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i am kinda lost how i can appraoch this.


basically i have many file paths like this










how can i get only the things in bold ?


also, the filenames differs dynamically.



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even the above regex does what you ask, here's another one ;)

preg_match('#(?<=crazy\.com).*?(?=(?:index|welcome\.html)|home\.jpg)#', $string, $match);


There are a few issues with your suggestion however...


a) That's 'probably' more work than sasa's method (while I don't advocate .* too often, it does have its uses, and depending on whether the url entries are by themselves to be checked (not nested within some large block of text), that method is more likely to be faster (granted, I haven't tested the speed difference between yours and sasa's... I'm going on the assumption of positive look behind and ahead assertions vs some minor .* backtracking [although, admittedly I could be wrong on this]).


b) Your pattern requires specific domains - (?<=crazy\.com) [so what happens with crazy2.com or another.com?] with specific ending file names (such as index or welcome.html by example) The following code illustrates this these issues:


$arr = array('crazy.com/main/videos/something/popular/index.html','crazy.com/latest/news/odds/home.jpg','crazy2.com/funny/world/politics/welcome.html','another.com/news/business/index.html');
foreach ($arr as $val) {
echo (preg_match('#(?<=crazy\.com).*?(?=(?:index|welcome\.html)|home\.jpg)#', $val))? $val . "<br />\n" :  'Url format not found using regex pattern...' .  "<br />\n";



Url format not found using regex pattern...
Url format not found using regex pattern...


Point being, I think the idea is to be able to match directories of any url (thus, regex patterns being flexable), which sasa's is.

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I wasn't illustrating the path capturing so much as the restriction on domain names and file names that need to be found within the pattern in the first place. sasa's is more flexible. And yes, parse_url would be even better (again, assuming that the url in question is by itself and not embedded within a string).

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