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joining tables with other tables


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hello all, one thing ive had alot of trouble with is associating tables with other tables,


I make 3 tables right,


create table Scientists{

cod varchar(8),

name varchar(255)



create table associated{

scientist varchar(8),

project varchar(4)



create table project{

ID varchar(4),

namepro varchar(50),

hours integer



Not sure how to put the keys :(


now how do i do a query say,

Show all the scientists (thier name), what project they are doing and the hours of the project



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First we need a way of linking all the tables with each other.


In your table "Scientists" I can't see a numerical primary key, something like this would be handy:



Then in "associated" we need to somehow link this to Scientists so we can add a field called scientistid in there

scientistid INT UNSIGNED


Then with the "project" table we need to somehow link it to the scientist - again, add the scientistid as used above.


Now we need to decide which way to join them in a query - will there always be data in associated and project for a scientist or is the data optional?

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I've just created these tables on my server so I can present you with some actual code...


CREATE TABLE `scientists` (
`name` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL


CREATE TABLE `project` (
`projectname` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,


Let's say you've got a lot of scientists listed and not all of them have a project assigned to them:

SELECT s.*,p.* FROM scientists AS s
LEFT JOIN project AS p ON s.id=p.scientistid
WHERE s.id=$id


That will pull all information from the database (both tables) where a scientist exists with the id of $id and if they are associated to a project that information will be shown as well.


I don't think there's any need to link with a third table.

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Thanks for your effort,

"I don't think there's any need to link with a third table."

I always tought that aswell but the problem is.. thats how my teacher wants it done.

the tables i wrote here, come from the exercise sheet.


and thus, creates alot of confusion for me hehe :(

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Example data for scientists:

1, Adam
2, Brian
3, Charlie
4, Dave
5, Edward


Example data for project:

id, scientistid, project, hours
1, 1, Splitting the Atom, 5
2, 1, Making Gold, 10
3, 2, Invisility, 4


Let's pull out Adam's work:

SELECT s.*,p.* FROM scientists AS s
LEFT JOIN project AS p ON s.id=p.scientistid
WHERE s.id=1

Will return:

id 	name 	id 	scientistid 	projectname 	hours
1 	Adam 	1 	1 	Splitting the Atom 	5
1 	Adam 	2 	1 	Making Gold 	10


Let's pull out Charlie's work:

SELECT s.*,p.* FROM scientists AS s
LEFT JOIN project AS p ON s.id=p.scientistid
WHERE s.id=3

Will return:

id 	name 	id 	scientistid 	projectname 	hours
3 	Charlie 	NULL 	NULL 	NULL 	NULL


Because Charlie doesn't have any projects in the database all we can get is his unique ID number and his name - the other fields are returned as NULL (aka empty)

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Thanks for your effort,

"I don't think there's any need to link with a third table."

I always tought that aswell but the problem is.. thats how my teacher wants it done.

the tables i wrote here, come from the exercise sheet.


and thus, creates alot of confusion for me hehe :(

We need to make that third table a link table then linking the two. Can you explain what "cod" is please?

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SELECT s.*,p.* FROM scientists AS s,associated AS a,project AS p
WHERE s.cod=a.scientist AND a.project=p.id AND s.name='Adam'


I think that's what you're looking for.


EDIT: Added WHERE clause to allow us to pick out a scientist by name.

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