ripkjs Posted April 13, 2009 Share Posted April 13, 2009 I stumbled upon this script to check for the server status. After making my own custom images, Some of the colors don't transfer over correctly after the script. I'm pretty new to php and scripting in general, but with the help of google and knowing the general idea behind code, I was able to modify it to fit my needs. Here is an example of the difference in images before and after. It seems its putting a glow on certain parts of just the population images. The status images for the background seem to be untouched. I'm sure the way I customized it was sloppy and a better way of doing it, but for now, all I'm worried about is getting the images to appear correctly. Can anyone explain what is happening here and why? Thanks in advance! Note: All images used are .png <?php ## ## WoW Server Status ## Version 4.1 ## Copyright 2008 Nick Schaffner ## ## function wow_ss_global() { /* ## Here you can preset all of the default variables for the script. ## These variables can also be set when calling the script. */ $wowss['realm'] = "Whisperwind"; // Your full Realm (server) name $wowss['display'] = 'full'; // (full | half | text | none) displays full or half image, text or set to none to return an array $wowss['region'] = 'us'; // (us | eu) set your server location $wowss['update_timer'] = 1; // Minutes between status update refresh $wowss['data_path'] = '/home/content/m/d/s/mdstanford9/html/forum/images/wowss'; // Path to your 'wowss' folder (you may need to prepend this with your root path, 'root/public_html' etc) $wowss['image_type'] = 'png'; // (png | gif) image type output /* ## These are the default messages outputed by the text version of the script. */ $wowss['up'] = 'Realm Up'; // Set your "Realm Up" message $wowss['down'] = 'Realm Down'; // Set your "Realm Down" message $wowss['max'] = 'Max (Queued)'; // Set Maxed (Queued) $wowss['high'] = 'High'; // Set High Population $wowss['medium'] = 'Medium'; // Set Medium Population $wowss['low'] = 'Low'; // Set Low Population $wowss['pve'] = 'PvE'; // Name for PvE servers $wowss['pvp'] = 'PvP'; // Name for PvP servers $wowss['rp'] = 'RP'; // Name for RP servers $wowss['rppvp'] = 'RPPvP'; // Name for RpPVP servers $wowss['offline'] = 'Offline'; // Set Offline Message (for when status is unavailable) $wowss['error'] = 'Sever Error'; // Set Error Message /* ## Uncomment these variables at YOUR OWN RISK. These overide default script settings */ ## $wowss['show_language'] = 'yes'; // (yes | no) Force script to display language type (EU realms display language by default) ## $wowss['xml_url'] = ''; // URL to XML status page ## $wowss['server_font'] = 'silkscreen.ttf'; // Font for Server names ## $wowss['type_font'] = 'silkscreenb.ttf'; // Font for all other type ################################ ################################ PHP Magic Below, Avoid editing if you don't know what you are doing ################################ $wowss['get_array'] = array('realm','update_timer','display','region','data_path','image_type'); foreach ($wowss['get_array'] as $value) { if($_GET[$value]) $wowss[$value] = trim(stripslashes($_GET[$value])); } $wowss['realm'] = str_replace('é','e',$wowss['realm']); $wowss['us_xml'] = ''; $wowss['eu_xml'] = ''; $wowss['us_codes'] = array( 'type' => array(1 => 'pve', 2 => 'pvp', 3 => 'rp', 4 => 'rppvp'), 'status' => array(1 => 'up', 2 => 'down'), 'population' => array(0 => 'offline', 1 => 'low', 2 => 'medium', 3 => 'high', 4 => 'max') ); $wowss['eu_codes'] = array( 'type' => array('pve' => 'pve', 'pvp' => 'pvp', 'rp-pve' => 'rp', 'rp-pvp' => 'rppvp'), 'status' => array('realm down' => 'down', 'realm up' => 'up'), 'population' => array('recommended' => 'low', 'medium' => 'medium', 'full' => 'high') ); if(substr($wowss['data_path'],-1) != '/') $wowss['data_path'] .