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Parse Error


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I am getting a parse error from the functions.php page. Could anyone help me with this plz.


Parse error: parse error in C:\wamp\www\website\functions.php on line 50


function pf_validate_number($value, $function, $redirect) {
if(isset($value) == TRUE) {
if(is_numeric($value) == FALSE) {
$error = 1;
if($error == 1) {
header("Location: " . $redirect);
else {
$final = $value;
else {
if($function == 'redirect') {
header("Location: " . $redirect);
if($function == "value") {
$final = 0;
return $final;
function showcart()
$custsql = "SELECT id, status from
orders WHERE customer_id = "
. " AND status < 2;";
$custres = mysql_query($custsql);
$custrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($custres);
$custrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($custres);
$itemssql = "SELECT products.*, orderitems.*, orderitems.id AS
itemid FROM products, orderitems WHERE orderitems.product_id =
products.id AND order_id = " . $custrow['id'];
$itemsres = mysql_query($itemssql);
$itemnumrows = mysql_num_rows($itemsres);
$itemnumrows = mysql_num_rows($itemsres);
$custsql = "SELECT id, status from orders
WHERE session = '" . session_id()
"' AND status < 2;";
$custres = mysql_query($custsql);
$custrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($custres);
$itemssql = "SELECT products.*,
orderitems.*, orderitems.id AS itemid
FROM products, orderitems WHERE
orderitems.product_id = products.id AND
order_id = " . $custrow['id'];
$itemsres = mysql_query($itemssql);
$itemnumrows = mysql_num_rows($itemsres);
If no SESS_ORDERNUM variable is available, the $itemnumrows variable is set to 0:
$itemnumrows = mysql_num_rows($itemsres);
$itemnumrows = 0;
$itemnumrows = 0;
if($itemnumrows == 0)
echo "You have not added anything to your shopping cart yet.";
If $itemnumrows has a value, the items are displayed:
echo "You have not added anything to your shopping cart yet.";
echo "<table cellpadding='10'>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Item</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Quantity</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Unit Price</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Total Price</strong></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "</tr>";
while($itemsrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($itemsres))
$quantitytotal =
$itemsrow['price'] * $itemsrow['quantity'];
echo "<tr>";
if(empty($itemsrow['image'])) {
echo "<td><img
src='./productimages/dummy.jpg' width='50' alt='"
. $itemsrow['name'] . "'></td>";
else {
echo "<td><img src='./productimages/" .
$itemsrow['image'] . "' width='50' alt='"
. $itemsrow['name'] . "'></td>";
echo "<td>" . $itemsrow['name'] . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $itemsrow['quantity'] . "</td>";
echo "<td><strong>£"
. sprintf('%.2f', $itemsrow['price'])
. "</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>£"
. sprintf('%.2f', $quantitytotal) . "</strong></td>";
echo "<td>[<a href='"
. $config_basedir . "delete.php?id="
. $itemsrow['itemid'] . "'>X</a>]</td>";
echo "</tr>";
$total = $total + $quantitytotal;
$totalsql = "UPDATE orders SET total = "
. $total . " WHERE id = "
$totalres = mysql_query($totalsql);
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "<td>TOTAL</td>";
echo "<td><strong>£"
. sprintf('%.2f', $total) . "</strong></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "<p><a href='checkout-address.php'>Go to the checkout</a></p>";

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there was about 4 errors when I ran this script through phpDesigner.


here is the fixed script...

