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Embedding vidoes and photos in a web-based application


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Hi guys!


A doctor suggested that I should add videos and images to my "text-based" patient medical records system. I know that anyone can easily embed videos and photos on web-based applications but my problem is how to catch the video and photo directly from their machines to my web-based application. (or if not, atleast from the desktop to my application like dragg-and-drop). My next problem is how to edit the photo "ONLINE" to add some shapes to point abnormalities or diseases, and add texts to give more details.


There are many online photo-editors such as photoshop.com and fotoflexer but is there a web-based photo editor that you can install on your server that acts as an add-on to the browser?


Pls give me insights so that i can be on track. thanks so much guys.

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<input type="file" name="yourfile" id="yourfile" />


PHP GD Library... check out the manual.


Not that it's relevant to application design but you should also be careful about compliance. There are very strict regulations around what and how you can store/present when it comes to medical records.

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