herghost Posted April 5, 2009 Share Posted April 5, 2009 Hi all, I have a big big ask! I was wondering if one of you could write me some code that does what I want so I can learn from seeing and changing as im stuck. Basically I want to know how to make a site where users have profiles. I think I know what I need but I am at a loss of how to do it. This just has to be the bare basics, as I just want pointing in the right direction. Basically, say I have a table which includes the following: id, username, password, age what I want is a script which, when the user has logged in(i have got a basic reg/login script for this) they should be taken to say user_home.php which will allow them to edit there page (i dont need someone to write all this, just say, for it to let them change there age, I dont expect you to do everything!) Now say I have to users in the database and user 1 wants to see user 2's profile (just there age will do!) which I would like something like profile.php?user=users username. Has anyone got the time and patience to do this for me? Many many thanks Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/152654-who-is-feeling-extremely-kind-today/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Killkip Posted April 5, 2009 Share Posted April 5, 2009 I'm pretty new to PHP, but I figured I might as well help out other people where I can until my own question is answered. I made profiles for my own site recently so I can supply you my code. It may not be pretty but it's working for me. I hope it is of any use for you. Viewing/editing own profile: <?php session_start(); ?> <html> <head> <title>SQO Stellar Search Database</title> <body> <style> input.submit { display: inline; text-decoration: none; background: none; border: none; } input.submit:hover { text-decoration: underline; } </style> </head> <?php include("mysqlconnect.php"); $gb=$_SESSION['gb']; $edit=$_POST['edit']; $login = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gebruikers WHERE gebruikersnaam='".$gb."'"); $results = mysql_num_rows($login); $gebr = mysql_fetch_array($login); $admin=$gebr[admin]; if ($results==1){ include("menu.php");} else {include("menu2.php");} if ($results==1 && $edit==0){ echo "<div id='content'>"; echo "<H3><B>Profile:</B></H3> "; echo "<B>Username:</B> "; echo "$gb<BR>"; echo "<B>SQO name:</B> "; echo "$gebr[sqoname] <BR>"; echo "<B>Email:</B> "; echo "$gebr[email]<BR>"; echo "<B>Status:</B> "; if ($gebr[admin]==0){echo "Member <BR>";} if ($gebr[admin]==1){echo "Site Moderator <BR>";} if ($gebr[admin]==2){echo "Site Administrator <BR>";} echo "<B>Systems uploaded:</B> "; echo "$gebr[aantalsystems] <BR>"; echo "<B>Joined:</B> "; echo date("d F Y",$gebr[registerdate]); echo "<BR><BR>"; ?><FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="profile.php" style="display:inline; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px"><INPUT name="gb" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='$gebr[gebruikersnaam]'";?>> <INPUT name="edit" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='1'";?> > <input type=image name="formEditProfileSubmit" src="edit.jpg" <?php echo" alt='Edit profile data'"; ?> value="Bewerk" /> </FORM> <?php echo "</div>"; } elseif ($results==1 && $edit==1){ echo "<div id='content'>"; echo "<H3><B>Profile:</B></H3> "; ?><FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="changeprofile.php"> <?php echo "<B>Username:</B> "; echo "$gb<BR>"; echo "<B>SQO name:</B> "; echo "<Input name='sqoname' type=text value='$gebr[sqoname]' size=15> <BR>"; echo "<B>Email:</B> "; echo "$gebr[email] <BR>"; echo "<B>Show email:</B> "; if ($gebr[showemail]==0){echo "<input type='radio' name='showemail' value='1'> <font size='2'>Yes</font>      <input type='radio' name='showemail' value='0' checked> <font size='2'>No</font><BR>";} if ($gebr[showemail]==1){echo "<input type='radio' name='showemail' value='1' checked> <font size='2'>Yes</font>      <input type='radio' name='showemail' value='0'> <font size='2'>No</font><BR>";} echo "<B>Status:</B> "; if ($gebr[admin]==0){echo "Member <BR>";} if ($gebr[admin]==1){echo "Site Moderator <BR>";} if ($gebr[admin]==2){echo "Site Administrator <BR>";} echo "<B>Systems uploaded:</B> "; echo "$gebr[aantalsystems] <BR>"; echo "<B>Joined:</B> "; echo date("d F Y",$gebr[registerdate]); ?><BR><BR><INPUT name="gb" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='$gebr[gebruikersnaam]'";?