function pf_validate_number($value, $function, $redirect) {
if(isset($value) == TRUE) {
if(is_numeric($value) == FALSE) {
$error = 1;
if($error == 1) {
header("Location: " . $redirect);
else {
$final = $value;
else {
if($function == 'redirect') {
header("Location: " . $redirect);
if($function == "value") {
$final = 0;
return $final;
function showcart()
$custsql = "SELECT id, status from
orders WHERE customer_id = "
. " AND status < 2;";
$custres = mysql_query($custsql);
$custrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($custres);
$custrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($custres);
$itemssql = "SELECT products.*, orderitems.*, orderitems.id AS
itemid FROM products, orderitems WHERE orderitems.product_id =
products.id AND order_id = " . $custrow['id'];
$itemsres = mysql_query($itemssql);
$itemnumrows = mysql_num_rows($itemsres);
$itemnumrows = mysql_num_rows($itemsres);
$custsql = "SELECT id, status from orders WHERE session = '" . session_id() . "' AND status < 2;";
$custres = mysql_query($custsql);
$custrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($custres);
$itemssql = "SELECT products.*,
orderitems.*, orderitems.id AS itemid
FROM products, orderitems WHERE
orderitems.product_id = products.id AND
order_id = " . $custrow['id'];
$itemsres = mysql_query($itemssql);
$itemnumrows = mysql_num_rows($itemsres);
// If no SESS_ORDERNUM variable is available, the $itemnumrows variable is set to 0:
$itemnumrows = mysql_num_rows($itemsres);
if($itemnumrows == 0)
echo "You have not added anything to your shopping cart yet.";
echo "<table cellpadding='10'>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Item</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Quantity</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Unit Price</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Total Price</strong></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "</tr>";
while($itemsrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($itemsres))
$quantitytotal =
$itemsrow['price'] * $itemsrow['quantity'];
echo "<tr>";
if(empty($itemsrow['image'])) {
echo "<td><img
src='./productimages/dummy.jpg' width='50' alt='"
. $itemsrow['name'] . "'></td>";
else {
echo "<td><img src='./productimages/" .
$itemsrow['image'] . "' width='50' alt='"
. $itemsrow['name'] . "'></td>";
echo "<td>" . $itemsrow['name'] . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $itemsrow['quantity'] . "</td>";
echo "<td><strong>£"
. sprintf('%.2f', $itemsrow['price'])
. "</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>£"
. sprintf('%.2f', $quantitytotal) . "</strong></td>";
echo "<td>[<a href='"
. $config_basedir . "delete.php?id="
. $itemsrow['itemid'] . "'>X</a>]</td>";
echo "</tr>";
$total = $total + $quantitytotal;
$totalsql = "UPDATE orders SET total = "
. $total . " WHERE id = "
$totalres = mysql_query($totalsql);
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "<td>TOTAL</td>";
echo "<td><strong>£"
. sprintf('%.2f', $total) . "</strong></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "<p><a href='checkout-address.php'>Go to the checkout</a></p>";

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function pf_validate_number($value, $function, $redirect) {
if(isset($value) == TRUE) {
if(is_numeric($value) == FALSE) {
$error = 1;
if($error == 1) {
header("Location: " . $redirect);
else {
$final = $value;
else {
if($function == 'redirect') {
header("Location: " . $redirect);
if($function == "value") {
$final = 0;
return $final;
function showcart()
$custsql = "SELECT id, status from
orders WHERE customer_id = "
. " AND status < 2;";
$custres = mysql_query($custsql);
$custrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($custres);
$custrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($custres);
$itemssql = "SELECT products.*, orderitems.*, orderitems.id AS
itemid FROM products, orderitems WHERE orderitems.product_id =
products.id AND order_id = " . $custrow['id'];
$itemsres = mysql_query($itemssql);
$itemnumrows = mysql_num_rows($itemsres);
$itemnumrows = mysql_num_rows($itemsres);
$custsql = "SELECT id, status from orders WHERE session = '" . session_id() . "' AND status < 2;";
$custres = mysql_query($custsql);
$custrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($custres);
$itemssql = "SELECT products.*,
orderitems.*, orderitems.id AS itemid
FROM products, orderitems WHERE
orderitems.product_id = products.id AND
order_id = " . $custrow['id'];
$itemsres = mysql_query($itemssql);
$itemnumrows = mysql_num_rows($itemsres);
// If no SESS_ORDERNUM variable is available, the $itemnumrows variable is set to 0:
$itemnumrows = mysql_num_rows($itemsres);
if($itemnumrows == 0)
echo "You have not added anything to your shopping cart yet.";
echo "<table cellpadding='10'>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Item</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Quantity</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Unit Price</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Total Price</strong></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "</tr>";
while($itemsrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($itemsres))
$quantitytotal =
$itemsrow['price'] * $itemsrow['quantity'];
echo "<tr>";
if(empty($itemsrow['image'])) {
echo "<td><img
src='./productimages/dummy.jpg' width='50' alt='"
. $itemsrow['name'] . "'></td>";
else {
echo "<td><img src='./productimages/" .
$itemsrow['image'] . "' width='50' alt='"
. $itemsrow['name'] . "'></td>";
echo "<td>" . $itemsrow['name'] . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $itemsrow['quantity'] . "</td>";
echo "<td><strong>£"
. sprintf('%.2f', $itemsrow['price'])
. "</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>£"
. sprintf('%.2f', $quantitytotal) . "</strong></td>";
echo "<td>[<a href='"
. $config_basedir . "delete.php?id="
. $itemsrow['itemid'] . "'>X</a>]</td>";
echo "</tr>";
$total = $total + $quantitytotal;
$totalsql = "UPDATE orders SET total = "
. $total . " WHERE id = "
$totalres = mysql_query($totalsql);
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "<td>TOTAL</td>";
echo "<td><strong>£"
. sprintf('%.2f', $total) . "</strong></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "<p><a href='checkout-address.php'>Go to the checkout</a></p>";

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wow ok, something different happened there, can now see the web page  :) but now got a few more errors displaying now.


