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very new to php and having problems. I need help.


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Hi everyone,


I have only just started to follow some php tutorials and seem to have hit a brick wall. I am writing some basic php form processing code for a friends website (well actually following a tutorial and adjusting it slightly to fit my needs) and it just doesn't seem to work properly. Here is the html I am using:


 <form action="form.php" method="post" class="contact">




            <label for="contactname" class="fixedwidth">Nombre y Apellido</label>

            <input type="text" name="contactname" id="contactname"/>



            <label for="telephone" class="fixedwidth">Numero de Telefono</label>

            <input type="text" name="telephone" id="telephone"/>



            <label for="email" class="fixedwidth">Correo Electronico</label>

            <input type="text" name="email" id="email"/>



              <label for="tipo" class="fixedwidth">Tipo de Seguro</label>

              <select name="tipo" id="tipo">     

                <option>Rodaje de spots</option>

                <option>Sesiones de Fotografía</option>


                <option>Otros suguros</option>  





              <div class="textarea">

              <textarea name="detalles" id="details" cols="30" rows="7"></textarea>


<div class="buttonarea">

  <input type="submit" value="Envianos la informacion"/>



and the php:


<?php//import form information

$detalles = $_POST['detalles'];
$tipo = $_POST['tipo'];
$telephone = $_POST['telephone'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$contactname = $_POST['contactname'];


Simple form validation
check to see if an email and message were entered
//if no message entered and no email entered print an error
if (empty($message) && empty($email)){
print "No email address and no message was entered. <br>Please include an email and a message";
//if no message entered send print an error
elseif (empty($message)){
print "No message was entered.<br>Please include a message.<br>";
//if no email entered send print an error
elseif (empty($email)){
print "No email address was entered.<br>Please include your email. <br>";
//if the form has both an email and a message
else {

//Thank the user by name if they entered a name
if (!empty($name)) {
print "<b>Thank you $name.</b><br>";

print "<p><b>The following message has been sent</b>: <br>$message<br></p><p><b>Comment type(s):</b><br>$screen_ctypes</p>";
$body= $message . ' Comment type(s)' . $ctypes;

//mail the form contents
mail( "jan_colombini@hotmail.com", "Web site comments", $body, "From: $email\r\n" );

$page = "http://www.elisegur.es/contact.html";
if (!ereg($page, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])){
echo "Invalid referer";


It does send the info to my email address but has the following problems (by the way I am sorry to make it more difficult as it is half in Spanish but please be patient I have only been doing this a few days):


The information is not always sent at all.


On sending the information it shows "the following information has been sent: ...then the message in the box" have I done the following code wrong?


if (!empty($name)) {

print "<b>Thank you $name.</b><br>";


either way the message in the box never arrives at my email address.


In fact the only info that does arrive is the name and email address.


I hope someone can help as I am really desperate to get the hang of php and to help my friend with his website but am just finding it so frustrating.


I am sorry if this is very basic for you guys but would really appreciate and suggestion and help you can give.







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Hi Revraz,


That was a really quick reply. Thank you.


Do you mean to change the "mail the form contents" section to this:


//mail the form contents

mail( "jan_colombini@hotmail.com", "Web site comments", $body, "From: $jan_colombini@hotmail.com\r\n" )

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Hi revraz, thank you again for your reply.


I am not 100% sure where the message variable would go, I am still very new and finding it difficult. My best guess would be the following:


$detalles = $_POST['detalles'];

$tipo = $_POST['tipo'];

$telephone = $_POST['telephone'];

$email = $_POST['email'];

$contactname = $_POST['contactname'];

$message = $_POST['message'];




However I thought the text area was covered by the $detalles = $_POST['detalles']; array as that is what i have named it in the sheet?

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