= '/'; return $wowss; } function wow_ss($realm = 0,$display = 0, $region = 0, $update_timer = 0,$data_path = 0, $image_type = 0) { $wowss = wow_ss_global(); $realm_status = array(); if($realm) $realm_status['realm'] = $realm; else $realm_status['realm'] = $wowss['realm']; ## Overide default values from script call foreach ($wowss['get_array'] as $value) { if($$value) $wowss[$value] = $$value; } $realm_status['script_errors'] = array(); if(strtolower($wowss['region']) == 'us') $realm_status['language'] = 'us'; ## Verify data path if(is_dir($wowss['data_path'])) { if(!$wowss['xml_url']) $wowss['xml_url'] = $wowss[strtolower($wowss['region']).'_xml']; $xml_file = 'wowss-'. wow_ss_sfn($wowss['region']) .'-'. substr(md5($wowss['xml']),0,16) .'.xml'; ## Check if we need to update XML cache clearstatcache(); if(file_exists($wowss['data_path'].$xml_file)) { if(time()-($wowss['update_timer']*60) > filemtime($wowss['data_path'].$xml_file)) $update = true; } else $update = true; ## Fetch XML if($update) { $data = @file_get_contents($wowss['xml_url']); if(strlen($data) > 300) { ## Don't write data unless it is there $handle = fopen($wowss['data_path'].$xml_file,"w"); fwrite($handle,$data); fclose($handle); } else $realm_status['script_errors'][] = 'Unable to access remote XML file.'; } $xml = @strtolower(@file_get_contents($wowss['data_path'].$xml_file)); ## Parse XML if($xml) { $xml = str_replace('é','e',$xml); ## Parse US XML if(strtolower($wowss['region']) == 'us') { preg_match('/<r n="'. strtolower(str_replace("'",''',$wowss['realm'])) .'" t="([0-9])" s="([0-9])" l="([0-9])"\/>/',$xml,$status_array); ## [1] = type, [2] = status, [3] = population if(count($status_array) == 4) { $realm_status['type'] = $wowss['us_codes']['type'][$status_array[1]]; $realm_status['status'] = $wowss['us_codes']['status'][$status_array[2]]; $realm_status['population'] = $wowss['us_codes']['population'][$status_array[3]]; } } ## Parse EU XML if(strtolower($wowss['region']) == 'eu') { preg_match('/<title>\s*'. strtolower($wowss['realm']). '\s*<\/title>.*<\/item>/msU',$xml,$match); preg_match('/domain="population">(.*)</',$match[0],$status_array); if(!$status_array[1]) $realm_status['population'] = 'medium'; else $realm_status['population'] = $wowss['eu_codes']['population'][$status_array[1]]; preg_match('/domain="status">(.*)<.*domain="language">(.*)<.*domain="type">(.*)<.*domain="queue">(.*)</msU',$match[0],$status_array); $realm_status['status'] = $wowss['eu_codes']['status'][$status_array[1]]; $realm_status['language'] = $status_array[2]; $realm_status['type'] = $wowss['eu_codes']['type'][$status_array[3]]; if($status_array[4] != 'false') $realm_status['population'] = 'max'; } if(!$realm_status['status']) $realm_status['status'] = 'error'; if(!$realm_status['population']) $realm_status['population'] = 'error'; if(!$realm_status['type']) $realm_status['type'] = 'error'; if($realm_status['status'] == 'down') $realm_status['population'] = 'offline'; } else $realm_status['script_errors'][] = 'Unable to access XML file.'; } else $realm_status['script_errors'][] = 'Data Path Error.'; if($wowss['display'] == 'full') { unset($update); clearstatcache(); if(file_exists($wowss['data_path'].strtolower(wow_ss_sfn($realm_status['realm'].' '.$wowss['region'])).'.'.$wowss['image_type'])) { if(time()-($wowss['update_timer']*60) > filemtime($wowss['data_path'].strtolower(wow_ss_sfn($realm_status['realm'].' '.