Notice: Undefined variable: itemnumrows in C:\wamp\www\website\functions.php on line 61

You have not added anything to your shopping cart yet.

Your shopping cart


Notice: Undefined index: SESS_LOGGEDIN in C:\wamp\www\website\functions.php on line 28


Notice: Undefined variable: itemsres in C:\wamp\www\website\functions.php on line 43


Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\wamp\www\website\functions.php on line 43


Go to the checkout


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ok try this...

function pf_validate_number($value, $function, $redirect) {
if(isset($value) == TRUE) {
if(is_numeric($value) == FALSE) {
$error = 1;
if($error == 1) {
header("Location: " . $redirect);
else {
$final = $value;
else {
if($function == 'redirect') {
header("Location: " . $redirect);
if($function == "value") {
$final = 0;
return $final;
function showcart()
$custsql = "SELECT id, status from
orders WHERE customer_id = "
. " AND status < 2;";
$custres = mysql_query($custsql);
$custrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($custres);
$custrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($custres);
$itemssql = "SELECT products.*, orderitems.*, orderitems.id AS
itemid FROM products, orderitems WHERE orderitems.product_id =
products.id AND order_id = " . $custrow['id'];
$itemsres = mysql_query($itemssql);
$itemnumrows = mysql_num_rows($itemsres);
$itemnumrows = mysql_num_rows($itemsres);
$custsql = "SELECT id, status from orders WHERE session = '" . session_id() . "' AND status < 2;";
$custres = mysql_query($custsql);
$custrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($custres);
$itemssql = "SELECT products.*,
orderitems.*, orderitems.id AS itemid
FROM products, orderitems WHERE
orderitems.product_id = products.id AND
order_id = " . $custrow['id'];
$itemsres = mysql_query($itemssql);
$itemnumrows = mysql_num_rows($itemsres);
// If no SESS_ORDERNUM variable is available, the $itemnumrows variable is set to 0:
$itemnumrows = mysql_num_rows($itemsres);
if($itemnumrows == 0)
echo "You have not added anything to your shopping cart yet.";
echo "<table cellpadding='10'>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Item</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Quantity</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Unit Price</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Total Price</strong></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "</tr>";
while($itemsrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($itemsres))
$quantitytotal =
$itemsrow['price'] * $itemsrow['quantity'];
echo "<tr>";
if(empty($itemsrow['image'])) {
echo "<td><img
src='./productimages/dummy.jpg' width='50' alt='"
. $itemsrow['name'] . "'></td>";
else {
echo "<td><img src='./productimages/" .
$itemsrow['image'] . "' width='50' alt='"
. $itemsrow['name'] . "'></td>";
echo "<td>" . $itemsrow['name'] . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $itemsrow['quantity'] . "</td>";
echo "<td><strong>£"
. sprintf('%.2f', $itemsrow['price'])
. "</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>£"
. sprintf('%.2f', $quantitytotal) . "</strong></td>";
echo "<td>[<a href='"
. $config_basedir . "delete.php?id="
. $itemsrow['itemid'] . "'>X</a>]</td>";
echo "</tr>";
$total = $total + $quantitytotal;
$totalsql = "UPDATE orders SET total = "
. $total . " WHERE id = "
$totalres = mysql_query($totalsql);
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "<td>TOTAL</td>";
echo "<td><strong>£"
. sprintf('%.2f', $total) . "</strong></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "<p><a href='checkout-address.php'>Go to the checkout</a></p>";

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Nope, still getting the following errors lol


Notice: Undefined variable: itemnumrows in C:\wamp\www\website\functions.php on line 61

You have not added anything to your shopping cart yet.

