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I've been messing around with PHP now on and off for a few years. I can usually manage to rig something together to get what I need done. However, the code is usually pretty sloppy and my methods of doing things are pretty weird, and usually done easier than how I do things. I'm really interested in learning PHP more and figuring out and learning better ways to accomplish what I need done.


For example; I've yet to learn what a class is using PHP, or when using a class would be necessary


Ultimately what I want to lead into is designing websites. I already have some very unique and cool idea's for websites, however I can't really put it into action for a few reasons. For some unknown reason I'm not able to learn CSS, I've tried now on and off for awhile.. it's just every time I attempt to give it another shot I usually end up giving up a few days into it because I'm not getting anywhere.


So really all I'm doing as of now is just messing around making php scripts never an actual website. I wouldn't mind trying to start a website, it just goes back to what I said before. I don't know CSS and for some reason can't learn it. I know I would need to learn more than just CSS to actually make a website, as well as learning more PHP.


I'm just really anal about the design, and if I can't get it looking like I want I'll stop the project before it even starts.


For example, I knew what kind of website I wanted to run. I had a pretty good idea of how the php was going to function and what needed to be done with that. I knew how I wanted the website layout, and I even knew what kind of special features to have on the website. However, I got stuck at the designing stage. I couldn't think of a good name for my website, or a domain that wasn't taken. I attempted to get some kind of basic layout just to get started and I couldn't even do that.


I'm really interested in doing this kind of stuff, but I can't seem to learn very well. Someone told me that even though I would like to do this, it just might not be cut out for me.


Any input is appreciated.. doesn't even have to be help.. could be just what you think.




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I totally sympathize about the not getting css thing.  It took a really long time for me to really understand it, only to finally learn that there really isn't a whole lot to it, especially if you take advantage of something like firebug. 


From my experience, really, the hardest part about it is getting it to be cross-browser compatible, and even worse, cross-browser-version compatible.  The fact that the same thing often does not work from browser to browser or version to version, really set me back on the css learning.  I started and gave up so many times.  My advice to you on that would be to just focus on one browser until the whole concept of css clicks.  Then move on to getting it to work across the board.


But overall, if you are stuck (and suck) at design/layout, but have a solid idea of the back-end stuff, why not just grab a free template somewhere? There are literally thousands out there, and thousands more, if you're willing to spend as little as $5. 

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