$wowss['region'])).'.'.$wowss['image_type'])) $update = true; } else $update = true; if($update) { ## Write image if($wowss['show_language'] == 'yes') $wowss[$realm_status['type']] .= ' '. trim(strtoupper($realm_status['language'])); if(strtolower($wowss['region']) == 'eu' and !$realm_status['show_language']) $wowss[$realm_status['type']] .= ' '. trim(strtoupper($realm_status['language'])); wow_ss_image($realm_status,$wowss); } if(!headers_sent()) { ## Write headers and image if script is called from img tag if($wowss['image_type'] == 'png') { header("Content-type: image/png"); $image = imagecreatefrompng($wowss['data_path'].strtolower(wow_ss_sfn($realm_status['realm'].' '.$wowss['region'])).'.'.$wowss['image_type']); imagepng($image); } elseif($wowss['image_type'] == 'gif') { header("Content-type: image/gif"); $image = imagecreatefromgif($wowss['data_path'].strtolower(wow_ss_sfn($realm_status['realm'].' '.$wowss['region'])).'.'.$wowss['image_type']); imagegif($image); } } else echo '<img alt="WoW Server Status for '. $realm_status['realm'] .'" src="'. $wowss['data_path'].strtolower(wow_ss_sfn($realm_status['realm'].' '.$wowss['region'])).'.'.$wowss['image_type'] .'" />'; } if($wowss['display'] == 'half') { if(count($realm_status['script_errors']) or $realm_status['status'] == 'error') $realm_status['status'] = 'unknown'; if(!headers_sent()) { ## Write headers and image if script is called from img tag if($wowss['image_type'] == 'png') { header("Content-type: image/png"); $image = imagecreatefrompng($wowss['data_path'].$realm_status['status'].'.'.$wowss['image_type']); imagepng($image); } elseif($wowss['image_type'] == 'gif') { header("Content-type: image/gif"); $image = imagecreatefromgif($wowss['data_path'].$realm_status['status'].'.'.$wowss['image_type']); imagegif($image); } } else echo '<img alt="WoW Server Status for '. $realm_status['realm'] .'" src="'. $wowss['data_path'].$realm_status['status'].'.'.$wowss['image_type'] .'" />'; } if($wowss['display'] == 'text') { if($wowss['show_language'] == 'yes') $wowss[$realm_status['type']] .= ' ('. trim(strtoupper($realm_status['language'])) .')'; if(strtolower($wowss['region']) == 'eu' and !$realm_status['show_language']) $wowss[$realm_status['type']] .= ' ('. trim(strtoupper($realm_status['language'])) .')'; if(count($realm_status['script_errors'])) { echo '<u>'. $realm_status['realm'] .'</u>'; foreach ($realm_status['script_errors'] as $value) echo ' '.$value; } else { if($realm_status['status'] != 'error') echo '<u>'. $realm_status['realm'] .'</u> '. $wowss[$realm_status['type']] .': <b>'. $wowss[$realm_status['status']] .' | '. $wowss[$realm_status['population']] .'</b>'; else echo '<u>'. $realm_status['realm'] .'</u> Error contacting server.'; } } if($wowss['display'] == 'none') { return $realm_status; } } function wow_ss_image ($realm_status,$wowss) { ## Error control if($realm_status['status'] == 'down') $realm_status['population'] = 'offline'; if($realm_status['status'] == 'error' or count($realm_status['script_errors'])) { $realm_status['status'] = 'unknown'; $realm_status['population'] = 'error'; } if($realm_status['type'] == 'error') unset($realm_status['type']); ## Set Default Fonts if(!$wowss['server_font']) $wowss['server_font'] = 'silkscreen.ttf'; if(!$wowss['type_font']) $wowss['type_font'] = 'silkscreenb.ttf'; $server_font = $wowss['data_path'].$wowss['server_font']; $type_font = $wowss['data_path'].$wowss['type_font']; ## Get and combine base images, set colors if($wowss['image_type'] == 'png') $back = imagecreatefrompng($wowss['data_path'].