Your shopping cart


Notice: Undefined index: SESS_LOGGEDIN in C:\wamp\www\website\functions.php on line 28


Notice: Undefined variable: itemsres in C:\wamp\www\website\functions.php on line 43


Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\wamp\www\website\functions.php on line 43


Go to the checkout


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function pf_validate_number($value, $function, $redirect) {
if(isset($value) == TRUE) {
if(is_numeric($value) == FALSE) {
$error = 1;
if($error == 1) {
header("Location: " . $redirect);
else {
$final = $value;
else {
if($function == 'redirect') {
header("Location: " . $redirect);
if($function == "value") {
$final = 0;
return $final;
function showcart()
$custsql = "SELECT id, status from
orders WHERE customer_id = "
. " AND status < 2;";
$custres = mysql_query($custsql);
$custrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($custres);
$custrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($custres);
$itemssql = "SELECT products.*, orderitems.*, orderitems.id AS
itemid FROM products, orderitems WHERE orderitems.product_id =
products.id AND order_id = " . $custrow['id'];
$itemsres = mysql_query($itemssql);
$itemnumrows = mysql_num_rows($itemsres);
$custsql = "SELECT id, status from orders WHERE session = '" . session_id() . "' AND status < 2;";
$custres = mysql_query($custsql);
$custrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($custres);
$itemssql = "SELECT products.*,
orderitems.*, orderitems.id AS itemid
FROM products, orderitems WHERE
orderitems.product_id = products.id AND
order_id = " . $custrow['id'];
$itemsres = mysql_query($itemssql);
$itemnumrows = mysql_num_rows($itemsres);
// If no SESS_ORDERNUM variable is available, the $itemnumrows variable is set to 0:
$itemnumrows = mysql_num_rows($itemsres);
if(isset($itemnumrows) && $itemnumrows == 0)
echo "You have not added anything to your shopping cart yet.";
echo "<table cellpadding='10'>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Item</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Quantity</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Unit Price</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Total Price</strong></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "</tr>";
while($itemsrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($itemsres))
$quantitytotal =
$itemsrow['price'] * $itemsrow['quantity'];
echo "<tr>";
if(empty($itemsrow['image'])) {
echo "<td><img
src='./productimages/dummy.jpg' width='50' alt='"
. $itemsrow['name'] . "'></td>";
else {
echo "<td><img src='./productimages/" .
$itemsrow['image'] . "' width='50' alt='"
. $itemsrow['name'] . "'></td>";
echo "<td>" . $itemsrow['name'] . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $itemsrow['quantity'] . "</td>";
echo "<td><strong>£"
. sprintf('%.2f', $itemsrow['price'])
. "</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>£"
. sprintf('%.2f', $quantitytotal) . "</strong></td>";
echo "<td>[<a href='"
. $config_basedir . "delete.php?id="
. $itemsrow['itemid'] . "'>X</a>]</td>";
echo "</tr>";
$total = $total + $quantitytotal;
$totalsql = "UPDATE orders SET total = "
. $total . " WHERE id = "
$totalres = mysql_query($totalsql);
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "<td>TOTAL</td>";
echo "<td><strong>£"
. sprintf('%.2f', $total) . "</strong></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "<p><a href='checkout-address.php'>Go to the checkout</a></p>";

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oooo something new has appeared    :) we are getting there slowly hehe


Notice: Undefined variable: itemsres in C:\wamp\www\website\functions.php on line 72


Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\wamp\www\website\functions.php on line 72


Notice: Undefined variable: total in C:\wamp\www\website\functions.php on line 110


Item Quantity Unit Price Total Price


                              TOTAL £0.00

Go to the checkout


Your shopping cart


Notice: Undefined index: SESS_USERID in C:\wamp\www\website\functions.php on line 30


Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\wamp\www\website\functions.php on line 33


Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\wamp\www\website\functions.php on line 34


Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\wamp\www\website\functions.php on line 39


Go to the checkout




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lol your script is hard to read with everything being right up against the left margin. The script has countless problems, I recommend going through it all 1 line at a time, checking variables are set before they are called. It's mostly just the variables that aren't set, which are causing the problems.


Make sure each variable is given a value, and if not, then make sure one is set.

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I suggest recoding it yourself starting off with the basics of selecting the data, once you know how that is achieved then you can move onto manipulating the data.


on php.net read up on...

- session_start();

- mysql_num_rows();

- mysql_fetch_array();

- mysql_query();

- if() { }

- else { }

- $_POST

- $_GET

- $variables

- array()

- echo


they are the most basics parts of PHP that you will need. Then you can start putting them into practice.


// start the session

// check the user is logged in
if(isset($_SESSION['userid'])) {

// select the data from the MySQL tables, Limit how many records you select, Order By a column to organise the data
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `orders`,`products`, `whatever` WHERE `something`='somethingelse' LIMIT 1 ORDER BY `somecolumn`") or die(mysql_error());

// if there is records
if(mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) {

// throw the results into an array
$row = mysql_fetch_array($query);

// display the products or whatever that you selected from the database above in the mysql_query();
echo $row['someTableColumn'];

// if there is not any records
} else {
echo "There is no records";

// if the user isn't logged in
} else {
echo "You are not logged in!";

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