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[SOLVED] Advice For the Best Approach...


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Hi, thanks for reading.


I was inquiring what the best practice would be for the following scenario:


- I have a website with many different users, and each user has an account.

- Each user has the ability to create and edit their own notes.

- I don't want other users to be able to edit other's notes, but they can by simply changing the URL.

- The only current GET variables processed in the URL are ?noteid=1&what=edit


What would be the best method or practice (that's mostly simple if at all) where I can prevent unauthorized users from editing other people's notes?


All the best -

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Make the page in POST instead of GET.

Remove this url/folder from crawler in robots.txt

Test if the currently logged user is the creator/owner of the note, if not redirect him to a profil or logout page or show a message that he can't read/modify this note because he isn't the owner.


Each page (and not only this one) you should always look first if the user has the right to do what he can do on the page.


Hope it answer your question.

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I gotcha.


I mean, accounts are authenticated correctly and query results are generated according to accountid is equal to the username stored in the cookie.


I was wondering if I should use a hidden input method, or a random generated md5 string as a variable, and if that variable isn't equivalent to the one stored in the user's account database at login, then he/she won't be able to edit?


Any further suggestions?




It would also have to be with GET, because the pages are stored within functions for the layout. Thanks though.

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have the members session id store in the db when they login


then, add the current session id to the url, ie. ?sid=<?php echo session_id(); ?> (will produce something like : c45fcbde91b00c8fcbb65c2310e0f2b1 .. i'm sure you know.


then test that session id generated in the url against the one stored in the db when a member logs in, which is ultimately the session id of the member whose note is in question.  or something like that anyways.


if they don't match, they get the boot.

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I don't know how you mysql table are done, but you should do something like that :


Table 1 : user

user.id int

user.username varchar

user.password varchar



Table 2 : note

note.id int

note.content text

note.creator_id int (containt the user.id who created the note)



Each page you have do display/modify a note you should add :


if logged user id (data coming from SESSION) user.id == note.creator_id (data coming from the POST/GET) if it don't redirect the user.


You can't trust a POST or GET form, including a hidden field form. They are easy to change.



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