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ssh2_exec output ok, but command does not execute


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I'm trying to execute a process via PHP (ssh2).

Here's the code:


        $connection = ssh2_connect(**,22);
$stream = ssh2_auth_password($connection, $on_ssh, $on_pass);
$command = ssh2_exec($connection, "cd hlds");
$command = ssh2_exec($connection, "sh server_run &");


Everything here seems ok, $connection is good, and 'server_run' has chmod 777.

Actually if I login manually via PuTTy and do the exact same actions it works.

Why doesn't it now?



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ssh2_exec() opens a new shell for each command...so in essence, the cd hlds never happend. can you do it like this:

   $connection = ssh2_connect(**,22);
   $stream = ssh2_auth_password($connection, $on_ssh, $on_pass);
   $command = ssh2_exec($connection, "sh hlds/server_run &");

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Hi, Thanks for the reply :)

I've tried it manually,


[1@localhost ~]$ sh hlds/server_run &
[1] 11653
[1@localhost ~]$ hlds/server_run: line 1: ./hlds_run: No such file or directory


How can I overcome that?




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ah...a poorly designed script...do this...create a file in your home dir called 'start_server.sh' and put this in it:


cd hlds
sh hlds/server_run > /dev/null &


then for your PHP script:

   $connection = ssh2_connect(**,22);
   $stream = ssh2_auth_password($connection, $on_ssh, $on_pass);
   $command = ssh2_exec($connection, "./start_server.sh &");

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Hey it's not my folder, it's a HL dedicated server >_< I'm just making the PHP.

I'll try it now.


Edit: Nope, still not working. I tried to make a "try" file and put a simple "wget" in it, and it worked. I don't know why this doesn't.

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The log was really helpful. It actually showed that the file actually runs, and there is an inside error which makes him crash.

The only thing is that when I manually login to PuTTy and do the exact same thing it works fine.

What the hell?

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This is the line that is generated when I manually activate the server:

[s_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; unable to update local steamclient. Continuing with current version anyway.


And exactly instead of it the PHP put out the error. he cant make it to this line.


the error itself is not important it's something like "there was an error. server restart in 10 seconds"..



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