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display results filtered by user ID


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I have an exam application where the participants take the application and then can go to a link to view their scores. Currently all of the scores are displayed, but I would want to alter that by creating a login screen and when they login, only they can only view their scores and not others. I think that would be the best way to approach this.


the code to display scores for everyone is basically taking the name from a MySQL table

$name[] = $row['name'];

and displaying all. How would I restrict what they see based on their unique login?




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more info.

the SQL being used to display all of the results is :


$sql = 'SELECT name, total_questions, incorrect_resp, num_correct,  centacor_results.date
	FROM centacor_roster, centacor_log LEFT JOIN centacor_results USING (log_id)
	WHERE centacor_roster.user_id = centacor_log.user_id AND centacor_roster.user_id > 0
	ORDER BY name, date';

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here is the code I am currently using to display the results. I have created a login form which captures the username which should always be unique. so, I just need to display the results pertinent to each unque username. Currently all of the results are displayed.



$db = new Database('localhost','username','pw','DBName',0);

$sql = 'SELECT name, username,total_questions, incorrect_resp, num_correct,  centacor_results.date
	FROM centacor_roster, centacor_log LEFT JOIN _results USING (log_id)
	WHERE centacor_roster.user_id = centacor_log.user_id AND centacor_roster.user_id > 0
	ORDER BY name, date';

$report = $db->query($sql);

if ($report->get_rows()) {
//loop to create arrays for each column
while ($row = $report->fetch_assoc()) {
	if($row['num_correct']) {
		$name[] = $row['name'];
                        $username[] = $row['username'];
		$numCorr[] = $row['num_correct'];
		$pcnt[] = ($row['num_correct'])/($row['total_questions']);
		$incorr[] = $row['incorrect_resp'];

		$date[] = $row['date'];



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something like this should work i think

$sql = "SELECT name, username,total_questions, incorrect_resp, num_correct,  centacor_results.date
	FROM centacor_roster, centacor_log LEFT JOIN _results USING (log_id)
	WHERE centacor_roster.user_id = centacor_log.user_id AND centacor_roster.user_id > 0 AND username='$username'
	ORDER BY name, date";

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that does something kinda weird. It says a table doesn't exist that I am not even accessing.


I think Having two SQL queries on a page is messing things up.


How can I simplify this?



$con = mysql_connect("localhost","username","pw");
if (!$con)
  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("dbname", $con);

// Start a session. Session is explained below.

// Same checking stuff all over again.
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
if(empty($_POST['username']) || empty($_POST['pwid']) ) {
	echo "Sorry, you have to fill in both your name, username and password";
// Create the variables again.

$username = $_POST['username'];
$pwid = $_POST['pwid'];
// Encrypt the password again with the md5 hash. 
// This way the password is now the same as the password inside the database.
$pwid = md5($pwid);

// Store the SQL query inside a variable. 
// ONLY the username you have filled in is retrieved from the database.
$query = "SELECT username,pwid
		  FROM	 centacor_roster
		  WHERE	 username='$username'";

$result = mysql_query($query);
if(!$result) { 
	// Gives an error if the username given does not exist.
	// or if something else is wrong.
	echo "The query failed " . mysql_error();
} else {
	// Now create an object from the data you've retrieved.
	$row = mysql_fetch_object($result);
	// You've now created an object containing the data.
	// You can call data by using -> after $row.
	// For example now the password is checked if they're equal.
	//if($row->pwid != $pwid) {
		//echo "I am sorry, but the passwords are not equal.";
                      //  exit;
	// By storing data inside the $_SESSION superglobal,
	// you stay logged in until you close your browser.
	$_SESSION['username'] = $username;
	$_SESSION['sid'] = session_id(); 
	// Make it more secure by storing the user's IP address.
	// Now give the success message.
	// $_SESSION['username'] should print out your username.

echo "<h3>Welcome! You are now logged in " . $_SESSION['username'] . "</h3>";


$db = new Database('localhost','username',pw','dbname',0);

$sql = "SELECT name, username,total_questions, incorrect_resp, num_correct,  centacor_results.date
      FROM centacor_roster, centacor_log LEFT JOIN _results USING (log_id)
      WHERE centacor_roster.user_id = centacor_log.user_id AND centacor_roster.user_id > 0 AND username='$username'
      ORDER BY name, date";

$report = $db->query($sql);

if ($report->get_rows()) {
//loop to create arrays for each column
while ($row = $report->fetch_assoc()) {
	if($row['num_correct']) {
		$name[] = $row['name'];
                        $username[] = $row['username'];
		$numCorr[] = $row['num_correct'];
		$pcnt[] = ($row['num_correct'])/($row['total_questions']);
		$incorr[] = $row['incorrect_resp'];

		$date[] = $row['date'];


//total elements in each array (currently same for all)
$numResults = count($name);
//counter for creating "scores" subarray
$counter = 0;

//this loop creates an array for each employee
for ($i=0, $k = 0; $k<$numResults; $k++) {
	$employeeResults[$i]['name'] = $empName[$k];
	$employeeResults[$i]['correct'] = $empID[$k];
	$employeeResults[$i]['percent'] = $terr[$k];
	$employeeResults[$i]['scores']['score'][$counter] = $score[$k];
	$employeeResults[$i]['scores']['assessor_id'][$counter++] = $assID[$k];
	//if the next employee is different, then increment the employee counter, and reset score counter
	if (($k<$numResults-1) && (($empID[$k+1] != $empID[$k]) || ($empID[$k]==NULL))) {
		$counter = 0;


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That query should have the proper aliases.  When referencing multiple tables, you have to prepend the columns with the table name or alias.  Fix my corrections accordingly.:

$sql = "SELECT cl.name, cl.username, cl.total_questions, cl.incorrect_resp, cl.num_correct,  cr.date
      FROM centacor_roster cr, centacor_log cl LEFT JOIN _results USING (log_id)
      WHERE cr.user_id = cl.user_id AND cr.user_id > 0 AND cl.username='$username'
      ORDER BY cl.name, cl.date";

I'm not sure what to do with the _results join as I don't know your table structures.  Your page seems confusing, and the query equally cryptic...

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