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Developing a social site that can deal with twitters volume of traffic!


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I am a php developer who wants to develop a social site that one would of course dream could one day deal with the volumes twitter and facebook do . Now of course its only a dream, and its no its not another of the same, but instead a targeted market.


So rather than just make an OO php site, stick it on a server and hope it goes well, I would like to learn and understand the requirements on dealing with mulitple mass users and requests and scalibity of demand and the coding techniques to support this.


How or where can i learn or read about this specific way of developing?


thanks for any guidance here.

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I can point you in the right direction:


Research things like "enterprise applications" in regards to PHP.  I would high recommend object oriented code to keep things modular.  The key thing is to understand the concepts that are not PHP related, but rather the architecture of it all.  The design patterns info is particularly helpful to learn.


Review the second paragraph in this post: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,230337.msg1068850.html#msg1068850 for more tips on books to help you out.



If you get that far, you'll deal with things such as replication, optimization, etc..

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