL database.


The javascript code that populates the map markers is the following.

var html = '<b>' + name + '</b> <br/>' + address + '<br />' + '<a href=\"/locations/' + state + '/' + city + '/' + name + '\">View Profile</a>';


As you can see it creates a file path using the values for state, city, and name.


I am now trying to write a script that runs through my database and creates the file for each row in my database. The script works when I remove the database variables, but does not work when I have it the way it currently is. I already went through the error removing process, and I now just get a black screen when I run the script, which should mean its working. Unfortunately however, the files are not created.


Here is my current code.



$contents = 'Testing to see if this makes it onto the page'; 

include ('mysql_connect.php');
$query = "SELECT id, name, state, city, as sd FROM markers";
$result = @mysql_query($query);

if ($result) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {

$mydir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/locations/';
if(!empty($row['state']) && !empty($row['city']) && !empty($row['name'])){
   $mydir .= $row['state'].'/'.$row['city'].'/';
   if(file_exists($mydir) && is_writable($mydir)){
      $mydir .= $row['name'].'.php';
      // put the rest of the code to write the file here

$handle = fopen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/locations/'.$row['state'].'/'.$row['city'].'/'.$row['name'].'.php', 

"w") or die("Could Not Open File");  

$lock = flock($handle, LOCK_EX);  

if ($lock){ 
fputs($handle, $contents);  
flock($handle, LOCK_UN);  



Any help is greatly appreciated. I have looked everywhere for guides or examples that use variables in a similar way but I have had no luck.

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