>> <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Update Profile"> </FORM><BR><BR><BR> <FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="changepass.php"> <?php echo "<B>Old password:</B> "; echo "<Input name='oldpass' type=password size=15> <BR>"; echo "<B>New password:</B> "; echo "<Input name='newpass' type=password size=15> <BR>"; echo "<B>Retype new password:</B> "; echo "<Input name='newpass2' type=password size=15> <BR>"; ?><BR><INPUT name="gb" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='$gebr[gebruikersnaam]'";?>> <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Change Pass"> </FORM> <?php echo "</div>"; } else {echo "<div id='content'>Unexpected error.</div>";} mysql_close(); ?> </body> </html> Searching users profile: <?php session_start(); ?> <html> <head> <title>SQO Stellar Search Database</title> </head> <body> <?php include("mysqlconnect.php"); $gb=$_SESSION['gb']; $login = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gebruikers WHERE gebruikersnaam='".$gb."'"); $results = mysql_num_rows($login); $gebr = mysql_fetch_array($login); if ($results==0) { include("menu2.php"); echo '<div id="content">'; echo "Access to user info denied for Guests"; echo "</div>"; } else { include("menu.php"); echo '<div id="content">'; ?> <CENTER> <h3><B>Search user</B></h3> <form action="userinfo2.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" value=<?php echo $gebr[gebruikersnaam]; ?> name="gb"> Search user:<br> <input type="text" name="user"><br> <br><input type="submit" value="Search"></form></center> <?php echo "</div>";} mysql_close(); ?> </body> </html> Displays users info entered in script above: <?php session_start(); ?> <html> <head> <title>SQO Stellar Search Database</title> <body> <style> input.submit { display: inline; text-decoration: none; background: none; border: none; } input.submit:hover { text-decoration: underline; } </style> </head> <?php include("mysqlconnect.php"); $gb=$_POST['gb']; $user=$_POST['user']; $login = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gebruikers WHERE gebruikersnaam='".$gb."'"); $results = mysql_num_rows($login); $gebr = mysql_fetch_array($login); $admin=$gebr[admin]; if ($results==1){ include("menu.php"); $retrieveuser = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gebruikers WHERE gebruikersnaam='".$user."'"); $userfound = mysql_num_rows($retrieveuser); $userarray = mysql_fetch_array($retrieveuser); if ($userfound==1){ echo "<div id='content'>"; echo "<H3><B>Profile:</B></H3> "; echo "<B>Username:</B> "; echo "$userarray[gebruikersnaam] <BR>"; echo "<B>SQO name:</B> "; echo "$userarray[sqoname] <BR>"; echo "<B>Status:</B> "; if ($userarray[admin]==0){echo "Member <BR>";} if ($userarray[admin]==1){echo "Site Moderator <BR>";} if ($userarray[admin]==2){echo "Site Administrator <BR>";} echo "<B>Email:</B> "; if ($userarray[showemail]==0){echo "<i>hidden</i> <BR>";} if ($userarray[showemail]==1){echo "$userarray[email] <BR>";} echo "<B>Systems uploaded:</B> "; echo "$userarray[aantalsystems] <BR>"; echo "<B>Joined:</B> "; echo date("d F Y",$userarray[registerdate]); if ($gebr[admin]==2){ echo "<BR><BR><BR><B>Admin control panel: </B><BR>"; if ($userarray[admin]==0){ ?><img src='makemembergray.png' alt='Reset Special Privilages'> <FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="addmodadmin.php" style="display:inline; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px;"><INPUT name="gb" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='$gebr[gebruikersnaam]'";?>><INPUT name="user" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='$userarray[gebruikersnaam]'";?>><INPUT name="admin" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='1'";?>> <input type=image name="formEditProfileSubmit" src="addmod.png" <?php echo" alt='Give Moderator Status'";?> value="Bewerk" /></FORM> <FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="addmodadmin.php" style="display:inline; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px;"><INPUT name="gb" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='$gebr[gebruikersnaam]'";?>><INPUT name="user" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='$userarray[gebruikersnaam]'";?>><INPUT name="admin" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='2'";?>> <input type=image name="formEditProfileSubmit" src="addadmin.png" <?php echo" alt='Give Admin Status'";?> value="Bewerk" /></FORM> <?php } if ($userarray[admin]==1){ ?><FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="addmodadmin.php" style="display:inline; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px;"><INPUT name="gb" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='$gebr[gebruikersnaam]'";?