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I've been trying to get my search script(www.ericschuppe.com/searchtest.php) to paginate the results of this search searching all the results displayed in the checkout database


here is the code( nothing displays when tested : viewed at www.ericschuppe.com/searchtest2.php)


<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<form action="searchtest2.php" method="post">
Search - <input type="text" name="search" value="<?php if($_POST['search']) echo $_POST['search']; ?>" /><br />
<input type="submit" name="searchbtn" value="Search" />

include ('dbc.php'); // Connect to the data base.
if($_POST['searchbtn']) {
        echo '<br /><br />';
        if(!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
            $search = addslashes($_POST['search']);
            $search = $_POST['search'];
        $query = "SELECT full_name,user_idnum,DATE_FORMAT(`date`, '%m/%d/%Y %I:%i %p'),book,returned, MATCH (full_name) AGAINST ('".$search."' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS user_idnum FROM `checkout` WHERE MATCH (user_idnum) AGAINST ('".$search."' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ORDER BY `full_name` DESC";
        $result = mysql_query($query);
        $query = "SELECT full_name,user_idnum,DATE_FORMAT(`date`, '%m/%d/%Y %I:%i %p'),book,returned, MATCH (full_name) AGAINST ('".$search."' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS user_idnum FROM `checkout` WHERE MATCH (user_idnum) AGAINST ('".$search."' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ORDER BY `full_name` DESC";
        $num = mysql_num_rows($query);

$max = 10; //amount of articles per page. change to what to want

$p = $_GET['p'];



$p = 1;


$limits = ($p - 1) * $max;

//view the news article!

if(isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == "view")


$id = $_GET['id'];

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM checkout WHERE id = '$id'");

while($r = mysql_fetch_array($sql))


$full_name = $r['full_name'];

$user_idnum = $r['user_idnum'];

$date = $r['date'];

$book = $r['book'];

$returned = $r['returned'];

echo "<div><p>$full_name</p><p>$user_idnum</p><p>$date</p><p>$book</p><p>$returned</p></div>";



//view all the news articles in rows

$sql = $result;

//the total rows in the table

$totalres = ($num,0);

//the total number of pages (calculated result), math stuff...

$totalpages = ceil($totalres / $max);

//the table

echo '<table align="center" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"><tr><td align="left"><b>Name</b></td><td align="center"><b>ID</b></td><td align="center"><b>Date</b></td><td align="center"><b>Book</b></td><td align="center"><b>Returned</b></td></tr><tr>';

   while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($sql, MYSQL_NUM)) {
         echo "<tr><td align=\"left\">" .
         stripslashes($r[0]) . "</td>
         <td align=\"left\">$r[1]</td>
         <td align=\"left\">$r[2]</td>
         <td align=\"left\">$r[3]</td>
         <td align=\"left\">$r[4]</td><tr>\n";



//close up the table

echo "</tr></table>";

echo( "<div style='text-align: center;'>" );

for($i = 1; $i <= $totalpages; $i++){

//this is the pagination link

$counter = "<a href='searchtest2.php?p=$i'>$i</a>";
echo "<span class=\"csstables\">$counter</span>";


echo( "</div>" );


Thank you again.

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The problem is probably $num = mysql_num_rows($query); I didn't bother reading past that. $query isn't holding any mysql result set, it's just holding the query information that is being sent to the database using mysql_query(). The result set from that query is being stored into $result.



$query = "SELECT full_name,user_idnum,DATE_FORMAT(`date`, '%m/%d/%Y %I:%i %p'),book,returned, MATCH (full_name) AGAINST ('".$search."' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS user_idnum FROM `checkout` WHERE MATCH (user_idnum) AGAINST ('".$search."' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ORDER BY `full_name` DESC";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$query = "SELECT full_name,user_idnum,DATE_FORMAT(`date`, '%m/%d/%Y %I:%i %p'),book,returned, MATCH (full_name) AGAINST ('".$search."' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS user_idnum FROM `checkout` WHERE MATCH (user_idnum) AGAINST ('".$search."' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ORDER BY `full_name` DESC";
$num = mysql_num_rows($query);



$query = "SELECT full_name,user_idnum,DATE_FORMAT(`date`, '%m/%d/%Y %I:%i %p'),book,returned, MATCH (full_name) AGAINST ('".$search."' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS user_idnum FROM `checkout` WHERE MATCH (user_idnum) AGAINST ('".$search."' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ORDER BY `full_name` DESC";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

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