$realm_status['status'].'.png'); if($wowss['image_type'] == 'gif') $back = imagecreatefromgif($wowss['data_path'].$realm_status['status'].'.gif'); $backwidth = imagesx($back); if($wowss['image_type'] == 'png') $bottom = imagecreatefrompng($wowss['data_path'].strtolower($realm_status['status']).'2.png'); if($wowss['image_type'] == 'gif') $bottom = imagecreatefromgif($wowss['data_path'].strtolower($realm_status['status']).'2.gif'); if($wowss['image_type'] == 'png') $realm_status['population'] = imagecreatefrompng($wowss['data_path'].strtolower($realm_status['population']).'.png'); if($wowss['image_type'] == 'gif') $realm_status['population'] = imagecreatefromgif($wowss['data_path'].strtolower($realm_status['population']).'.gif'); $full = imagecreate($backwidth,(imagesy($bottom))); $bg = imagecolorallocate($full, 0, 255, 255); $red = imagecolorallocate($full,204,0,0); // HIGH Red color imagecolortransparent($full,$bg); imagecopy($full,$back,0,0,0,0,$backwidth,imagesy($back)); imagecopy($full,$bottom,0,imagesy($back),0,0,imagesx($bottom),imagesy($bottom)); $back = $full; $textcolor = imagecolorallocate($back, 51, 51, 51); $shadow = imagecolorclosest($back, 255, 204, 0); imagecopy($back,$realm_status['population'],0,0,0,0,imagesx($realm_status['population']),imagesy($realm_status['population'])); ## Ouput centered $server name $maxw = 62; $box = imagettfbbox(6,0,$server_font,$realm_status['realm']); $w = abs($box[0]) + abs($box[2]); if ($w > $maxw) { $i = $w; $t = strlen($realm_status['realm']); while ($i > $maxw) { $t--; $box = imagettfbbox (6, 0,$server_font,substr($realm_status['realm'],0,$t)); $i = abs($box[0]) + abs($box[2]); } $t = strrpos(substr($realm_status['realm'], 0, $t), " "); $output[0] = substr($realm_status['realm'], 0, $t); $output[1] = ltrim(substr($realm_status['realm'], $t)); $vadj = -6; } else $output[0] = $realm_status['realm']; $i = 0; foreach($output as $value) { $box = imagettfbbox(6,0,$server_font,$value); $w = abs($box[0]) + abs($box[2]); imagettftext($back, 6, 0, round(($backwidth-$w)/2)+1, 58+($i*+$vadj, $shadow, $server_font, $value); imagettftext($back, 6, 0, round(($backwidth-$w)/2), 57+($i*+$vadj, -$textcolor, $server_font, $value); $i++; } ## Ouput centered $realm_status['type'] if ($realm_status['type'] and !$err) { $realm_status['type'] = $wowss[$realm_status['type']]; $box = imagettfbbox(6,0,$type_font,$realm_status['type']); $w = abs($box[0]) + abs($box[2]); imagettftext($back, 6, 0, round(($backwidth-$w)/2)+1, 85, $shadow, $type_font, $realm_status['type']); imagettftext($back, 6, 0, round(($backwidth-$w)/2), 84, -$textcolor, $type_font, $realm_status['type']); } if($wowss['image_type'] == 'png') imagepng($back,$wowss['data_path'].strtolower(wow_ss_sfn($realm_status['realm'].' '.$wowss['region'])).'.png'); if($wowss['image_type'] == 'gif') imagegif($back,$wowss['data_path'].strtolower(wow_ss_sfn($realm_status['realm'].' '.$wowss['region'])).'.gif'); imagedestroy($back); } function wow_ss_sfn($text) { ## Returns safe text for inserting into file name return str_replace(' ','_',preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9- ]/','',$text)); } if(basename(__FILE__) == basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) wow_ss(); ?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ripkjs Posted April 16, 2009 Author Share Posted April 16, 2009 Failing to see the phpfreaks here at these forums No one would like to take 10 mins and skim over the code? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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