>><INPUT name="user" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='$userarray[gebruikersnaam]'";?>><INPUT name="admin" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='0'";?>> <input type=image name="formEditProfileSubmit" src="makemember.png" <?php echo" alt='Reset Special Privilages'";?> value="Bewerk" /></FORM>  <img src='addmodgray.png' alt='Give Moderator Status'> <FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="addmodadmin.php" style="display:inline; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px;"><INPUT name="gb" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='$gebr[gebruikersnaam]'";?>><INPUT name="user" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='$userarray[gebruikersnaam]'";?>><INPUT name="admin" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='2'";?>> <input type=image name="formEditProfileSubmit" src="addadmin.png" <?php echo" alt='Give Admin Status'";?> value="Bewerk" /></FORM> <?php } if ($userarray[admin]==2){ ?><FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="addmodadmin.php" style="display:inline; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px;"><INPUT name="gb" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='$gebr[gebruikersnaam]'";?>><INPUT name="user" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='$userarray[gebruikersnaam]'";?>><INPUT name="admin" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='0'";?>> <input type=image name="formEditProfileSubmit" src="makemember.png" <?php echo "alt='Reset Special Privilages'";?> value="Bewerk"></FORM> <FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="addmodadmin.php" style="display:inline; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px;"><INPUT name="gb" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='$gebr[gebruikersnaam]'";?>><INPUT name="user" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='$userarray[gebruikersnaam]'";?>><INPUT name="admin" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='1'";?>> <input type=image name="formEditProfileSubmit" src="addmod.png" <?php echo "alt='Give Moderator Status'";?> value="Bewerk"></FORM>  <img src='addadmingray.png' alt='Give Admin Status'><?php } ?><FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="resetpass.php" style="display:inline; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px;"><INPUT name="gb" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='$gebr[gebruikersnaam]'";?>><INPUT name="user" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='$userarray[gebruikersnaam]'";?>> <input type=image name="formEditProfileSubmit" src="resetpass.png" <?php echo" alt='Reset Password to 12345'"; ?> value="Bewerk" /></FORM><?php } if ($gebr[admin]==1 && $userarray[admin]==0) { echo "<BR><BR><BR><B>Admin control panel: </B><BR>"; ?><FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="resetpass.php" style="display:inline; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px;"><INPUT name="gb" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='$gebr[gebruikersnaam]'";?>> <INPUT name="user" type="hidden" <?PHP echo "VALUE='$userarray[gebruikersnaam]'";?> > <input type=image name="formEditProfileSubmit" src="resetpass.png" <?php echo" alt='Reset Password to 12345'"; ?> value="Bewerk" /> </FORM> <?php } } else {echo '<div id="content">'; echo "User $user does not excist."; echo "</div>"; } } else {include("menu2.php"); echo '<div id="content">'; echo "Please <a href='login.php'>log in</a> to your SQOSSD account first. <BR><BR> Or if you don't have an account yet <a href='regist er.php'>register now</A>."; echo "</div>"; } ?> </body> </html> Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/152654-who-is-feeling-extremely-kind-today/#findComment-801685 Share on other sites More sharing options...
herghost Posted April 5, 2009 Author Share Posted April 5, 2009 Thanks bery much However does anyone have something simpler than this?? Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/152654-who-is-feeling-extremely-kind-today/#findComment-801715 Share on other sites More sharing options...
wildteen88 Posted April 5, 2009 Share Posted April 5, 2009 If you want someone to write scripts for you please post in the freelance forum. Thread locked. Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/152654-who-is-feeling-extremely-kind-today/#findComment-801718 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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